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Photo of Emilie Banse
Emilie Banse
Aspirante FNRS


  1. Petit, G., Germeau, N., Amory, A., Banse, E., Deschietere, G., Luts, A., Moreau, G., Billieux, J., De Timary, P. (2024). Situational and personal predictors of mental health outcomes amog healthcare workers during Covid-19: differences between nurses and physicians. Psychiatria Danubina, 36(1), 94-108. 10.24869/psyd.2024.94
  2. Kentish-Barnes, N., Poujol, A.-L., Banse, E., Deltour, V., Goulenok, C., Garret, C., Renault, A., Souppart, V., Renet, A., Cariou, A., Friedman, D., Chalumeau-Lemoine, L., Guisset, O., Merceron, S., Monsel, A., Lesieur, O., Pochard, F., & Azoulay, E. (2023). Giving a voice to patients at high risk of dying in the intensive care unit: A multiple source approach. Intensive Care Medicine
  3. McPeake, J., Kentish-Barnes, N., Banse, E., Anderson, L., Cuzco, C., Azoulay, E., Quasim, T., Castro, P., & Puxty, K. (2023). Clinician perceptions of the impact of ICU family visiting restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international investigation. Critical care, 27(1), 33.
  4. Banse, E., Petit, G., Cool, G., Durbecq, J., Hennequin, I., Khazaal, Y. & de Timary, P. (2022). Case study: developing a strategy combining human and empirical interventions to support resilience of healthcare workers exposed to a pandemic in an academic hospital. Frontiers in Psychiatry
  5. Petit, G., Germeau, N., Amory, A., Banse, E., Deschietere, G., Luts, A., Moreau, G., Billieux, G. & de Timary, P. Situational and personal predictors of mental health outcomes among health care workers during COVID-2019: Differences between nurses and physicians. Psychiatria Danubina
  6. Bigot, A., Banse, E., Cordonnier, A. and Luminet, O.(2021). Sociodemographic, Cognitive, and Emotional Determinants of Two Health Behaviors during SARS- CoV-2 Outbreak: An Online Study among French- Speaking Belgian Responders during the Spring Lockdown. Psychologica Belgica, 61(1), pp.63– 78.
  7. Naviaux AF, Banse E, Guedes A, Janne P, Gourdin M. What a catch! A case report on denial and myocardial infarction. (2021). J Clin Images Med Case Rep. 2(2): 1066.
  8. Luminet, O., Fantini-Hauwel, C., Banse, E., Bigot, A.,& Preece, D. (2021). French Translation of the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire.
  9. Banse, E., Bigot, A., Valkeneer, C. D., Lorant, V., Luminet, O., Nicaise, P., Smith, P., Tubeuf, S., & Wuillaume, A. (2020). Quelques enseignements sur les impacts sociaux et économiques de la stratégie de réponse à la pandémie du coronavirus en Belgique. 8. Louvain médical, Vol. 139, no. 05-06, p. 375- 382.


