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Photo of Marnik Vanclooster
Marnik Vanclooster
Professeur ordinaire


Year Label School
1989 Ingénieur agronome en génie rural Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique)
1995 Docteur en agronomie et sciences biologiques appliquées Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique)

Learning units for 2024

Label Code
Integrated project in programming and applied mathematics LBIR1271
Transfer of fluids and energy for Bio-engineer LBIR1325
Climatology and hydrology applied to agronomy and the environment LBIR1328
Integrated project in water and soil resources management LBIRE2233
Engineering of the water and the pollutants in grounds and groundwaters LBRES2102
Integrated water management of water resources LBRES2204
Soil and water resources management and environmental technologies professional seminars + excursion LBRES2218
Integrated exercises in environmental science and technology LBRTE2102
Water-food Nexus : modeling and analysis LNEEA2220

Integrated water resource management - Diffuse pollution - Sanitation

Study of the movement of water, matter and solutes in an unsaturated environment with a view to quantifying water availability for plants, movement towards groundwater and the transfer of solutes.
and the transfer of solutes.

Integration of the various hydrological processes around a hydrological entity: catchment area, reservoir, water table, region. Development and application of
water management models.

Hydro-ecological wastewater treatment


Ongoing PhD projects

  • Bah Alousseynou. Bilan environnemental de l’utilisation des pesticides sur les ressources en eau dans les périmètres irrigués de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal et du Bassin
    du lac de Guiers.
  • Sabi Kidirou Gbedourou. Nitrogen dynamic in intensive rice-cropping systems in lowland areas of Benin: characterization and modelling
  • Mathias Tidjani. Optmisation de la gestion opérationnelle de l'eau dans les bas-fonds: etude de cas des bas-fonds soudaniennes du Bénin.
  • Francois Toussaint. Advancing knowledge of the limnology of Lake Tanganyika and African Great Lakes using historical remote sensing observations
  • Bio Zoumé. Optimal water resources management in inland-valley agroecological rice systems of the Mono and Couffo (southern Benin).

Finished PhD projects 

Finished projects 

  • RW-FIRST, 1998-2001. Incorporating decision makers' knowledge in a reservoir management model
  • RW-DGRNE,1997-1999. Mobilité des nitrates au-dessous des Cultures Agricoles
  • FNRS-CC, 1998. Etude expérimentale de transport d'eau et des traceurs non-réactifs
  • UCL-FSR, 1997. Développement d'un modèle physique intégré des ressources en eau de Louvain-la-Neuve, Phase I.
  • UCL-FSR, 1998. Developpement d'un modèle intégré du cycle de l'eau à Louavin-la-Neuve, Phase II.
  • UCL-COHY,1996. Surveillance des ressources en eau à Louvain-la-Neuve
  • UCL-FDP, 1997. Support pédagogique pour le cours d'hydrodynamique
  • EU-DGVI, 1996. Development of the FOCUS leaching ground water scenarios
  • Ministère d'agriculture, DG 4 1999-2000. Développement d'une SAD et scénarios appuyant l'autorisation des produits phyto-sanitaires
  • EU/FP5/Quality of Life, 1999-2002. Effective approaches for Assessing the Predicted Environmental COncentrations of Pesticides
  • EU/FP5/Energy, Environment, 1999-2002. Development of an optical detection system for diseases in field crops
  • EU-COST, 2001-2005. Indicators of the fate and impact of water pollution in natural porous media at different scales
  • EU-COST, 1997-2001. Chemiodynamics in groundwater systems
  • UCL-FSR, 2000. Modélisation de la propagation des EM's dans les milieux poreux hétérogènes naturels
  • EU-FP5/Energy, Environment,1999-2002. MULti-sectoral, INtegrated decision support system for sustainable use of water resources
  • EU-FP5/INCO, 2002-2004. Development of technologies for sustainable plant production in environmentally constrained systems
  • FNRS – CC, 2001. Modélisation unidimensionnelle de la signature du ground penetrating radar dans des sols
  • Ministère d'agriculture, DG 4 2001-2002. Evaluation et transfert de technologie de PELEP
  • SSTC-PODO II, 2002-2005. Cadre général pour l'évaluation des niveaux de durabilité dans les systèmes agricoles belges
  • UCL-FSR, 2002-2003. Integrated water management
  • RIVM, 2003. Development of meta-modelling approaches for pesticide emission to groundwater.
  • RW-DGRNE, 2003-2005. Cartographie de la vulnerabilté des produits phytosanitaires
  • EU-FP6/Strep 2003-2006. Alert, Sustainable water management by remote sensing technology.
  • EU-FP6/Strep 2003-2006. HAIR :Harmonised indicators for pesticide risk assessment.
  • UCL-FSR, 2005-2007. Strategies for the adaptation of agricultural practices to reduce dispersion of agrochemicals in the environment
  • FNRS – FRFC ,2005-2007. Caractérisation du transfert de solutés en milieux poreux naturels à l’échelle macroscopique par la tomographie par résistivité électrique
  • Ministère d'agriculture, DG 4, 2006. Upgrading the SAD Pelep III
  • CGRI-WABRUMA, 2007-2009.Gestion et surveillance de la qualité des sols et des eaux en zones irriguées (cas de Tadla) : Variabilité spatio-temporelle des principaux facteurs influençant la qualité des sols et des eaux.
  • CUD-CIUF-PIC, 2007-2011. Création d’un Centre de compétence en Eaux Souterraines à l’Université du Burundi (CESOUB).
  • SSTC-Stereo, 2007-2011. Hydrasens: Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for surface water management
  • FNRS-CC, 2007-2008. Caractérisation isotopique de la pollution des nappes des sables du Bruxellien.
  • DGARNE, 2008-2009. Vers des indicateurs de fonctionnement du sol (INFOSOL) : développement d’une approche méthodologique pour la caractérisation du fonctionnement des sols dans le cadre de la stratégie thématique en faveur de la protection des sols.
  • CUD-CIUF-CUI, 2008-2012. Eau et environnement, Activité P2, CUI UMP Oujda
  • ARC-FSR, 2009-2014. The hillslope as elementary unit for regional scale modelling of soil organic carbon
  • SPF, 2011-2012. Actualisation de l’outil d’estimation des concentrations en produits phytopharmaceutiques dans les eaux souterraines en Belgique
  • IAEA, 2012-2014. Diagnostic de la pollution des eaux souterraines de la nappe de Kinshasa: Une approche croisée par méthodes physico-chimiques, analyses isotopiques et modélisation mathématique
  • WBI-Tunisie, 2012-2014. Renforcement de la formation supérieure et de la recherche en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau de la Medjerda
  • WBI-Maroc, 2010-2014. Observatoire de l’eau et de l’environnement
  • WBI-Mastère Impact, 2012-2014.Master spécialisé évaluation environnementale (MS2E)
  • IBGE, 2012-2013. Etude relative à la pollution de la masse d’eau du Bruxellien par les nitrates dans la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale : Etat des lieux et essai d’identification des sources de pollution
  • DGARNE – PGDA, 2014. Evaluation de l’impact du PGDA sur les profils de nitrate en zone non-saturée à grande profondeur : développement méthodologique
  • VLM-IMDC, 2014. New generation hydrological models
  • DGTRE-RW, 2014-2016. Conception et dimensionnement d'un filtre planté bi-couches avec abattement de l'azote
  • EU-FP7, CLIMB, 2010-2014. Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basin
  • FSR, 2014. Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basin
  • FSR – Marie Curie Cofund , 2012.Replacing bare fallow with cover crops in irrigated Mediterranean maize cropping system: implications for soil hydrologic and carbon turnover functions
  • DGD 2013-2016, KLIMOS – Generating Capacity for the Sustainability Transition
  • WBI – Maroc, 2016-2018. Programme de Formation Continue Certifié dans le domaine d’Evaluation Environnementale (PFCCEE).
  • FSR, 2016-2017. Mapping of agricultural pressure on groundwater resources on the continental scale of Africa: Methodological development, implementation and validation
  • VLM-IMDC. 2016. Statistische analyse voor de inzichten van de goede of slechte kwaliteit van water in bepaalde gebieden
  • IBGE, 2017-2018. Caractérisation de la pollution par des nitrates dans masse d’eau souterraine des sables du Bruxellien/Ypresien en Région Bruxelles-Capitale
  • DGD, 2017-2018. KLIMOS – Generating Capacity for the Sustainability Transition
  • FSR- Louvain4Water, 2016-2017. Etude comparative des cas de rivalités d’usage de la ressource en eau au niveau des bassins du Lebna et de la Medjerda en Tunisie : activation des règles et état de la ressource
    SPW – DG, 2016-2018. EPUSOL, Epuration par les sols en Région wallonne
  • WBI Tunisie, 2016-2018. Renforcement de la formation supérieure et de la recherche en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau de la Medjerda, Phase 2
  • ARES-CCD-VLIR-DGD-PSR 2020-2022 KLIMSEC Climate and Security
  • ARES-CCD-VLIR-DGD-PSR 2021 Morocco-Nexus development/climate
  • ARES-CCD-VLIR-DGD-PSR, 2019-2021. Water-Nexus : Value to society and economy through sustainable water nexus management in partner countries of the Belgian Development cooperation




Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Bouvier, Christophe ; Ouessar, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Al-Ansari, Nadhir ; El-Hendawy, Salah ; Mattar, Mohamed A.. Evaluating the Spatial and Temporal Transferability of Model Parameters of a Distributed Soil Conservation Service–Soil Moisture Antecedent–Simple Lag and Route Model for South Mediterranean Catchments. In: Water, Vol. 17, no.4, p. 569 (2025). doi:10.3390/w17040569.

Tidjani, Akominon ; Tovihoudji, Pierre ; Akponikpe, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Systematic Synthesis of Knowledge Relating to the Hydrological Functioning of Inland Valleys in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Water, Vol. 17, no.2, p. 193 (2025). doi:10.3390/w17020193. doi:


El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing Spatio-Temporal Hydrological Impacts of Climate Change in the Siliana Watershed, Northwestern Tunisia. In: Atmosphere, Vol. 15, no.10, p. 1209 (2024). doi:10.3390/atmos15101209.

Chaabane, Safa ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Slama, Emna ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the Performance of a Citizen Science Based Water Quality Monitoring Program for Nitrates Using Test Strips Implemented in the Medjerda Hydrosystem in Northern Tunisia. In: Hydrology, Vol. 11, no.1, p. 6 (2024). doi:10.3390/hydrology11010006.

Sounon Orou, Bio Zime ; Adjogboto, André ; Zakari, Sissou ; Tovihoudji, Pierre G. ; Akponikpè, P. B. Irénikatché ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Improving rice yield and water productivity in lowland rice systems: A global meta‐analysis exploring the synergy of agro‐ecological practices and water management technologies. In: Irrigation and Drainage, (2024). doi:10.1002/ird.3005.

Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice ; Frendy Koropitan, Alan . Wavelet-based analysis of hydro-climatic and vegetation dynamics in heterogeneous agro-climatic zones of East Africa. In: Journal of Water and Climate Change, Vol. 15, no.8, p. 4054-4075 (2024). doi:10.2166/wcc.2024.257.


