JPI-OCEANS – Transnational Joint Call for proposals on “Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment”
uclouvain |
DL: 28/02/2022 - Date limite de soumission des propositions à l'appel transnational "JPI - OCEANS - Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment"
L'appel JPI Oceans lié au bruit sous-marin est ouvert. Cet appel se focalise sur deux thématiques :
- Theme 1: Effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on marine ecosystems
- Theme 2: Innovative seismic sources as an option for quieter and effective alternatives to conventional marine geophysical exploration
L’appel est dit transnational car le consortium sera international avec chaque partenaire financé par l’agence de financement nationale/régionale auprès de laquelle il est éligible. Pour les équipes UCLouvain, le bailleur de fonds est BELSPO.
Modalités de l’appel
- Lien vers l'appel
- Clôture : soumission des propositions pour le 28/02/2022 (15:00 CET)
- Consortium: avec des partenaires issus de minimum 2 pays différents participant à l’appel (il est recommandé d’impliquer plus que 2 pays).
- Pays participants :
- Belgium
- Allemagne
- Irlande
- Italie
- Norvège
- Espagne
- Pologne
- Roumanie
- Pays participants :
- Chaque partenaire du projet est financé par l'agence de financement nationale/régionale participante.
- Budget total par projet : app. 2M (dont max. 250k pour les partenaires belges d’un même projet)
- Chaque agence de financement a posé ses propres règles de financement.
- Durée : max. 36 mois.
Règles et documents BELSPO
- Les règles budgétaires du programme BRAIN-BE 2.0. sont d’application.
- Le budget maximal pour les partenaires belges d’un même consortium est de 250k EUR.
- Frais de personnel : (At least 60% of the total proposal's budget has to be devoted to staff)
Si le personnel n’est pas identifié, les coûts de personnel sont limités à:- 6,075 €/month FTE for a scientist with a Master's degree (regardless of years of experience)
- 7,500 €/month FTE for a scientist with a PhD (regardless of years of experience)
- 4,200 €/month FTE for a technician/Bachelor (regardless of years of experience)
BELSPO prefers staff to be hired under a labour contract. However tax-free doctoral or post doctoral scholarships can be exceptionally accepted under the following restricted conditions. The total number of tax-free scholarships per project is limited to max. 50% of the number of staff financed within said project. In any case, there shall not be more than 2 tax-free scholarships/project. Tax-free scholarships refer to a grant subject to tax exemption under the tax laws. The costs for scholarships are limited to a maximum amount of:
- 4,050 €/month FTE for a tax-free doctoral scholarship (regardless of years of experience)
- 5 250 €/month FTE for a tax-free postdoctoral scholarship (regardless of years of experience)
- Equipement : à acheter dans la première moitié du projet
- General Operating Costs: taux forfaitaire de 10% des coûts de personnel (15% en cas de coordination)
- Specific Operating costs : Des Coûts de fonctionnement spécifiques peuvent être prévus pour l’exécution de tâches spécifiques au projet
- Overheads=PAFG (à prévoir !) : 5% de la somme coûts de personnel et frais de fonctionnement
- Subcontarcting : max. 25% du budget du partenaire belge
Contact BELSPO : David Cox - Tel: +32 (0)2 238.34.03.
Personne de contact UCLouvain
- M. Pierre Mersch (Tel: +32 (0)10/47.92.44) se tient à votre disposition pour toute:
• information complémentaire à propos de cet appel;
• aide pour le montage de votre projet : montage du budget, lecture pour s'assurer de la cohérence avec l'appel, soutien administratif, ...
Pour le traitement statistique de vos données
- Le SMCS (plateforme de support statistique de l’UCLouvain - demande de support) se tient également à votre disposition pour toute question relative au recueil et à l’analyse de vos données.
DL: 28/02/2022 - Closing date for the transnational call "JPI - OCEANS - Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment"
The transnational call for proposals JPI Oceans 2022 on on underwater noise in the marine environment is open. The call will address two main challenges in the field through activities that may focus on:
- Theme 1: Effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on marine ecosystems
- Theme 2: Innovative seismic sources as an option for quieter and effective alternatives to conventional marine geophysical exploration.
This call for proposals is transnational i.e. the consortium shall involve partners from different countries ; each partner will be financed directly by its national/regional funding agency. i.e. Belspo for UCLouvain.
Terms of the call
- General information about the JPI OCEANS 2022 on Underwater Noise in the Marine environment call for proposals
- Deadline : 28/02/2022 (15 :00 CET)
- Consortium: Each application must involve eligible research partners and/or industry partners from at least two participating countries; Involvement of more countries is, however, encouraged. No maximum number of partners is specified
- Each partner is funded directly by its regional/national funding agency.
- Max total per project : max 2M (max. 250k for Belgian partners in the same project)
- Participating countries/regions :
- Belgium
- Germany
- Ireland
- Italy
- Norway
- Spain
- Poland
- Romania
- Each national/regional funding agency has its own financial rules.
- Project duration: max. 36 months.
BELSPO specific Rules and documents : BELSPO
- Financial Rules : BRAIN-BE 2.0’s financial rules are applicable
- Maximum budget : Within a single project proposal, the maximum Belgian contribution can be up to 0,25 Mio. €
- Staff costs: (At least 60% of the total proposal's budget has to be devoted to staff). If the staff is not identified by name in the proposal, staff costs are limited to the following amounts:
- 6,075 €/month FTE for a scientist with a Master's degree (regardless of years of experience)
- 7,500 €/month FTE for a scientist with a PhD (regardless of years of experience)
- 4,200 €/month FTE for a technician/Bachelor (regardless of years of experience)
BELSPO prefers staff to be hired under a labour contract. However tax-free doctoral or post doctoral scholarships can be exceptionally accepted under the following restricted conditions. The total number of tax-free scholarships per project is limited to max. 50% of the number of staff financed within said project. In any case, there shall not be more than 2 tax-free scholarships/project. Tax-free scholarships refer to a grant subject to tax exemption under the tax laws. The costs for scholarships are limited to a maximum amount of:
- 4,050 €/month FTE for a tax-free doctoral scholarship (regardless of years of experience)
- 5 250 €/month FTE for a tax-free postdoctoral scholarship (regardless of years of experience)
- Equipment needs to be purchased in the first half of the project
- General Operating Costs: 10% flat rate of personnel costs (15% in case of coordination)
- Specific Operating costs : can be calculated for specific operating costs to execution of the project tasks
- Overheads=PAFG (mandatory !) : 5% of the total staff and operating costs
- Subcontracting : max 25% of the total budget allocated to the Belgian partner concerned.
Contact BELSPO : David Cox (02 238 34 03)
Contact UCLouvain
Pierre Mersch (TEL: +32 (0)10 47 92 44)
Statitical analysis of research data
- The SMCS (UCLouvain's statistical support platform - Support request) is also at your disposal for any questions regarding the collection and analysis of your data.