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Nano-Geodynamics: Bridging Atomic Scale Mechanisms and Mantle Convection

immc | Louvain-la-Neuve

13 November 2024, modified on 18 December 2024

Évènement associé

Nano-Geodynamics: Bridging Atomic Scale Mechanisms and Mantle Convection
17 Jan
  The primary geological phenomena that impact our planet's surface are now elucidated in the context of plate tectonics. However, this planetary dynamic is not the norm when we examine the other terrestrial planets in our solar system. It is becoming increasingly evident that this is one of the prerequisites for the emergence of life on a planetary body.
Nano-Geodynamics: Bridging Atomic Scale Mechanisms and Mantle Convection
17 Jan
  The primary geological phenomena that impact our planet's surface are now elucidated in the context of plate tectonics. However, this planetary dynamic is not the norm when we examine the other terrestrial planets in our solar system. It is becoming increasingly evident that this is one of the prerequisites for the emergence of life on a planetary body.