Vanclooster, Marnik. Educational resources supporting advanced water resources agency. IARTEM Conference (Université Paris Cité, 30/05/2024).

Saraswati, Anita ; Lecocq, Thomas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimating hydrological variations from geophysical insights. 8th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2024 (University of Liège, du 11/09/2024 au 13/09/2024).


Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Habarugira, Viateur ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ndimubandi, Jean ; F. Koropitan, Alan ; Nkurunziza, Jean de Dieu. Confronting climate change and livelihood: smallholder farmers’ perceptions and adaptation strategies in northeastern Burundi. In: Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 23, no.1 (2023). doi:10.1007/s10113-022-02018-7.

Ramahaimandimby, Sandratra Zonirina ; Randriamaherisoa, Alain ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Driving Factors of the Hydrological Response of a Tropical Watershed: The Ankavia River Basin in Madagascar. In: Water, Vol. 15, no.12, p. 2237 (2023). doi:10.3390/w15122237.

Alonso, Alice ; Froidevaux, Manuel ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Fine-resolution profile-scale data to depict the impact of tillage treatment and machine traffic on agricultural soil structure and hydrologic properties. In: Data in Brief, Vol. 51, p. 109759 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.dib.2023.109759.

Ali, Zaineb ; Dahri, Noura ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mehmandoostkotlar, Ali ; Labbaci, Adnane ; Ben Zaied, Mongi ; Ouessar, Mohamed. Hybrid Fuzzy AHP and Frequency Ratio Methods for Assessing Flood Susceptibility in Bayech Basin, Southwestern Tunisia. In: Sustainability, Vol. 15, no.21, p. 15422 (2023). doi:10.3390/su152115422.

El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Impact of land use land cover changes on flow uncertainty in Siliana watershed of northwestern Tunisia. In: CATENA, Vol. 220, p. 106733 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.catena.2022.106733. doi:

Vanclooster, Marnik. L’eau du robinet contaminée par une substance très toxique en Wallonie : “Ces produits sont cancérigènes !”. In: La Dernière Heure - Les Sports, Vol. 9/11/23, p. 8 (2023).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Pollution - Première cure de désintox. In: Le Vif - L'Express, Vol. 08/03/2023, p. 83 (2023).


Issoufou Ouedraogo ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pascal Boexk ; Yuliya Vystavna. Exploring Machine Learning techniques to identify nitrate sources in groundwater in National Mouhoun basin in Burkina Faso the case of the Kou watershed. International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology (Vienna, Austria, du 03/07/2023 au 07/07/2023).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Shaping research and innovation in the Circle U Climate Knowledge Hub. Una Europa – Circle U Conference (Berlin, 06/12/2023).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Shaping research and innovation in the Circle U Climate Knowledge Hub. 7th Circle U National Conference, “ Creating Now the University of Tomorrow – Looking Back to Move Ahead with Circle U. and the (The Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium, 24/10/2023).

Vanclooster, Marnik. The different colours of water in Belgium. Séminaire: “L’eau, c’est la vie » organisé par l'Association pour les Nations Unies (Etterbeek - Bruxelles, 12/10/2023).


Vanclooster, Marnik. "La plus grande crise dont personne ne parle": se dirige-t-on vers un monde sans eau potable ?. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. Edition du 06/02/2022 (2022).

Alonso, Alice ; Froidevaux, Manuel ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. A hybrid method for characterizing tillage-induced soil physical quality at the profile scale with fine spatial details. In: Soil and Tillage Research, Vol. 216, p. 105236 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.still.2021.105236.

Delforge, Damien ; de Viron, Olivier ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel ; Watlet, Arnaud. Detecting hydrological connectivity using causal inference from time series: synthetic and real karstic case studies. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 26, no.8, p. 2181-2199 (2022). doi:10.5194/hess-26-2181-2022.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Faire pousser ses légumes sans une seule goutte d’eau ? "C’est du bullshit". In: La Libre Belgique, , no.24/08/2022, p. 18 (2022).

Bouklab, Mohammed ; Bougherira, Nabil ; Djabri, Larbi ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Kadir, Mokrane. Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process for groundwater potential mapping in a Mediterranean catchment: the case of the Medjerda catchment in northeast Algeria. In: Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 15, no.19 (2022). doi:10.1007/s12517-022-10714-1.

Vanclooster, Marnik. La guerre et la sécheresse risquent de causer des problèmes d'approvisionnement. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. 21 et 22 mai 2022, p. 4 (2022).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Les « rejetons » d’un pesticide polluent l’eau des régions betteravières. . In: La Libre, Vol. 26/11/2022, p. 27 (2022).

Vanclooster, Marnik. PFAS: des polluants présents jusque dans l’eau de pluie. In: La Libre Belgique, Vol. 19/08/2022, p. 17 (2022).

Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rhouma, Oussama ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Chaabane Ep Riahi, Safa ; Bouzidi, Makram ; Gasmi, Jawaher ; Belhaj Kilani, Amani. Participatory monitoring of river flows. . In: Faster project - Fact sheet, (2022).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Pluie de pollution. In: Moustique, , no.31 août 2022, p. 36 (2022).

Ramahaimandimby, Sandratra Zonirina ; Randriamaherisoa, Alain ; Jonard, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Reliability of Gridded Precipitation Products for Water Management Studies: The Case of the Ankavia River Basin in Madagascar. In: Remote Sensing, Vol. 14, no.16, p. 3940 (2022). doi:10.3390/rs14163940.


Chaabane, Safa ; Fehri, Raed ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Involvement of Citizens in the Measurements of Water Salinity Using Test Kits in the Medjerda Watershed (Northern Tunisia). In: Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation : Water-Energy-Nexus in the Ecological Transition, 2022 Springer Nature : Switzerland , 2022, p. 241-243. 9783031008078. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-00808-5_55. doi:

Lambert, Richard ; Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Évaluation de l’effet de l’APL sur la qualité de l’eau par l’analyse de profils de nitrate en zone non saturée à grande profondeur. In: Christophe Vandenberghe et Marion Delesalle, Retours d’expérience autour du REH/RDD/APL, Presses universitaires de Liège (Agronomie-Gembloux) & ULiège Library, 2022. 978-2-87019-310-5 - 978-2-87016-180-7.


Riahi K. ; S. Chaabane ; S. Khlifi ; E. Slama ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of Nitrates Water Quality Test Strips in a Citizen Science Based Monitoring Program in the Medjerda Watershed (Northern Tunisia).. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).

Verstraeten, Elise ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice. Characterising trend changes of groundwater quality in Wallonia (Belgium). EGU General Assembly 2022 (Vienne, du 23/05/2022 au 28/05/2022).

Verstraeten, Elise. EGERIEC Evaluation et gestion des risques de pollution des ressoucres en eau des captages wallons. Journée de l'eau - CEBEDEAU (Liège, 10/11/2022).

Belhaj Kilani, Amani ; S. Khlifi ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimation of Crops’ Water Consumption by Remote Sensing: SEBAL Model Calculations Versus Ground Observation in the Irrigated Area of Lakhmass (Siliana, Northern Tunisia). Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).

Ali, Zaineb ; El Ghoul, Imen ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; M. Ouessar. Evaluation and Comparison of Rainfall Data for Semi-Arid Bayech Basin with GPM IMERG/TRMM 3B42 Rainfall Products.. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).

Verstraeten, Elise ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice. Identifying and explaining trend reversals of groundwater nitrate concentrations in Wallonia (Belgium). Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals (Paris, du 18/05/2022 au 20/05/2022).

Vanclooster, Marnik. La sécheresse en Wallonie. conférence des bourgmestres et élus territoriaux de la Wallonie Picarde. (Tournai, 10/06/2022).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Low cost technologies supporting water resources management and planning in the climate-stressed Global South. Euro-Case Annual conference: ‘FROM OPEN SCIENCE TO INNOVATION AN ENGINEERING CHALLENGE FOR EUROPE’ (Bruxelles, 19/09/2022).

Bah, Alousseynou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Faye1, Serigne. Pesticides residues accumulation in freshwater, sediments, and fish in the Guiers Lake basin: Risks for Senegal's strategic water reservoir. SA Hydrological Society (South Africa, du 10/10/2022 au 12/10/2022).

Gader K. ; A. Gara ; S. Khlifi ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Projected Drought under Climate Change Using Deep Learning in a Semiarid Mediterranean Region (Medjerda, Northern Tunisia).. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).

Gara A. ; K. Gader ; S. Khlifi ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; C. Bouvier. Quantifying Climate Variability for Actual and Projected Conditions in a Large South Mediterranean Catchment.. Soil and Water resources management for Combating Desertification in Drylands under Climate Change (SWDCC 2022) (Djerba Island, Tunisia, du 14/06/2022 au 17/06/2022).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Uncertainty propagation in the climate hydrological modelling chain. Invited lecture. Global Changes and Water Resources: Past, Present and Future”. (Pisa, Italy, du 26/05/2022 au 27/05/2022).


Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Challenges of groundwater pollution and management in transboundary basins at the African scale. In: Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, Vol. 384, p. 69-74 (2021). doi:10.5194/piahs-384-69-2021.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Journée mondiale de l'eau: quelle est la valeur de l'eau?. In: ARES Actualités, , p. 1-14 (2021).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Liège et Dinant/Namur: deux inondations impressionnantes aux profils bien différents. In: Le Soir, , p. 25/07/2021 (2021).

Riahi, Khalifa ; Chaabane Ep Riahi, Safa ; Khlifi; Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Fehri, Raed ; Slama, Emna. Participatory water quality monitoring. In: Faster Project - Fact Sheets, (2021).

Delforge, Damien ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Van Camp, Michel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Time-series clustering approaches for subsurface zonation and hydrofacies detection using a real time-lapse electrical resistivity dataset. In: Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 184, p. 104203 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104203.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Water availability in Belgium, a topic of concern?. In: Shayp publications, (2021).


Chaabane, Safa ; Fehri, Raed ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of Citizen's Measurements Using Test Strips for Water Quality in Medjerda Watershed (Northern Tunisia). In: Giuseppe Arduino and Nicole Webley, IHP, UNESCO, Youth and Water Security in Africa, UNESCO: Nairobi, Kenya, 2021, p. 196-201.


Ridley, Simon ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Frippiat, Christophe ; Morize, Arnauld ; Couly, Benoît ; Thyrion, Thibaut ; François, Sébastien. 50 years of grounwdwater management and observations in Louvain-la-Neuve. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).

Belhaj Kilani, Amani ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of the impact of contour ridge benches on the soil water content in the watershed of wadi Siliana (Medjerda basin, Northern Tunisia). 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (Sousse, Tunisia, du 10/06/2021 au 13/06/2021). In: Proceedings, , p. 91 (2021).

Verstraeten, Elise ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Collection and analysis of historical data for empirically assessing water pollution risks of Walloon catchments. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).

El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine. Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Silia. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).

El Ghoul, Imen ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Combined effects of climate and land use change on hydrological alteration of a Mediterranean catchment: case study of the Siliana catchment. ELI-Day 2021 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 26/05/2021 au 28/05/2021).

Alonso, Alice ; Bielders, Charles ; froidevaux, Manuel ; Javaux, Mathieu ; laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Depicting the effect of tillage treatments and vehicle traffic on the agricultural soil physical quality with a high level of spatial details. JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DE INVESTIGACIÓN by the Institute for Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain (Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, du 22/11/2021 au 26/11/2021).

