Administrative Organization

Bruxelles Woluwe

The LDRI Management Committee  is composed of a President (Giulio Muccioli) and three Vice-Presidents (Patrice CaniBénédicte Jordan, Françoise Van Bambeke) elected by the LDRI Council.

MuccioliGiulio       VanBambekeFrançoise

G. Muccioli


P. Cani


B. Jordan


F. Van Bambeke

The Bureau and the Council ensure the proper functioning of the Institute and are responsible for all major decisions concerning the LDRI.

The Bureau is composed of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Institute and representatives of the temporary scientific (1), administrative and technical staff(1) and academic (2) elected by their peers.

The Council is composed of the permanent scientific and academic LDRI members and representatives of the scientific (3), administrative and technical staff (2). It elects the President and three Vice-Presidents.