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Former Disputationes

hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

Disputationes 19: October 08, 2021, Teams


Disputationes 18 : May 06, 2021. Teams


Disputationes 17 : October 22, 2020. Teams


Disputationes 16 : February 20, 2020. Leiden

Disputationes 15 : June 7, 2019, Leuven


Disputationes 14: October 3, 2018, LLN

Disputationes 13: February 9, 2018, Leiden

Disputationes 12: June 16, 2017, LLN

Disputationes 11: January 20, 2017, Leuven


Disputationes 10: June 10, 2016, LLN

Danielle Schwartz (Louvain), Avons-nous vraiment pris au sérieux les exigences de la justice entre classes d'âge?
Anne-France Colla (Louvain), How does the inelasticity of the legal person’s situation impacts on the protection of her legitimate expectations?
George Pavlakos (Glasgow), The Proto-legal Relation: A Normative Compass in a Globalised World
Gregor Clunie (Glasgow), Adventures in elective austerity: recovering the constitutive neoliberal state.
Anne Polkamp (Leuven), Collective Harm and Causal Inefficacy: a Problem for the Consequentialist?
Lode Cossaer (Leuven)
Eric Boot (Leiden), Why classified Public Whistleblowing Is a pro tanto Wrong

Disputationes 9: December 11, 2015, Leuven

Nicolas Brando (Leuven), The emancipation of children: How far are we allowed to go to promote a child's potential?
Axel Gosseries (UCLouvain), Ageing, longevity and intergenerational justice
Andrew Georgiou (U Antwerpen), When is the authority of international norms successful in establishing legitimate obligations?
Michael Jewkes (Leuven), What's wrong with opinion poll democracy?
Eric Boots (Leiden), Whistleblowing: when does a pro tanto wrong become right overall?
Irem Kirac (UA), The World Trade Organization and Legitimacy: Global Law, Democracy and Civil Society
Johan Olsthoorn (Leuven), What Mathias Risse gets wrong about Grotius
Georgia du Plessis (UA), Religious Pluralism and Taylor’s politics of recognition
Tim Meijers (UCL), Closed Borders as a population policy?

Disputationes 8: June 12, 2015, Antwerpen

Alexia Herwig / Irem Kirac (Antwerpen), "Equal Inclusion versus Uncertainty in International Negotiations as a Problem of Democratic Equality: The Case of the WTO and Developing Countries"
Samuele Chilovi (Antwerpen/Pompeu Fabra), “The Semantics of 'According to the law’”
Maxime Lambrecht (Louvain-la-Neuve), “The Danger of Law Enforcement by Technical Means”
Danielle Schwartz (Louvain-la-Neuve), “Does the French "Generation Contract" Violate Fair Equality of Opportunities?”
Sergi Morales (Leuven), “Just Common Sense: Towards a Republican Theory of Linguistic Justice”
Helder De Schutter (Leuven), “The Wrong of Apartheid”
Floris Mansvelt-Beck (Leiden), “Toleration, Freedom of Expression, and the PEN-Award Protest”
Luo Yizhong (Leiden), ”Political Obligation as a Perversion: On Raz’s Theory of Moral Attitude towards the Law”

Disputationes 7: December 19, 2014, Leiden

Glen Newey (UL)
Siba Harb (KUL) The fairness principle: when can we appeal to it?
Luo Yizhong (UL) I Should Not be a Free Rider, nor am I Obligated to Obey
Martin Deleixhe (KUL) Kant and Marx walk into a bar. A dialogue between cosmopolitanism & internationalism
Richard Latta (UA) On the Philosophy of International Law
Tim Meijers (UCL) Migrants by Plane and Migrants by Stork: can we exclude one but not the other?
Floris Mansvelt Beck (UL) The Direction of Constraints in Liberal Theory
Danielle Zwarthoed (UCL) Social Justice and the Determinants of Intelligence
Ozge Akarsu (UA) On Spinoza’s political philosophy

Disputationes 6: December 6, 2013, LLN

Lyle Smith (University of Leiden) 'Culpability and Moral Luck'
Tria Gkouvas (Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp) ‘Authority and Coercion: An Explanatory Gap’
Tim Meijers (PhD-fellow UCL) ‘Is the leximin rule anti-natalist?’
Esma Baycan (PhD-fellow Leuven/Bilkent) ‘Rethinking social cohesion alongside immigration’
Floris Mansvelt Beck (University of Leiden) 'Conscience, autonomy, and the moral value of groups in contemporary liberal theory'
Sebastian Baldinger (Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp) ‘Understanding Laws and the Laws of Understanding’
Danielle Zwarthoed (Hoover Fellow UCL) ‘Creating Frugal Citizens. Education, intergenerational justice and liberalism.’
Mathijs van de Sande (PhD-fellow Leuven) ‘Zwarte Piet and Racism’