Sellami, Haykel ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Drought Regional Frequency Mapping in Tunisia. 3rd Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC 2021) (www, du 22/03/21 au 24/03/21). In: Water Quality, Global Changes and Grounwater Responses, (2021).

Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Exploring causal linkages between teleconnection patterns and the terrestrial biosphere in Northeastern Burundi (East Africa). International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Petit, Sébastien ; Tidjani, Mathias ; Cravau, Eloïse ; Tovihoudji, Pierre ; Akponikpe, Pierre. How Harry Vereecken's work contributes to reach the 2030 global sustainable development goals. 13th Annual Meeting INTERPORE2021 (www, du 31/05/2021 au 04/06/2021).

El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Mounir, Kaoutar ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Hydrological response of LULC and climate change in Mediterranean basin: application to the Siliana catchment in Tunisia. EGU General Assembly 2021 (www, du 19/04/2021 au 30/04/2021). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, , p. EGU21-6043 (2021). doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu21-6043.

Bah, Alousseynou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping water ressources exposure of agricultural pesticides in the Lake of Guiers basin and environs (Senegal). ELI-Day 2021 (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 26/05/2021 au 28/05/2021).

Kadir, Mokrane ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Using convergent cross mapping method and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to explore causes of streamflow alteration: A case study. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Water quality management in agricultural systems: a key for reaching the SDG and global health. International virtual conference Interdisciplinary approaches for adressing the 21 century water challenges (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 26/04/2021).


Delforge, Damien ; Muñoz‐Carpena, Rafael ; Van Camp, Michel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A Parsimonious Empirical Approach to Streamflow Recession Analysis and Forecasting. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 56, no.2 (2020). doi:10.1029/2019wr025771.

Fehri, Raed ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Data fusion of citizen-generated smartphone discharge measurements in Tunisia. In: Journal of Hydrology, , p. 125518 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125518.

Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Slimani, Mohamed. Drought assessment in a south Mediterranean transboundary catchment. In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, , p. 1-16 (2020). doi:10.1080/02626667.2020.1747621.

Kadir, Mokrane ; Fehri, Raed ; Souag, Doudja ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Exploring causes of streamflow alteration in the Medjerda river, Algeria. In: Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Vol. 32, p. 100750 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.ejrh.2020.100750.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Grondwaterpeilen blijven voort dalen. In: Aquarama (Dutch Edition), Vol. 88, p. 109-115 (2020).

Arabi, Mourad ; Sbaa, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Darmous, Ahmed. Impact of the Municipal Solid Waste Typology on Leachate Flow under Semi-Arid Climate – A Case Study. In: Journal of Ecological Engineering, Vol. 21, no.6, p. 94-101 (2020). doi:10.12911/22998993/123250.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; van Wesemael, Bas. La sécheresse, nouvelle maladie chronique du territoire belge. In: L'Echo, Vol. 05.06.2020, p. 11 (2020).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Petit, Sébastien ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Lietar, Arlette. Modelling Nitrate Pollution Vulnerability in the Brussel’s Capital Region (Belgium) Using Data-Driven Modelling Approaches. In: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 12, no.05, p. 416-430 (2020). doi:10.4236/jwarp.2020.125025.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Girard, Arthur ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jonard, François. Modelling the Temporal Dynamics of Groundwater Pollution Risks on the African Scale . In: Water, Vol. 12, p. 1406 (2020). doi:10.3390/w12051406.

Batungwanayo, Pacifique ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Koropitan, Alan F.. Response of Seasonal Vegetation Dynamics to Climatic Constraints in Northeastern Burundi. In: Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, Vol. 08, no.09, p. 151-181 (2020). doi:10.4236/gep.2020.89010.

Fehri, Raed ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Testing a citizen science water monitoring approach in Tunisia. In: Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 104, p. 67-72 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.11.009.

Ho, Long ; Alonso, Alice ; Eurie Forio, Marie Anne ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Goethals, Peter L.M.. Water research in support of the Sustainable Development Goal 6: A case study in Belgium. In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 277, p. 124082 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124082.


Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jonard, François. Approvisionnement en eau et assainissement: cartographie de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines face à la pollution en Afrique. RWSSI (03/11/2020). In: Webinaire, 2020.

Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Bouvier, Christophe ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the Transferability of a Conceptual Rainfall Runoff Model within the Medjerda catchment (Tunisia). 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.

Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Jelassi, Abelkader ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of rainfall and discharge data quality over a large southern Mediterranean catchment. 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJD) (du 02/11/2020 au 05/11/2020). In: Webinaire, , p. 815 (2020).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Challenges in groundwater pollution management in transboundary basins: Groundwater pollution mapping at the African scale. Workshop "Expert Consultation for the Volta Basin Use Case" (East Legon, Accra, Ghana, du 22/02/2020 au 27/02/2020).

Delforge, Damien ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel. Extracting Hydrofacies Patterns from a Real Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Dataset Using Time Series Clustering Approaches. AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (du 08/12/2020 au 12/12/2020). In: Proceedings, , p. H129-06 (2020).

Chaabane Ep Riahi, Safa ; Fehri, Raed ; Riahi, Khalifa ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Involvement of citizens in the measurements of water salinity using test kits in the Medjerda watershed (Northern Tunisia). 3rd conference of Water Energy Nexus 2-4 december 2020 Djerba. (Djerba - online, du 02/12/2020 au 04/12/2020).

El Ghoul, Imen ; Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modelling Landcover Change with a CA-Markov Model for the Siliana Hydrological Catchment (Northwestern Tunisia). 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.

Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slimani, Mohamed. Quantification of predictive uncertainty in climate change context using airGRpackages: case of Medjerda catchment, Tunisia. 3rd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG) (du 02/11/2020 au 05/11/2020). In: Webinaire, , p. 814 (2020).

Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slimani, Mohamed. Rainfall forecasting over a Mediterranean catchment using Empirical Statistical Downscaling techniques. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.

Fehri, Raed ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Validation of Expert and Citizen Science-based Smartphone Discharge Data. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software (Brussels, Belgium, du 14/09/2020 au 18/09/2020). In: Book of Abstracts, 2020.


Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Girard, Arthur ; Jonard, François ; Alonso, Alice ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Dynamic assessment of groundwater vulnerability for pollution at the African scale: A possible contribution to the monitoring of SDG 6, 2020. 6 p.

Phalempin Maxime ; Stipo, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Gerin, Patrick A.. EPUSOL - Mission de guidance sur le traitement approprié et la capacité épuratoire des sols, 2020. 665 p.


Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A Simple Device for Field and Laboratory Measurements of Soil Air Permeability. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 83, no.1, p. 58-63 (2019). doi:10.2136/sssaj2018.03.0114.

Gabriel, Jose Luis ; Quemada, Miguel ; Martín-Lammerding, Diana ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the cover crop effect on soil hydraulic properties by inverse modelling in a 10-year field trial. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 222, p. 62-71 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2019.05.034.

Alonso, Alice ; Feltz, Nicolas ; Gaspart, Frédéric ; Sbaa, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Comparative assessment of irrigation systems’ performance: Case study in the Triffa agricultural district, NE Morocco. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 212, p. 338-348 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2018.08.033.

Fehri, Raed ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Disaggregating SDG-6 water stress indicator at different spatial and temporal scales in Tunisia. In: Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 694, p. 133766 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.133766.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Quand les sols filtrent les eaux usées. In: ScienceToday, (2019).

Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jendoubi, Donia ; Bouvier, Christophe. The added value of spatially distributed meteorological data for simulating hydrological processes in a small Mediterranean catchment. In: Acta Geophysica, p. 1-21 (2019). doi:10.1007/s11600-019-00379-y.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Validating a continental-scale groundwater diffuse pollution model using regional datasets. In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 26, no. 3, p. 2105-2119 (2019). doi:10.1007/s11356-017-0899-9.


Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Appui technique et scientifique pour la valorisation et la gestion intégrée et durable des eaux dans les BAs-FONds au BÉnin pour l'irrigation (BAFONBÉ). Louvain4Water: The Language of Water (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 18/03/2019).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Petit, Sébastien ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Liétar, Arlette. Assessing groundwater vulnerability for nitrate pollution in the Brussels Capital Region (Belgium) using statistical modelling approaches. Study day "Hydrogéologie, Géologie, Géothermie en région bruxelloise" (Brussels, Belgium, 22/03/2019).

Alonso, Alice ; Cools, Jan ; Diels, Ludo ; Eurie Forio, Marie-Anne ; Goethals, Peter ; Ho Long Tuan ; Huge, Jean ; Marx, Axel ; Meire, Patrick ; Muys, Bart ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Verbist, Bruno ; Vlaeminck, Siegfried. Building Capacity for a Consolidated Water Strategy in the Belgian Development Cooperation: the Water Nexus Policy Supporting Research Project. Bridge over Water (VUB, Brussels, 16/05/2019).

Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bouvier, Christophe. Climate Change assessment to quantify current and future hydrological behavior of a small Mediterranean catchment. EGU General Assembly 2019 (Vienna, Austria, du 08/04/2019 au 12/04/2019). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, p. EGU2019-16035 (2019).

Kadir, Mokrane ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Delforge, Damien. Exploring causes of hydrological alterations in the Medjerda River basin, Algeria. Louvain4Water: The Language of Water (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 18/03/2019).

Delforge, Damien ; Van Camp, Michel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Hallet, Vincent ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Poulain, Amaël ; Watlet, Renaud. Hydrological connectivity from causal analysis of time series in the Lhomme Karst System, Belgium. EGU General Assembly 2019 (Vienna, Austria, du 08/04/2019 au 12/04/2019). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, p. EGU2019-9707 (2019).

Alonso, Alice ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Presentation of the Policy Supporting Research Project "Water Nexus". Louvain4Water: The Language of Water (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 18/03/2019).

Fehri, Raed ; Mens, Kim ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Together4Water: Testing a Citizen Science water monitoring project in Tunisia. Louvain4Water: The Language of Water (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 18/03/2019) (Accepté/Sous presse).

Fehri, Raed ; Mens, Kim ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Together4Water: Testing a Citizen Science water monitoring project in Tunisia. EGU General Assembly 2019 (Vienna, Austria, du 09/04/2018 au 13/04/2018). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, p. EGU2019-15496 (2019).


Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Application of random forest regression and comparison of its performance to multiple linear regression in modeling groundwater nitrate concentration at the African continent scale. In: Hydrogeology Journal, (2018). doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1900-5.

Alonso-Ayuso, Maria ; Quemada, Miguel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ruiz-Ramos, Margarita ; Rodriguez, Alfredo ; Gabriel, José Luis. Assessing cover crop management under actual and climate change conditions. In: Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 621, p. 1330-1341 (15 April 2018). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.095.


Petit, Sébastien ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Liétard, Arlette ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing groundwater vulnerability for nitrate pollution in the Brussel's capital region (Belgium) using statistical modelling approaches. International Conference New approaches to groundwater vulnerability (Ustron, Poland, du 04/06/2018 au 08/06/2018). In: Book of Abstracts, Jacek Wrobel: Faculty of Earth Sciences University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland, 2018. 978-83-61644-50-7, p. 57.