  1. Banse, E. "La culture médicale : enjeux pour le bien-être des médecins" [Invited Speaker for hospital seminar, 2024, December 149]. Rencontres Médecins du CHR Sambre et Meuse. Namur, Belgium.
  2. Banse, E. "On the impact of the medical culture on women in medicine [Invited Speaker for podcast, 2024, December 19]. Vital Signs: Thriving as a Woman in Medicine. Online
  3. Banse, E. "Transmettre la culture médicale : enjeux pour le bien-être des médecins de demain" [Invited Speaker for training, 2024, December 14]. Formation des Maitres de Stages de Médecine Générale (DMG) de l'ULB. Brussels, Belgium.
  4. Banse, E. "Transmettre la culture médicale : enjeux pour le bien-être des médecins de demain" [Invited Speaker for training, 2024, December 7]. Formation des Maitres de Stages de Médecine Générale (DMG) de l'ULiège. Liège, Belgium.
  5. Banse, E., de Timary, P. & Mikolajczak, M. (2024, November 26). Harmful dimensions of medical culture in relation to physician burnout: a cross-sectional study" [Poster Presentation]. Colloque: Le burnout dans différents contextes (AFPSA). Paris, France.
  6. Banse, E; Kothonidis, K; Médecins en Diculté. "Sur le bien-être des médecins et l’importance d’en parler" [Invited speaker for lecture, 2024, November 25]. TP Bien-être Psychologie générale et médicale: Faculté de médecine de l'UNamur. Namur, Belgium. 
  7. Banse, E. "Investiguer le rôle de la culture médicale dans le burnout des médecins" [Oral Presentation, 2024, November 16]. Congrès de Médecine Générale (CMG). Namur, Belgium.
  8. Banse, E. "Transmettre la culture médicale : enjeux pour le bien-être des médecins de demain" [Invited Speaker for training, 2024, October 29]. Formation des Maitres de Stages de Médecine du Réseau Santé Louvain. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
  9. Banse, E. "Physician, Heal Thy Culture: Assessing the Role of Medical Culture in
  10. Physician Burnout " [Oral Presentation, 2024, October 17]. International Conference on Physician Health (ICPH). Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  11. Banse, E.; de Timary, P. & Mikolajczak, M. "Harmful dimensions of the medical culture and their relation to physician burnout" [Oral Presentation, 2024], May 30. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS). Brussels, Belgium.
  12. Banse, E. "Sensibiliser à la culture médicale et son inuence sur le bien-être et la santé des médecins " [Invited Speaker for training, 2024, April 18]. Formation des Maitres de Stage du Master de Médecine générale. Namur, Belgium.
  13. Banse, E. "La culture médicale, le bien-être des (futurs) médecins et le prendre soin de soi " [Invited speaker for lecture, 2024, March 28]. Psychologie générale et médicale: Faculté de médecine de l'UCL. Woluwe, Belgium.
  14. Banse, E. "Le rôle de la culture médicale dans le bien-être et la santé des médecins" [Invited speaker for lecture, 2023, November 14]. Séminaire de Sciences Humaines: Faculté de médecine de l'UCL. Woluwe, Belgium.
  15. Banse, E., de Timary, P. & Mikolajczak, M. (2023, March 17). "You are a doctor. You cannot stop. You must hold on." Physicians' professional culture, health behaviors and mental
  16. health symptoms [Poster Presentation]. Open Minds: Psych Young Researchers Day. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
  17. Banse, E., Petit, g., de Timary, P. & Mikolajczak, M. (2023, March 17). Burnout and associated factors among hospital staff members [Poster Presentation]. Biennial Symposium of the Psychological Committee of the Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium. Brussels, Belgium.
  18. Banse, E., Bigot, A., Luminet, O. Determinants of health behaviors during Covid-19 outbreak [Oral Presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS). Online.


Year Label School
2019 Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
2021 Master en sciences psychologiques clinique et de la santé Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
2022 Certificat universitaire en sciences psychologiques (40 crédits) Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)



Doctoral training in Psychological Sciences - Faculty of Psychology - UCLouvain 

Thesis subject: Medical culture and physician well-being

Supervisors: Prof. Philippe de Timary, MD. & Prof. Moïra Mikolajczak

2022 - /


University Certificate in Psychological Sciences - Faculty of Psychology – UCLouvain

Clinical and research internships with exchange in Paris, France

2021 – 2022


M.Sc. in Clinical and Health Psychology - Faculty of Psychology – UCLouvain

Grade: Summa Cum Laude (Ranked 3rd in the program).