Disputationes 5: June 7, 2013, Leuven

IÑIGO GONZÁLEZ (Louvain): What, if anything, is wrong with political short-termism?
HAYE HAZENBERG (Leuven): The Legitimacy of International Law: a Kantian solution
CENAY AKIN (Antwerp): On the Responsibility of Corporate Bodies
THOMAS FERRETTI (Louvain): Why and to what extent are we justified to restrict or regulate freedom of association?
TRIA GKOUVAS (Antwerp): Enforceability Without Authority? Yes, We Can!
JOHAN OLSTHOORN (Leuven): The Labour Theory of Property as a Principle of Distributive Justice

Disputationes 4:  November, 29,  2012, Antwerpen

Sylvie Loriaux (Postdoctoral Fellow, Universiteit Nijmegen), Deception, Right, and International Relations: a Kantian Reading
Juliana Bidadanure (Univ. of York/UCL- Hoover Chair Visitor), Which inequalities between generations matter?
Erik De Bom (FWO Postdoctoral Fellow, KU Leuven), Do we need a Lingua Franca for European Social Justice?
Thierry Ngosso (UCL - Hoover Chair Member/UCAC - CERJUSP), Can a Firm be considered as First Agents of Justice?
Sarah Stefanutti (FWO PhD Fellow, KU Leuven), Challenging the Sacred Principle that We Must All Pay Our Debts: A Case for Debt Forgiveness.
Corrado Roversi (Professor of Law, University of Bologna/ UA-LCV Visitor)
Antonino Rotolo (Professor of Law, University of Bologna/UA-LCV Visitor)
Interpreting Legal Concepts as Systems of Constitutive Rules

Disputationes 3: June 14, 2012, LLN

Borja Barragué (PhD student in Law, U. Autónoma de Madrid & Hoover Chair, UCL) - Inequality and the current great recession
Piet Goemans (PhD student, Ripple, KU Leuven) - Nations and Their Territory?
Alexia Herwig (postdoctoral fellow, CLCV - UA) - Subsidiarity
Thomas Ferretti (Hoover Chair, UCL - CRSH PhD Fellow) - Why should we regulate firm structure from a Rawlsian perspective? An argument about incentives
Haye Hazenberg (FWO PhD Fellow, Ripple, KU Leuven) - Human Rights Agency in Global JusticeMarco
Goldoni (postdoctoral fellow, CLCV - UA) - The Role of Parliaments in the EU
Tim Meijers (Hoover Chair, UCL – ARC PhD Fellow) - The scope of procreative rights

Disputationes 2: September 15,  2011, Leuven

Thierry Ngosso (UCL): Are Vulture Funds Necessarily Unfair?
Tim Meijers (UCL): Is There a Rawlsian “just population” Principle?
Michael Jewkes (K.U.Leuven): On the Need For Nationality
Jean-François Grégoire (K.U.Leuven): A Republican Argument for Federalism
Nicholas Vrousalis (UCL): Exploitation, Force, and Fairness
Axel Gosseries (UCL): Two Arguments on Firm Ownership
Crispino Akakpo (K.U.Leuven): Global justice and the harm principle: what special responsibilities are owed to immigrants?
Helder De Schutter (K.U.Leuven): Mandatory Citizenship for Immigrants

Disputationes 1: March 12, 2010, LLN

Marco Goldoni, In Defence of Constitutional Politics
Sylvie Loriaux ( and Alexia Herwig (, Trade in Services and Labour: How to Make Opportunities Equal?
John Pearson (CLCV), David Miller and Global Justice: Two Concepts of Exploitation?
David Restrepo Amariles ( (Centre Perelman), Constitutionalizing Global Law : A normative theory of law in times of Globalization
Igor Caldeira (Chaire Hoover), Bargaining Societies: a bridge between Hayek’s legal theory and Stakeholder theory
Nicholas Vrousalis (Chaire Hoover), Between Triviality and Insensitivity : Against the Will Theory of Rights