Fehri, Raed ; Alonso, Alice ; Kadir, Mokrane ; Khliffi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Can remotely sensed data reduce uncertainty in SDG-6 water stress indicator?. EGU2018 (Vienna, Austria, du 09/04/2018 au 13/04/2018). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, p. EGU2018-17901. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.20, Copernicus GmbH: (Germany) Goettingen, 2018, p. EGU2018-17901.

Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Jendoubi, Donia ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bouvier, Christophe. Evaluating the hydrological behavior of a Mediterranean catchment under climate change: Application in the Siliana upstream catchment. International Conference on Water Energy Environment and Society (ICWEES 2018) (Tunis, Tunisia, du 08/05/2018 au 15/05/2018).

Kadir, Mokrane ; Fehri, Raed ; Delforge, Damien ; Kadir, Omar ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation of satellite precipitation products in the Medjerda catchment, East Algeria. EGU2018 (Vienna, Austria, du 09/04/2018 au 13/04/2018). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, p. EGU2018-18663. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.20, Copernicus GmbH: (Germany) Goettingen, 2018, p. EGU2018-18663.

Sosnowski, Pierre ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Munoz-Carpena, Rafael ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice. How to quantify Palo Verde's vertisols hydrodynamics. EGU2018 (Vienna, Austria, du 09/04/2018 au 13/04/2018). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, p. EGU2018-14617. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.20, Copernicus GmbH: (Germany) Goettingen, 2018, p. EGU2018-14617.

Delforge, Damien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel. Hydrograph separation using recursive filters and causal objective function. EGU2018 (Vienna, Austria, du 09/04/2018 au 13/04/2018). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, p. EGU2018-12502. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.20, Copernicus GmbH: (Germany) Goettingen, 2018, p. EGU2018-12502.

Gader, Khouloud ; Gara, Ahlem ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slimani, Mohamed. Impact of climate change on the hydrological regime in the medium valley of Medjerda-Tunisia. International Conference on Water Energy Environment and Society (ICWESS 2018) (Tunis, Tunisia, du 08/05/2018 au 15/05/2018).

Alonso-Ayuso, Maria ; Quemada, Miguel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ruiz, Margerita ; Rodriguez, Alfredo ; Gabriel, José Luis. Implications of the cover crop termination date on N and water cycles. 20th Nitrogen workshop "Coupling C-N-P-S cycles" (Rennes, France, du 25/06/2018 au 27/06/2018). In: Proceedings, 2018, p. 400-401.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Replacing space with time: Analysing dynamic transport experiments to assess the unresolved spatial variability of flow and transport in the unsaturated soil. Séminaire invité (University of Monash, Melbourne, Australia, 02/03/2018).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Scale effects in statistical based groundwater vulnerability models? A case study on continental scale of Africa. International Conference New approaches to groundwater vulnerability (Ustron, Poland, du 04/06/2018 au 08/06/2018). In: Book of Abstracts, Wrobel Jacek: Faculty of Earth Sciences University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland, 2018. 978-83-61644-50-7, p. 55-56.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Alonso, Alice. Water information sevices supporting water governance: opportunities and challenges for the next generation water experts. Water diplomacy and governance: a key to solve the water crisis? (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 22/10/2018).


Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bogaert, Patrick. Caractérisation de la pollution par les nitrates dans la masse d'eau souterraine des sables du Bruxellien/Yprésien en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, 2018. 88 p.

Maugnard, Alexandre ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Convention de recherche relative au développement d'outils de gestion intégrée du ruissellement, de l'érosion et des transferts de polluants associés pour les bassins versants du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg. Application au bassin-versant de la Haute-Sûre, 2018. 122 p.


Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ndembo Longo, Jean. Assessing groundwater vulnerability in the Kinshasa region, DR Congo, using a calibrated DRASTIC model. In: Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol. 126, p. 13-22 (2017). doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.11.025.

Gabriel, Jose Luis ; Quemada, Miguel ; Martin-Lammerding, Diana ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the cover crop effect on soil hydraulic properties by inverse modelling in a 10-year field trial. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, (2017). doi:10.5194/hess-2017-643.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation de la vulnérabilité des eaux souterraines africaines. In: La lettre du RIOB, , no.25, p. 9 (Juin 2017).

Sbaa, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik. La gestion des ressources en eau au Maroc face aux changements climatiques, état des lieux et alternatives technologiques d'adaptation. In: Annales des Sciences de la Santé, Vol. 14, p. 24-53 (2017).

Vanclooster, Marnik. We kunnen dorst en honger de wereld uithelpen. In: Tertio, , no.916, p. 4-5 (30.08.2019).


Vanclooster, Marnik. Apports de la recherche dans les procédures d'évaluation des impacts sur l'environnement. Les évaluations environnementales: Etude d'Impact sur l'Environnement (EIE) et Evaluations Environnementales Stratégiques (EES) (IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Maroc, du 21/11/2013 au 22/11/2013). In: Actes du Séminaire international, IAV Hassan II: Rabat, Maroc, 2017, p. 71-84.

Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Jendoubi, Donia ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bouvier, Christophe. Assessing the Goodness of Fit of lumped and distributed daily implémentations of conceptual hydrological model at the Raghay catchment (North Western Tunisia). Scientific Days of Medjerda 2017 (Medjez el Bab, Tunisie, du 25/10/2017 au 27/10/2017). In: Proceedings, 2017, p. 17-24.

Kharroubi, Ouissem ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Essai d'application de modèles de réseau de neurones artificiels pour combler les données hydrométriques manquantes dans le bassin versant de la Medjerda: cas de la station Slouguia. Scientific Days of Medjerda 2017 (Medjez el Bab, Tunisie, du 25/10/2017 au 27/10/2017). In: Proceedings, 2017, p. 2-10.

Gabriel, Jose Luis ; Quemada, Miguel ; Martin-Lammerding, Diana ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimacion de la evolucion de las propiedades hidraulicas del suelo despues de 10 anos con o sin cultivo cubierta. ZNS'17 (Zaragoza, Spain, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017). In: Estudios en la zona no saturada del Suelo, Vol. 13, p. 163-174 (2017).

Phalempin, Maxime ; Gerin, Patrick A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation de la capacité des sols à épurer les eaux usées domestiques: approche expérimentale. 42èmes journées scientifiques du GFHN (IRSTEA, Lyon-Villeurbanne, France, du 28/11/2017 au 29/11/2017).

Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mens, Kim. Implementing an open source database to monitor water related SDG (SDG-6) in Tunisia. LOD workshop (Linked Open Data in Agriculture) (Berlin, Germany, 28/09/2017).

Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Mens, Kim. Implementing an open source database to monitor water-related SDG (SDG-6) in Tunisia. Scientific Days of Medjerda 2017 (Medjez el Bab, Tunisie, du 25/10/2017 au 27/10/2017). In: Proceedings, 2017, p. 318-321.

Alonso-Ayuso, Maria ; Gabriel, Jose Luis ; Quemada, Miguel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Implications of the cover crop killing date on N and water cycles under different scenarios. Innovative solutions for sustainable management of nitrogen (Aarhus University, Denmark, du 26/06/2017 au 28/06/2017). In: Conference proceedings, Aarhus University: Denmark, 2017. 978-87-93398-82-5, p. 97.

Alonso-Ayuso, Maria ; Quemada, Miguel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Gabriel, Jose Luis. Importencia de la fecha de matado de los cultivos cubierta, en tiempo presente y con proyecciones de cambio climatico. ZNS'17 (Zaragoza, Spain, du 08/11/2017 au 10/11/2017). In: Estudios en la zona no saturada del suelo, Vol. 13, p. 481-492 (2017).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modelling nitrate concentrations at the pan-African scale: A random forest approach. The 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC) (Hammamet, Tunisia, du 20/03/2017 au 22/03/2017). In: Book of abstract, CERTE, Tunisia, 2017, p. 137 (O5-T3).

Delforge, Damien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Camp, Michel ; Poulain, Amaël ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Hallet, Vincent ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Francis, Olivier. Retrieving hydrological connectivity from empirical causality in karst systems. European General Assembly (EGU) (Vienna, Austria, du 24/04/2017 au 28/04/2017). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.19, 2017, EGU2017-5012.

Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine. Scientific and participatory approaches to monitor water related SDG (SDG-6) in Tunisia. 1st Atlas Georesources International Congress (AGIC) (Hammamet, Tunisia, du 20/03/2017 au 22/03/2017). In: Book of abstracts, CERTE, Tunisia, 2017, p. 140 (09-T3).

Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Scientific and participatory approaches to monitor water related SDG (SDG-6) in Tunisia. 3rd I-BIWA Nocturnal (Tervueren, 16/05/2017).

Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mens, Kim ; Khlifi, Slaheddine. Scientific and participatory approaches to monitor water-related SDG (SDG-6) in Tunisia. Knowledge Forum on Water Security and Climate Change (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France, du 18/10/2017 au 20/10/2017). In: Innovative Solutions for Sustainable Water Resources Management: Book of abstracts, UNESCO: Paris, France, 2017, p. 30.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Girard, Arthur ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jonard, François. Time dynamic pollution risk modelling of groundwater at the pan-African scale. Louvain4Water General Assembly (5th edition) (Louvain-en-Woluwe, Bruxelles, Belgique, 11/10/2017).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Girard, Arthur ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Time dynamic pollution risk modelling of groundwater at the pan-African scale. Africa, Groundwater and the Sustainable Development Goals (London (United Kingdom), 25/10/2017). In: IAH British - INESON Lecture 2017, British Geological Survey, 2017, p. 6.


Nonet, Stéphane ; Meunier, Christophe ; Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mignon, Benoît. Conception et dimensionnement d'un filtre planté bi-couches avec abattement de l'azote, 2017. 176 p.


Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A meta-analysis and statistical modelling of nitrates in groundwater at the African scale. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 20, no.6, p. 2353-2381 (2016). doi:10.5194/hess-20-2353-2016.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A meta-analysis and statistical modelling of nitrates in groundwater at the African scale. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, Vol. 20, no. 6, p. 2353-2381. doi:10.5194/hess-2016-120.

Sellami, Haykel ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Climate models and hydrologic parameter uncertainties in climate change impacts on monthly runoff and daily flow duration curve of a Mediterranean catchment. In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 61, no. 5-8, p. 1415-1429 (2016). doi:10.1080/02626667.2015.1040801.

Fernandez de Vera, Natalia ; Beaujean, Jean ; Jamin, Pierre ; Caterina, David ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Dassargues, Alain ; Dahan, Ofer ; Nguyen, Frédéric ; Brouyère, Serge. Combining cross-hole geophysical and vadose zone monitoring systems for vadose zone characterization at industrial contaminated sites. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, (08.03.2016). doi:10.5194/hess-2016-79.

Van Camp, Michel ; de Viron, Olivier ; Pajot-Métivier, Gwendoline ; Casenave, Fabien ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Dassargues, Alain ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Direct measurement of evapotranspiration from a forest using a superconducting gravimeter. In: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 43 (2016). doi:10.1002/2016GL070534.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping the groundwater vulnerability for pollution at the pan African scale. In: Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 544, p. 939-953 (December 2015). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.11.135.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Shallow groundwater poses pollution problem for Africa, collab. Ouedraogo, Issoufou. In: SciDev.Net, (11.01.2016).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Une découverte internationale majeure en hydrologie. In: Le Soir, (01.10.2016).


