Les publications scientifiques des chercheur.euse.s de l'IRSS sont accessibles sur DIAL
Articles récents :
- Kasongo, B., Mukalay, A., Molima, C. et al. Community perceptions of a biopsychosocial model of integrated care in the health center: the case of 4 health districts in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo. BMC Health Serv Res 23, 1431 (2023).
- Wollast R, Schmitz M, Bigot A, Speybroeck N, Lacourse É, de la Sablonnière R, Luminet O. Trajectories of health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal analysis of handwashing, mask wearing, social contact limitations, and physical distancing. Psychol Health. 2023 Nov 20:1-28.
- Khalifeh R, D'Hoore W, Saliba C, Salameh P, Dauvrin M. Healthcare bias and health inequalities towards displaced Syrians in Lebanon: a qualitative study. Front Public Health. 2023 Nov 30;11:1273916.
- Kayiba NK, Tshibangu-Kabamba E, Rosas-Aguirre A, Kaku N, Nakagama Y, Kaneko A, Makaba DM, Malekita DY, Devleesschauwer B, Likwela JL, Zakayi PK, DeMol P, Lelo GM, Hayette MP, Dikassa PL, Kido Y, Speybroeck N. The landscape of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum malaria in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a mapping systematic review. Trop Med Health. 2023 Nov 15;51(1):64.
- D'hondt S, Ajoulat I, Degryse JM. Development and Validation of a Revised Ambivalent Ageism Scale for Use in the Health Care Sector: The AAShc. Gerontologist. 2023 Oct 17:gnad136.