Title of the Master's thesis: Denial in coronary heart diseases (Supervisors : Prof. Pascal Janne & Prof. Maximilien Gourdin, MD. – Grade 19.5/20)

2019 – 2021     


B.Sc. in Psychological Sciences - Faculty of Psychology – UCLouvain

Grade: Magna Cum Laude

2019 – 2016


CESS - Sint-Jan-Berchmanscollege Brussels

Majors in Latin and modern languages, Dutch School

Grade: Magna Cum Laude

2016 – 2010


Research experience


Research jobist, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc (Brussels, Belgium)

Collecting and analyzing data regarding well-being among health professionals of the institution

Collaborators: Prof. Philippe de Timary, MD.; Geraldine Petit

June 2022 – Sept 2022


Research trainee, Famiréa research group of the APHP Hospital of Saint-Louis (Paris, France) 

Conducting focus groups with health professionals of ICU, interviews with patients and family members with qualitative analysis of data

Collaborators: Nancy Kentish Barnes; Pr. Joanne McPeake; Pr. Elie Azoulay, MD.

Feb 2022 - May 2022


Research trainee, IPSY – UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium) Research group of Pr. Olivier

Luminet in Health Psychology. 

Quantitative research projects on alexythimia and health behaviors during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Feb 2020 - June 2020


Experience in clinical psychology


Clinical trainee, Intensive Care Unit of the APHP Hospital of Saint-Louis (Paris, France) 

Psychological follow-up of patients, families and healthcare teams

Supervisor: Anne Renet

Feb 2022 - May 2022


Clinical trainee, Palliative Care Unit of the Cliniques de l’Europe (Brussels, Belgium) 

Psychological follow-up of patients, families and healthcare teams

Supervisor: Olivier Bury

Sep 2021 - January 2022


Clinical trainee, Units of Cardiology, Pulmonary Transplant and Intensive Care of the CHU Mont-

Godinne (Mont-Godinne, Belgium) 

Psychological follow-up of patients, families and healthcare teams Supervisor: Virginie Laloux

Sep 2020 - January 2021




International Conference on Physician Health (ICPH 2024) (Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada)

Co-organized by the American, Canadian and British Medical Associations

Oct. 2024


Teaching and supervisory experience


Substitute professor in medical psychology - Faculty of Medicine of the UCLouvain (Brussels, Belgium)

Instructor: Pr. M.Mikolajczak

Feb. 2025 – Sep. 2025


Psychology internship tutorials - Faculty of Psychology of the UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)

Tutor for 3 clinical internships in hospitals (palliative care, severe disability, oncology)

Jan. 2024 – Sep. 2024


Co-promoter of a Master Thesis - Faculty of Psychology of the UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)

Thematic: Burnout in physicians, between professional ideal and social prescriptions – in co-promotion with Pr. M. Mikolajczak

March 2023 – June 2024


Supervisor of summer preparatory school in Psychology - Faculty of Psychology of the UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)

Aug. 2022 – Sep. 2022


Supervisor of exam preparation period-  Faculty of Psychology of the UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)

Dec. 2020 – May 2021


Awards and fundings


FNRS Research Fellowship - Renewal (Oct. 2024)

FWB funding - Participation to a scientific meeting (July 2024)

FNRS funding - Credit to participate in a scientific meeting abroad (June 2024)

FNRS Research Fellowship (Oct. 2022)


Additional trainings

Research seminar in empirical clinical and health psychology - Doctoral school of Psychology (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)

Jan. 2024 – June 2024


Introduction to Nvivo software

SMCS (UCLouvain) – online

June 2024 


Supporting traumatized people: Theoretical and practical foundations

Training Institute for Psychology & Health – online

August 2024


What does it mean to be a researcher in the 21st century ?

UGhent interuniversity course (Ghent, Belgium)

May 2023


Replicability in Psychological Sciences

Doctoral school of Psychology (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium)

Feb. 2023 – April 2023


Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

John Hopkins University – online (Coursera)

Feb. 2023


Year Label School
2019 Bachelier en sciences psychologiques et de l'éducation Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
2021 Master en sciences psychologiques clinique et de la santé Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
2022 Certificat universitaire en sciences psychologiques (40 crédits) Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)