Gara, Ahlem ; Gader, Khouloud ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jendoubi, Donia ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Bouvier, Christophe. Assessing the goodness of fit of lumped and distributed implémentations of conceptual and global hydrological models of the Medjerda basin. Journées scientifiques de la Medjerda 2016 (ESIER, Medjez El Bab, Tunisia, du 09/11/2016 au 10/11/2016). In: Book of abstracts, 2016, p. 393-397.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Capacity building in the water-sector: an essential vehicle for rural development. Fondation du Dialogue Sud-Nord Méditerranée: One year after the Milan congress: ensuring that no rural communities are left behind (Roma, Italy, du 27/10/2016 au 28/10/2016).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Challenging the monitoring of SDG for water. Vlaams Partnerschap Voor Water Voor Ontwikkeling. Wereldwaterdag (Brussels, Belgium, 22/03/2016).

Naimi, Takoua ; Farhat, Boutheima ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Zammouri, Mounira ; Lachaal, Fethi. Conceptualisation du système aquifère de Kalaa Khasba (Nord-Ouest de la Tunisie). Journées scientifiques de la Medjerda 2016 (ESIER, Medjez El Bab, Tunisia, du 09/11/2016 au 10/11/2016). In: Book of abstracts, 2016, p. 368-371.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Global water security: some key facts with a little focus on India. KOTinental (Campus Plein Sud, Bruxelles, 21/03/2016).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modelling groundwater nitrate concentrations at the pan-African scale using Multiple Regression and Random Forest Statistical Models. 43rd IAH Congress (Montpellier, France, du 25/09/2016 au 29/09/2016).

Fehri, Raed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine. Scientific and participatory approaches to monitor water related SDG (SDG-6) in Tunisia. Journées scientifiques de la Medjerda 2016 (ESIER, Medjez El Bab, Tunisia, du 09/11/2016 au 10/11/2016). In: Book of abstracts, 2016, p. 404-409.


Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Carottage en sous-sol majeur. In: Pleinchamp, , no.9 (26/02/2015).

Wang, Zhengang ; Doetterl, Sebastian ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; van Wesemael, Bas ; Van Oost, Kristof. Constraining a coupled erosion and soil organic carbon model using hillslope-scale patterns of carbon stocks and pool composition. In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Vol. 120, no. 3, p. 452-465. doi:10.1002/2014JG002768.

Tran, Anh Phuong ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Wiaux, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. High-resolution space–time quantification of soil moisture along a hillslope using joint analysis of ground penetrating radar and frequency domain reflectometry data. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 523, p. 252-261 (2015). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.01.065.

Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Ndembo Longo, Jean ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modelling nitrate pollution pressure using a multivariate statistical approach: the case of Kinshasa groundwater body, Democratic Republic of Congo. In: Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 24, p. 425-437 (2015). doi:10.1007/s10040-015-1337-z.

Sellami, Haykel ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Quantifying hydrological responses of small Mediterranean catchments under climate change projections. In: Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 543, no. PART-B, p. 924-936. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.07.006.

Fernandez de Vera, Natalia ; Dahan, Ofer ; Dassargues, Alain ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Nguyen, Frédéric ; Brouyère, Serge. Vadose zone characterisation at industrial contaminated sites. In: Advocate bulletin, no. 7, p. 1-14 (2015).

Wiaux, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Oost, Kristof. Vertical partitioning and controlling factors of gradient-based soil carbon dioxide fluxes in two contrasted soil profiles along a loamy hillslope. In: Biogeosciences, Vol. 12, p. 4637-4649 (06.08.2015). doi:10.5194/bg-12-4637-2015.


Vanclooster, Marnik. Belgique: Se coordonner pour relever des défis complexes. In: Blanca Juménez-Cisneros, L'eau, les peuples et la coopération - 50 ans de programmes sur l'eau pour le développement durable à l'UNESCO, Unesco, 2015, p. 90-91. 978-92-3-200077-4.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Belgium: Coordinating to meet complex challenges. In: Blanca Juménez-Cisneros, Water: People and cooperation: 50 years of water programmes for sustainable development at Unesco, Unesco: France, 2015, p. 90-91. 978-92-3-200077-4.


Feltz, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. "More drop per crop" when moving from gravitational to drip irrigated agriculture? Expériences from a North Moroccan case study. DesertLandII (Ghent, Belgium, du 16/06/2015 au 17/06/2015). In: Book of abstracts, 2015, p. 57.

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A statistical model to predict groundwater vulnerability against pollution: a support to design groundwater quality monitoring programs. Workshop Exploring new data for SMART monitoring of water SDG targets (IHP-HWRP) (Maastricht (The Netherlands), du 30/11/2015 au 01/12/2015).

Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Caractérisation des propriétés hydrauliques de milieux poreux grossiers par la théorie de l'onde cinématique. 40ièmes Journées du GFHN (IFSTTAR, Marne-la-Vallée,France, du 23/11/2015 au 25/11/2015). In: Proceedings, 2015, 13.

Sellami, Haykel ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Climatic change impact and associated uncertainty on catchment hydrology: a case study on the Chiba catchment in Tunisia. Adressing Sustainable water management: Wastewater Legislation and Technologies (CLIMB, FP4Batiw) (Soliman, Tunisia, 29/10/2015).

Van Camp, Michel ; de Viron, Olivier ; Pajot-Métivier, Gwendoline ; Casenave, Fabien ; Watlet, Arnaud ; Francis, Olivier ; Dassargues, Alain ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Direct Measurement of Daily Evapotranspiration from a Deciduous Forest using a Superconducting gravimeter. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, du 14/12/2015 au 18/12/2015). In: AGU Publications. In: Proceedings, 2015. 9781135583187.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Gestion de l'eau agricole: une clé pour augmenter la résilience de la population rurale dans des conditions environnementales sous contraintes. Territoires et populations de l'espace rural en prériode de crise (IAV Hassan II, Rabat, Maroc, du 20/04/2015 au 22/04/2015).

Van Camp, Michel ; Dassargues, Alain ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Watlet, Olivier ; De Viron, Olivier ; Kaufmann, Olivier ; Crommen, Olivier. Hydrology and gravimetry. Hydrology, Geophysics and Geodesy - A new way to manage water resources (Rochefort, Belgium, 23/10/2015). In: Proceedings, 2015, p. 12.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Sellami, Haykel. Introducing uncertainty in the impact assessments of climate change on local scale hydrology. Belgian National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics, Research seminar ORB (Uccle, Bruxelles, 12/11/2015).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping the groundwater vulnerability for pollution at the pan African scale. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly (Vienna (Austria), du 13/04/2015 au 17/04/2015). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, p. EGU2015-8794 (April 2015).

Sbaa, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Feltz, Nicolas ; Salhi, Mohamed Abdelbasset ; Dkhissi, Fahim. Mise en place d'une base de données eau et environnement du Maroc oriental. Séminaire national "Disponibilité des données sur l'eau pour les scientifiques: entre enjeux et défis" (Faculté des Sciences de Rabat, Maroc, du 28/11/2015 au Date de fin). In: Actes du séminaire SN-DDE 2015, 2015, p. Com. n°61.

Feltz, Nicolas ; Gaspart, Frédéric ; Vanclooster, Marnik. More drop per crop: when moving from gravitational to drip irrigated agriculture? Experiences from a North Moroccan case study. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, du 14/12/2015 au 18/12/2015). In: AGU Publications. In: Proceedings, 2015.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wiaux, François ; Tran, Anh Phuong ; Lambot, Sébastien. The added value of high resolution hydrogeophysical monitoring for unravelling hydrological control and C emission along hillslopes. Hydrology, Geophysics and Geodesy - A new way to manage water resources (Rochefort, Belgium, 23/10/2015). In: Proceedings, ROB: Brussels, Belgium, 2015, p. 13.

Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Boeckx, Pascal ; Ndembo, Jean. Use of hydrochemical and isotopes for assessing nitrate pollution pressure in the Kinshasa groundwater body, DR Congo. 14th International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology: Revisiting Foundations and Exploring Frontiers (Vienna (Austria), du 11/05/2015 au 15/05/2015).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Water security, a key to food security. KLIMOS Workshop (Acdémie des Sciences, Bruxelles, 28/04/2015).


Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping grounwater vulnerability for pesticide pollution: a literature review, 2015. 11 p.


De Maet, Thomas ; Hanert, Emmanuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A fully-explicit discontinuous Galerkin hydrodynamic model for variably-saturated porous media. In: Journal of Hydrodynamics, Vol. 26, no.4, p. 594-607 (June 2014). doi:10.1016/S1001-6058(14)60067-6.

Wiaux, François ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Cao, Wei ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Oost, Kristof. Combined effect of geomorphic and pedogenic processes on the distribution of soil organic carbon quality along an eroding hillslope on loess soil. In: Geoderma, Vol. 216, p. 36-47 (2014). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.10.013.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Khatar, Mahnaz ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Combining a Single Hydraulic Conductivity Measurement with Particle Size Distribution Data for Estimating the Full Range Partially Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Curve. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 78, no.5, p. 1594-1605 (09.09.2014). doi:10.2136/sssaj2014.03.0098.

Wiaux, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Van Oost, Kristof. Factors controlling soil organic carbon persistence along an eroding hillslope on the loess belt. In: Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Vol. 77, p. 187-196 (03.07.2014). doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2014.05.032.

Tran, Anh Phuong ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Zupanski, Milija ; Lambot, Sébastien. Joint estimation of soil moisture profile and hydraulic parameters by ground-penetrating radar data assimilation with maximum likelihood ensemble filter. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 50, no. 4, p. 3131-3146 (April 2014). doi:10.1002/2013WR014583.

Morvannou, Ania ; Choubert, Jean-Marc ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Molle, Pascal. Modeling nitrogen removal in a vertical flow constructed wetland treating directly domestic wastewater. In: Ecological Engineering, Vol. 70, p. 379-386 (23.06.2014). doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.06.034.

Meskini-Vishkaee, Fatemeh ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Predicting the soil moisture retention curve, from soil particle size distribution and bulk density data using a packing density scaling factor. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 18, no.10, p. 4053-4063 (15.10.2014). doi:10.5194/hess-18-4053-2014.

Wiaux, Francois ; Van Oost, Kristof ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Quantitative estimation and vertical partitioning of the soil carbon dioxide fluxes at the hillslope scale on a loess soil. In: Biogeosciences Discussions, Vol. 11, no.9, p. 13699-13737 (2014). doi:10.5194/bgd-11-13699-2014.

Sellami, Haykel ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Baghdadi, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Uncertainty analysis in model parameters regionalization: a case study involving the SWAT model in Mediterranean catchments (Southern France). In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 18, p. 1-21 (22.05.2014). doi:10.5194/hess-18-2393-2014.


Abidi, Sahar ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A real-time flow Muskingum forecasting model for three main station of the Medjerda River. PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014, p. 16.

Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basins. Results from the CLIMB project. La politique agricole et de l'eau dans le Bassin méditerranéen: vers une vision du développement durable du monde rural? (Symposium UNESCO-IHP) (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, 06/11/2014).

