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Fair Inheritance Workshop #4

hoover | Louvain-la-Neuve

7 May 2021, modifié le 6 December 2024

Évènement associé

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Fair Inheritance Workshop #4
25 Jun
Programme :  13h30-14h20: Mélanie Plouviez & Marie Bastin, "The Rignano principle in inheritance taxation: Philosophical arguments and contemporary uses" Resp: Guido Erreygers 14h20-15h10: Alejandro Berrotaran, Is the right to bequeath a basic liberty? Resp: Leonardo Menezes 15h10-15h30: Break 15h30-16h20: Antoine Germain, Economic theories of bequests taxation and fairness Resp: Manu
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Fair Inheritance Workshop #4
25 Jun
Programme :  13h30-14h20: Mélanie Plouviez & Marie Bastin, "The Rignano principle in inheritance taxation: Philosophical arguments and contemporary uses" Resp: Guido Erreygers 14h20-15h10: Alejandro Berrotaran, Is the right to bequeath a basic liberty? Resp: Leonardo Menezes 15h10-15h30: Break 15h30-16h20: Antoine Germain, Economic theories of bequests taxation and fairness Resp: Manu