Andich, Karim ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Soudi, Brahim ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Sbaa, Mohamed. Developping an optimal soil and water quality monitoring network for the Triffa irrigated perimeter (Eastern of Morocco). PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014, p. 22.

Feltz, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Factors explaining on-site irrigation performance variability in Triffa's irrigated perimeter (East-Morocco). PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, UCL/ELI/ELIE, 2014, p. 8.

Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Gara, Ahlem ; Mahjoub, Mohamed Raouf. Gestion des ressources en eau dans la Medjerda: Modélisation hydrologique. Renforcement de la formation supérieure et de la recherche en gestion intégrée des ressources en eau de la Medjerda (Medjez-El-Bab, Tunisie, 20/11/2014).

Ouedraogo, Issoufou ; Defourny, Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Groundwater pressure mapping in Africa. PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014, p. 9.

Sellami, Haykel ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Herrmann, Frank ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Hydrologic regime alteration of a Mediterranean catchment under climate change projection. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 28/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.16, 2014, p. EGU2014-11342.

Tran, Anh Phuong ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Zupanski, Milija. Joint Estimation of Soil Moisture Profile and Hydraulic Parameters by Ground-penetrating Radar Data Assimilation with Maximum Likeli-hood Ensemble Filter. PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014, p. 11.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Ouedraogo, Issoufou. L’union fait la force or how different approaches should be combined to assess groundwater vulnerability at the regional scale. IAH 2014 (Marrakech, Maroc, du 15/09/2014 au 19/09/2014).

Wang, Zhengang ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; van Wesemael, Bas ; Doetterl, Sebastian ; Van Oost, Kristof. Modelling carbon cycling on an eroding hillslope: the effect of carbon quality and environment. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 28/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.16, 2014, p. EGU2014-2640.

Vereecken, Harry ; Vanderborght, Jan ; Schnepf, Andrea ; Brüggemann, N. ; Amelung, W. ; Herbst, M. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Van der Zee, S.E.A.T.M. ; Or, D. ; Simunek, J. ; van Genuchten, M.Th. ; Vrugt, J.A. ; Hopmans, J.W. ; Young, M. ; Baveye, Ph. ; Pachepsky, Y. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. On the need to establish an international soil modelling consortium. Complex Soil Systems Conference (Berkeley, California, du 03/09/2014 au 05/09/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014.

Hajji, Olfa ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Regionalization and contribution to the study of réservoirs sedimentation: Lakes of Cape Bon and the Tunisia Central. PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014, p. 17.

Van Oost, Kristof ; Nadeu Puig-Pey, Elisabet ; Wiaux, François ; Wang, Zhengang ; Stevens, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tran, Anh Phuong ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Doetterl, Sebastian ; Lambot, Sébastien ; van Wesemael, Bas. Soil organic matter dynamics and CO2 fluxes in relation to landscape scale processes: linking process understanding to regional scale carbon mass-balances. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 28/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.16, 2014, p. EGU2014-11107.

Wiaux, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Van Oost, Kristof. The synergetic effect of moisture protection, substrate quality and biotic acclimation on soil organic carbon persistence along a cultivated loamy hillslope. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 28/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.16, 2014, p. EGU2014-13456.

Fernandez de Vera, Natalia ; Beaujean, Jean ; Jamin, Pierre ; Nguyen, Frédéric ; Dahan, Ofer ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Brouyère, Serge. Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 28/04/2014 au 02/05/2014). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.16, 2014, p. EGU2014-4242.

Fernandez de Vera, Natalia ; Beaujean, Jean ; Jamin, Pierre ; Nguyen, Frédéric ; Dahan, Ofer ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Brouyère, Serge. Vadoze zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics. PhD Day ENVITAM (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 05/03/2014). In: Proceedings, 2014, p. 20.


Petit, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation de l'impact du PGDA sur les profils des nitrates en zone non-saturée à grande profondeur: développement méthodologique, 2014. 94 p.

Sellami Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Khlifi, Slaheddine ; Gara, Ahlem ; Mahjoub, Raouf. Water resources management in the Medjerda basin (Tunisia): assessment of hydrological impacts of climatic change in the Siliana and Béja catchments, 2014.


Meskini-Vishkaee, F. ; Mohammadi, Mohammadhossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A scaling approach, predicting the continuous form of soil moisture characteristics curve, from soil particle size distribution and bulk density data. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, Vol. 10, p. 14305-14329 (2013). doi:10.5194/hessd-10-14305-2013.

Morvannou, Ania ; Forquet, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Molle, Pascal. Caracterizing hydraulic properties of filter material of a vertical flow constructed wetland. In: Ecological Engineering, Vol. 60, p. 325-335 (23 June 2013). doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.06.042.

Tran, Anh Phuong ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Improving soil moisture profile reconstruction from ground-penetrating radar data: a maximum likelihood ensemble filter approach. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 17, p. 2543-2556 (09.07.2013). doi:10.5194/hess-17-2543-2013.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Op een top rond waterveiligheid in Afrika zijn afspraken gemaakt rond verdere samenwerking en is een nieuw samenwerkingsmodel voorgesteld. In: UNESCO info, Vol. 90, p. 19-20 (Juli-Augustus-September 2013).

Sellami, Haykel ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Parameter and rating curve uncertainty propagation analysis of the SWAT model for two small Mediterranean catchments. In: Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 58, no. 8, p. 1-23. doi:10.1080/02626667.2013.837222.

Minet, Julien ; Verhoest, Nico ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Temporal stability of soil moisture patterns measured by proximal ground-penetrating radar. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, Vol. 10, p. 4063-4097. doi:10.5194/hessd-10-4063-2013.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Vlaanderen ondersteunt intenties tot globale samenwerking rond water. In: UNESCO Info, Vol. 90, p. 19-20 (September 2013).


Feltz, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Accurate large-scale irrigation performance assessment with a poor dataset. 1st CIGR inter-regional Conference on land and water challenges (Bari, Italy, du 10/09/2013 au 14/11/2013). In: Proceedings, CIHEAM-IAMB: Valenzano, Italy, 2013. 2-85352-519-8, p. 41-42.

Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Lajeunesse, Isabelle. Assessment of the SWAT model prediction uncertainty using the GLUE approach A case study of the Chiba catchment (Tunisia) . 5th International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO) (Hammamet, Tunisie, du 28/04/2013 au 30/04/2013). In: IEEE Xplore, , p. 1-6. doi:10.1109/ICMSAO.2013.6552605.

Tran, Anh Phuong ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Assimilation of Ground-Penetrating Radar Data to Update Vertical Soil Moisture Profile. EGU General Assembly (Vienna (Austria), du 07/04/2013 au 12/04/2013). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, p. EGU2013-8226 (April 2013).

Gabriel, José Luis ; Quemada, Miguel ; Vansteenkiste, Johachim ; Diels, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Calibration and validation of the new WAVEmatlab version in a fallow field plot. XI Jordanas de Investigacion en la Zona No Saturada del Suelo (Lugo, Unversidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, du 06/11/2013 au 08/11/2013). In: Estudios en la Zona No Saturada del Suelo (ZNS 2013), Vol. 11, p. 199-204 (November 2013).

Gabriel Perez, Jose Luis ; Quemada, Miguel ; Vansteenkiste, J. ; Diels, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Calibration of WAVE in irrigated maize: fallow vs. cover crops. Four Decades of Progress in Monitoring and Modeling of Processes in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System: Applications and Challenges (Naples (Italy), du 19/06/2013 au 21/06/2013). In: Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 9, p. 785-793. doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.087.

Gabriel Perez, Jose Luis ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Garrido, Alberto ; Quemada, Miguel. Cover crops effect on farm benefits and nitrate leaching: linking economic and environmental analysis. EGU General Assembly (Vienna (Austria), du 07/04/2013 au 12/04/2013). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, p. EGU2013-2011 (April 2013).

Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation de la pollution des eaux souterraines captées dans la ville de Kinshasa. Atelier international "Problématique de la pollution des eaux souterraines à Kinshasa. Rencontre des acteurs impliqués dans la gestion des eaux souterraines" (Kinshasa (RDCongo), 06/02/2013).

Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Explaining nitrate pollution pressure on the groundwater resource in Kinshasa using a multivariate statistical modelling approach. EGU General Assembly (Vienna (Austria), du 07/04/2013 au 12/04/2013). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 15, p. EGU2013-9509 (April 2013).

Feltz, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Factors explaining on-site irrigation performance variability in Triffa’s irrigated perimeter (East Morocco). Four Decades of Progress in Monitoring and Modeling of Processes in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System: Applications and Challenges (Naples (Italy), du 18/06/2013 au 21/06/2013). In: Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol. 9, p. 757-766. doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2013.06.084.

Petit, S. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Hupin, F.. L'Azote Potentiellement Lessivable (APL) pour prédire le reliquat azoté au printemps en Wallonie. Conférence COMIFER-GEMAS, 11ème rencontres de la Fertilisation raisonnée et de l'analyse (Poitiers (France), du 20/11/2013 au 21/11/2013). In: Book of abstracts, COMIFER: Poitiers, France, 2013.

Mohammadi, Mohammadhossein ; Wiaux, François ; Van Oost, Kristof ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Linking the soil C02 emission to soil hydraulic properties at the hillslope scale. SOMpatic 2013 (Rauischholzhausen, Germany, du 20/11/2013 au 22/11/2013). In: Book of abstracts, Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen: Germany, 2013.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; De Coster, Albéric. Nouvelles avancées scientifiques dans le domaine de l'évaluation de la pollution des eaux souterraines, cas des études réalisées en Belgique. Atelier international "Problématique de la pollution des eaux souterraines à Kinshasa. Rencontre des acteurs impliqués dans la gestion des eaux souterraines" (Kinshasa (RDCongo), 06/02/2013).

Wiaux, François ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Cao, Wei ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van Oost, Kristof. The hillslope as elementary unit to access the soil C balance by studying the impact of soil erosion on organic carbon sequestration and soil respiration. Soil Carbon Sequestration (SCS) 2013 (Reykjavik, Iceland, du 26/05/2013 au 29/05/2013).


De Coster, Albéric ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimation de la position de la phase pure de PCE impactant la qualité de la nappe souterraine du captage 1 de l'UCL à Louvain-la-Neuve, 2013. 53 p.

Bielders, Charles ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Roisin, Christian ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Vers des indicateurs de fonctionnement du sol (INFOSOL): approche méthodologique de développement d'indicateurs pédologiques pour les fonctions édaphiques de régulation hydrique et de support physique pour les plantes, 2013. 102 p.


Mattern, Samuel ; Raouafi, Walid ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Fasbender, Dominique ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Bayesian Data Fusion (BDF) of monitoring data with a statistical groundwater contamination model to map groundwater quality at the regional scale. In: Journal of Water Resource and Protection, Vol. 4, p. 929-943 (November 2012). doi:10.4236/jwarp.2012.

Makhoukh, M. ; Sbaa, M. ; Berrahou, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Contribution à l'échelle physico-chimique des eaux superficielles de l'Oued Moulouya (Maroc Oriental). In: Larhyss Journal, Vol. 9, p. 149-169 (Décembre 2011).

Bendra, Brahim ; Fetouani, Sanaa ; Laffray, Xavier ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Sbaa, Mohamed ; Aleya, Lofti. EFFECTS OF IRRIGATION ON SOIL PHYSICO-CHEMISTRY: A CASE STUDY OF THE TRIFFA PLAIN (MOROCCO). In: Irrigation and Drainage, Vol. 61, no. 4, p. 507-519 (October 2012). doi:10.1002/ird.688.

Abbasi, Fariborz ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. Estimating hysteresis in the soil water retention curve from monolith experiments. In: Geoderma, Vol. 189-190, p. 480-490. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2012.06.013.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Expérience aquatique "unique". In: La Libre Belgique, p. 39 (19 mars 2012).

Sangaré, Sheick ; Compaore, Emmanuel ; Buerket, Andreas ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Sedogo, Michel P. ; Bielders, Charles. Field-scale analysis of water and nutrient use efficiency for vegetable production in a West African urban agricultural system. In: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, Vol. 92, p. 207-224 (8 February 2012). doi:10.1007/s10705-012-9484-2.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Indirect estimation of the Convective Lognormal Transfer function model parameters for describing solute transport in unsaturated and undisturbed soil. In: Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, , no.132, p. 48-57 (2 March 2012). doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2012.02.007.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Louvain-la-Neuve surveille ses eaux. In: Le Soir, p. 24 (16 mars 2012).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Louvain-la-Neuve, ville où l'eau s'infiltre le plus en Belgique. In: Vers l'Avenir.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Louvain-la-Neuve: une ville très perméable. In: La Libre Belgique, p. 43 (22 mars 2012).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Que d'eau et pourtant!. In: Athena, , no. 281, p. 7 (Mai 2012).

Minet, Julien ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Validation of ground penetrating radar full-waveform inversion for field scale soil moisture mapping. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 424-425, p. 112-123. doi:10.1016/j.hydrol.2011.12.034.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Leterme, Bertrand ; Pinte, Dirk ; Mattern, Samuel. Valorisation de la carte pédologique de Belgique dans la cartographie de la vulnérabilité à la pollution des nappes d'eau souterraine. In: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, Vol. 16, no. 3, p. 316-324 (2012).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Leterme, Bertrand ; Pinte, Didrik ; Mattern, Samuel. Valorisation de la carte pédologique de Belgique dans la cartographie de la vulnérabilité à la pollution des nappes d'eau souterraines. In: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, Vol. 16, no. 3, p. 1-9 (27.02.2012).


Bah, Boubacar Billo ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Oger, Robert ; Colinet, Gilles. Analyse des sources d'incertitude liées à la prise en compte des données pédologiques dans le cadre de l'évaluation de la sensibilité des sols au transfert des pesticides vers les eaux souterraines. Monitoring des pesticides dans l'eau (Gembloux, 24.11.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Applying spatial modelling tools to assess groundwater contamination risk from agricultural origin. Colloque international "Géomatique et gestion des risques naturels" (Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines, Oujda, Maroc, du 06.03.2012 au 08.03.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 5.

Mfumu Kihumba, Antoine ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing pollution pressures on the groundwater resource in Kinshasa (DR of Congo): an hybrid approach based on physico-chemical, isotopic and modelling analysis. PhD Student Day ENVITAM (Espace Senghor, Gembloux, 08.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 64.

Benabdallah, Sihem ; Horriche, Feten Jarraya ; Gabtni, Houcine ; Bédir, Mourad ; Jemli, Mohamed ; Sellami, Haykel ; Bellali, Abderrahmane ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Baghdadi, Nicolas ; Paniconi, Claudio ; Vanclooster, Marnik. CLIMB Case Study: Chiba river basin, Tunisia. CLIMB General Assembly (Munich, Germany, du 13.02.2012 au 17.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012.

La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Baghdadi, Nicolas. CLIMB Case Study: Thau Catchment, France. CLIMB General Assembly (Munich, Germany, du 13.02.2012 au 17.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012.

Mahmoudzadeh Ardekani, Mohammad Reza ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Comparison of time- and frequency-domain off-ground GPR systems for measuring the soil electromagnetic properties. Luxembourg Earth Observation (LEO) and Integrated Applications Day (Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, 16/03/2012). In: Proceedings, Centre de Recherches Gabriel Lippmann: Luxembourg, 2012.

Feltz, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation of the water conservation policy in the Triffa's irrigated perimeter (East Morocco): proposed methodology. PhD Student Day ENVITAM (Espace Senghor, Gembloux, du 08.02.2012 au 08.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 35.

Mahmoudzadeh Ardekani, Mohammad Reza ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien. Ground-penetrating radar for correlation analysis of temporal soil moisture stability and land-slope. 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2012) (Shanghaï (Chine), du 04/06/2012 au 08/06/2012). In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2012), 2012, p. 983-986.

Mahmoudzadeh Ardekani, Mohammad Reza ; Tran, Anh Phuong ; Minet, Julien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Ground-penetrating radar for temporal soil moisture variability analysis along a land slope. EGU General Assembly 2012 (Vienna (Austria), du 22.04.2012 au 27.04.2012). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 14, 2012, p. EGU2012-11397.

Verhoest, Niko ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; De Baets, Bernard ; Pauwels, Valentijn ; Hoffman, Lucien ; Lieven, Hans ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Minet, Julien ; Vernieuwe, Hilde ; Plaza, Douglas ; Matgen, Patrick ; Giustarini, Laura. Optimizing a coupled hydrologic-hydraulic model using remotely sensed soil moisture and flood extents. Workshop Belgian Earth Observation Day (Bruges, Belgium, 05.09.2012). In: Proceedings, Belspo: Bruxelles, 2012.

Riga, François ; Bah, Billo ; Joris, Ingeborg ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vandendael, laurent ; Limbourg, Quentin ; Oger, Robert ; Seuntjens, Piet. PEARL-BE: combining a meta-model and a proces-based pesticide leaching model to develop groundwater scenarios for Belgium. 6th SETAC World Congress (Berlin, Germany, du 20.05.2012 au 24.05.2012). In: Proceedings, .

De Maet, Thomas ; Hanert, Emmanuel ; Deleersnijder, Eric ; Fichefet, Thierry ; Legat, Vincent ; Remacle, Jean-François ; Soares Frazao, Sandra ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambrechts, Jonathan ; König Beatty, S. ; Bouillon, Sylvain ; de Brye, Benjamin ; Gourgue, Olivier ; Kärnä, Tuomas ; Lietaer, Olivier ; Pestiaux, Alice ; Slaoui, Karim ; Thomas, Christopher. SLIM: a multi-scale model of the land-sea continuum. EGU General Assembly 2012 (Vienna (Austria), du 22.04.2012 au 27.04.2012). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14 (2012).

Germeau, Martin ; Alonso, Alice ; Bielders, Charles ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Laloy, Eric ; Mattern, Samuel ; Roisin, Céline ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Soil functioning indicators (INFOSOL): a methodological approach for developing and assessing dynamic soil functions within the soil protection strategy content. PhD Student Day ENVITAM (Espace Senghor, Gembloux, du 08.02.2012 au 08.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 39.

Alonso, Alice ; Bielders, Charles ; Germeau, Martin ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mattern, Samuel ; Laloy, Eric ; Roisin, Christian. Soil functioning indicators (INFOSOL): a methodological approach for developing and assessing dynamic soil functions within the soil protection strategy context. 4th International Congress EUROSOIL (Bari, Italy, du 02.07.2012 au 06.07.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 451, S08.02b-2.

Wiaux, François ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Van Oost, Kristof ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Space-time dynamics of soil respiration link to a C pool differentiation of the hillslope scale: an experimental study. PhD Student Day ENVITAM (Espace Senghor, Gembloux, du 08.02.2012 au 08.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 82.

Wiaux, François ; Cornélis, Jean-Thomas ; Van Oost, Kristof ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Space-time dynamics of soil respiration link to the C pool distribution at the hillslope scale. EGU General Assembly 2012 (Vienna (Austria), du 22.04.2012 au 27.04.2012). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 14, 2012, p. EGU2012-7937.

Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lajeunesse, Isabelle ; Benabdallah, Sihem. Uncertainty propagation in hydrological modeling. PhD Student Day ENVITAM (Espace Senghor, Gembloux, du 08.02.2012 au 08.02.2012). In: Proceedings, 2012, p. 77.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Visit of the water infrastructure at Louvain-la-Neuve. IWA Happy Hour (Louvain-la-Neuve, 05/11/2012).

Morvannou, Ania ; Forquet, Nicolas ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Molle, Pascal. Which hydraulic model should be used to model flow in vertical flow constructed Wetlands?. 13th Internat.Conf. Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (IWA) - Use of macrophytes in Water Pollution Control (Murdoch University Perth, Australia, du 25/11/2012 au 29/11/2012). In: Proceedings, Murdoch University Perth: Perth, Australia, 2012.


Verhoest, Niko ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; De Baets, Bernard ; Pauwels, Valentijn ; Hoffmann, Lucien. HYDRASENS: integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for surface water management, 2012. 113 p.

Riga, François ; Bah, Boubacar Billo ; Limboourg, Quentin ; Oger, Robert ; Vandendael, Laurent ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Joris, Ingeborg ; Seuntjens, Piet. PEARL BE - Actualisation de l'outil d'estimation des concentrations en produits phytopharmaceutiques dans les eaux souterraines en Begique - Rapport final (), 2012. 160 p.


Makhoukh, Mohamed ; Sbaa, Mohamed ; Berrahou, Ali ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing Water and Sediment Quality of the Moulouya River (East-Morocco). In: European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 61, no. 4, p. 508-523.

Minet, Julien ; Wahyudi, Agung ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Caractérisation de la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la teneur en eau du sol mesuré par télédétection radar rapprochée. In: Bulletin du GFHN, Vol. 56, p. 81-86 (novembre 2010).

Minet, Julien ; Laloy, Eric ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Effect of high-resolution spatial soil moisture variability on simulated runoff response using a distributed hydrologic model. In: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, Vol. 15, p. 1323-1338. doi:10.5194/hess-15-1323-2011.

Laloy, Eric ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Roisin, Christian ; Bielders, Charles. Electrical Resistivity in a Loamy Soil: Identification of the Appropriate Pedo-Electrical Model. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 10, no. 3, p. 1023-1033. doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0095.

Bah, Billo ; Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Oger, Robert. Evaluation de la sensibilité des sols au transfert des pesticides vers les eaux souterraines en Wallonie (Belgique) avec le métamodèle METAPEARL. In: Bulletin du GFHN, Vol. 56, p. 117-122 (novembre 2010).

Mattern, Samuel ; Sebilo, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Identification of the nitrate contamination sources of the Brusselian sands groundwater body (Belgium) using a dual isotope approach : Isotopes in environmental and health studies. In: Isotopes Environ. Health Stud., Vol. 47, no. 3, p. 297-315 (Septembre 2011). doi:10.1080/10256016.2011.604127.

Besson, Arlène ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Impact of tillage on solute transport in a loamy soil from leaching experiments. In: Soil & Tillage Research, Vol. 112, no. 1, p. 47-57 (2011). doi:10.1016/j.still.2010.11.001.

Vernieuwe, H. ; De Baets, B. ; Minet, Julien ; Pauwels, V.R.N. ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Verhoest, N.E.C.. Integrating coarse-scale uncertain soil moisture data into a fine-scale hydrological modelling scenario. In: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 15, p. 3101-3114. doi:10.5194/hess-15-3101-2011.

Minet, Julien ; Wahyudi, Agung ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Mapping shallow soil moisture profiles at the field scale using full-waveform inversion of ground penetrating radar data. In: Geoderma, Vol. 161, p. 225-237. doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.12.023.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Predicting the Soil Moisture Characteristic Curve from Practicle Size Distribution witb a Simple Conceptual Model. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 10, no. 2, p. 594-602. doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0080.

Morvannou, Ania ; Choubert, JM ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Molle, P.. Solid respirometry to characterize the nitrification kinetics: a better insight for modelling nitrogen conversion in vertical flow constructed wetlands. In: Water Research, Vol. 45, p. 4995-5004. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.07.004.

Bah, Boubacar Billo ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Oger, Robert ; Bock, Laurent ; Colinet, Gilles. Valorisation de la Carte Numérique des Sols de Wallonie et d’une base de données disponible en analyse de sols, dans le cadre de l’évaluation du risque de pollution des eaux souterraines par les pesticides. In: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, Vol. 15, no.2, p. 709-726.


Alonso, Alice ; Sbaa, Mohamed ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing water quality and pollution origin of the Bou-Areg aquifer (north east Morocco). EGU General assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 04.04.2011 au 08.04.2011). In: Geophysical Research Abstract, 2011, p. EGU2011-6070.

La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Sellami, Haykel ; Benabdallah, S. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. CLIMB: Thau case study. CLIMB General Assembly (Bari, Italy, du 31/01/2011 au 31/01/2011).

Sellami, Haykel ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Benabdallah, Sihem ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Calibration, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of the spatially distributed hydrological model SWAT for a small Mediterranean watershed. EGU General assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 04.04.2011 au 08.04.2011). In: Geophysical Research Abstract, 2011, p. EGU2011-3606.

Sellami, Haykel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Ben Abdallah, Sihem. Comparison of different calibration and uncertainty analysis techniques of the SWAT model for discharge prediction of Mediterranean lagoon watershed in Southern France. Regional workshop on "Integrated Water Resources management and sustainability of wetlands ecosystems" (INAT, Tunis, Tunisie, du 13.12.2011 au 14.12.2011). In: Proceedings, 2011.

Corada-Fernandez, C. ; Jimenez-Martinez, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Candela, L. ; Smith, J.E. ; Gonzalez-Mazo, E.. Distribucion y transporte de tensioactivos sinteticos no ionicos (AEOs) en la zona no saturada. Estudios en la Zona no Saturada del Suelo (Cadiz, Espagna, August 2011). In: Proceedings, Vol. X, p. 1-5.

Bah, Billo ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Oger, Robert ; Colinet, Gilles. Evaluation de la sensibilité des sols aux transferts des pesticides vers les eaux souterraines en Wallonie (Belgique). Journée d'études "Monitoring des pesticides" (CRA, Gembloux, Belgique, 24.11.2011).

Forquet, N. ; Morvannou, Ania ; Molle, P. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Binley, A.. Imaging of Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Time Domain Reflectometry. Wetpol Symposium 2011 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 03.07.2011 au 08.07.2011). In: Book of abstracts, 2011.

Wiaux, François ; Billo Bah, Boubacar ; van Wesemael, Bas ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Impact of field scale variability of soil organic carbon in pesticide leaching modelling (case study of the Molignée catchment, Belgium). EGU General assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 04.04.2011 au 08.04.2011). In: Geophysical Research Abstract, 2011, p. EGU2011-3501.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modeling the global warming effect on the upper limito of water uptake by plants. International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming (ICCCGW 2011) (Venice (Italy), du 28.11.2011 au 30.11.2011). In: Proceedings, 2011.

Morvannou, Ania ; Forquet, N. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Choubert, J.M. ; Molle, P.. On the characterization of the hydraulic properties of the filtering materia of a Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VFCW). Wetpol Symposium 2011 (Prague, Czech Republic, du 03.07.2011 au 08.07.2011). In: Book of abstracts, 2011.

Lievens, Hans ; Heitz, Sonia ; Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Matgen, Patrick ; Hoffmann, Lucien ; Verhoest, Niko E.. On the potential of high-resolution C-band SAR for mapping within-field soil moisture variability. EGU General assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 04.04.2011 au 08.04.2011). In: Geophysical Research Abstract, 2011, p. EGU2011-10894.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Forquet, N. ; Morvannou, Ania ; Molle, P.. Outils pour caractériser l'hydrodynamique des cultures fixées. L'épuration des eaux: recherche et ingénierie au service des collectivités (Lyon, France, Novembre 2011). In: Book of abstracts, 2011.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Forquet, Nicolas ; Morvannou, Ania ; Molle, Pascal. Outils pour caractériser l'hydrodynamique des cultures fixées en assainissement. Colloque "Cemagref - Grand Lyon": Epuration des eaux: recherche et ingénierie au service des collectivités (Villeurbanne, France, du 08.11.2011 au 09.11.2011). In: Proceedings, , p. 23.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein. Predicting the soil moisture characteristic curve from particle size distribution with a simple physical model. EGU General assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 04.04.2011 au 08.04.2011). In: Geophysical Research Abstract, 2011, p. EGU2011-6311.

Alonso, Alice ; Mattern, Samuel ; Laloy, Eric ; Roisin, Christian ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. Soil functioning indicators (INFOSOL): a methodological approach for developing and assessing dynamic soil functions within the soil protection strategy context. EGU General assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 04.04.2011 au 08.04.2011). In: Geophysical Research Abstract, 2011, p. EGU2011-6149.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Tracing and modelling agro-chemicals from the soil surface to the groundwater body at different spatial scales. Tracer and timescale methods for understanding complex (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 16.08.2011 au 19.08.2011). In: Geophysical and Environmental Processes, 2011.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wiaux, François. Uncertainty propagation in the MetaPEARL model. Advanced research seminar of the International thematic Graduate School ENVITAM: Modelling agrochemical pollution of water systems: modelling groundwater pollution of pesticides with PEARL and vegetative strip modelling with VFSMOD (UCL, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium, 29.03.2011).


Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Delaide, Géraldine ; Huisman, J.A. ; Vereecken, H. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A generalized frequency domain reflectometry forward and inverse modeling technique for soil electrical properties determination. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 9, no. 4, p. 1063-1072 (2010). doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0004.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Analysis of flow rate dependency of solute transport in an undisturbed inceptisol. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 10, no. 1, p. 394-402 (2010). doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0046.

Minet, Julien ; Laloy, Eric ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Effect of GPR-derived within-field soil moisture variability on the runoff response using a distributed hydrologic model. In: Hydrology and Earth Sciences Systems Discussions, Vol. 7, p. 8947-8986 (2010).

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimating travel time of recharge water through a deep vadose zone using a transfer function model. In: Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Dordrecht, 2001), Vol. 10, no. 1-2, p. 121-135 (2010). doi:10.1007/s10652-009-9148-1.

Laloy, Eric ; Weynants, Mélanie ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu. How efficient are one-dimensional models to reproduce the hydrodynamic behavior of structured soils subjected to multi-step outflow experiments?. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 393, p. 37-52 (2010). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.02.017.

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Asadzadeh, Farrokh ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Refining and unifying the upper limits of the least limiting water range using soil and plant properties. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 334, no. 1-2, p. 221-234 (2010). doi:10.1007/s11104-010-0377-3.

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, Evert C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Soil Surface Water Content Estimation by Full-Waveform GPR Signal Inversion in the Presence of Thin Layers. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, no. 3, p. 1138-1150 (2010). doi:10.1109/TGRS.2009.2031907.

Deleersnijder, Eric ; Cornaton, Fabien ; Haine, Thomas W. N. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Waugh, Darryn W.. Tracer and timescale methods for understanding complex geophysical and environmental fluid flows. In: Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Dordrecht, 2001), Vol. 10, no. 1-2, p. 1-5 (2010). doi:10.1007/s10652-009-9164-1.


Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Minet, Julien ; Jadoon, Khan Zaib ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Full-Waveform Modeling and Inversion of Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Non-Invasive Characterization of the Soil Hydrogeophysical Properties. In: Viscara Rossel R.A., A.B. McBratney and B. Minasny, Proximal Soil Sensing, Developments in Soil Science Series, Springer, 2010, p. 299-313. 978-90-481-8858-1. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-8859-8_25.


Minet, Julien ; Wahyudi, Agung ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Amélioration de la cartographie de la teneur en eau du sol mesurée par télédétection radar rapprochée grâce à l'élimination des effets de lignes par un outil géostatistique. GFHN 2010: Transferts en milieux poreux: hétérogénéité des processus et des propriétés (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), du 24/11/2010 au 25/11/2010).

Bouziane, H. ; Sbaa, M. ; Irzi, Z. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vasel, J.L. ; Bensaid, S.E.. Apport de la modélisation pour l'étude des limites et performances du lagunage naturel. Atelier Eau, Environnement et Energies Renouvelables (Oujda, Maroc, 18.03.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010, p. 42-48.

Sall, Mamadou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; vansteenkiste, J. ; Diels, J.. Benchmarking the solute transport module of the MATLAB version of the WAVE model. 3d PhD Student Day of the Graduate School ENVITAM (FUNDP, Namur, 12.01.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010, p. 36.

Sall, Mamadou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; vansteenkiste, J. ; Diels, J.. Benchmarking the solute transport module of the WAVE_MAT model. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May 2010). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.12, 2010, p. EGU2010-3988.

Minet, Julien ; Patriarca, Claudio ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Characterization of layered media using full-waveform inversion of proximal GPR data. URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory - EMTS2010 (Berlin, Germany, du 16/08/2010 au 19/08/2010). doi:10.1109/URSI-EMTS.2010.5637143.

Makhoukj, Mohamed ; Sbaa, M. ; Berrahou, Ali ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Contribution à l'impact des sites miniers abandonnés de la Haute Moulouya sur la qualité des eaux et sédiments de l'oued Moulouya (Maroc oriental). Atelier Eau, Environnement et Energies renouvelables (Oujda, Maroc, 18.03.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010, p. 27-41.

Fetouani, Sanae ; Sbaa, M. ; Bendra, Brahim ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Contribution à l'étude de l'impact de la Pollution Agricole Diffuse sur La qualité des eaux Souterraines, sol et Plantes, au niveau d'une exploitation agricole pilote de la plaine des Triffa (Maroc Oriental). GFHN 2010: Transferts en milieux poreux: hétérogénéité des processus et des propriétés (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 24-25.11.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010, p. 92.

Benali, A. ; Touzani, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; El Kadiri, S.. Enquête et analyse de pesticides dans les eaux de la plaine de Triffa (Maroc oriental). Atelier Eau, Environnement et Energies Renouvelables (Oujda, Maroc, 18.03.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010, p. 49-60.

Bah, Billo ; Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Oger, R.. Evaluation de la sensibilité des sols au transfert des pesticides vers les eaux souterraines en Wallonie (Belgique) avec le métamodèle METAPEARL. GFHN 2010: Transferts en milieux poreux: hétérogénéité des processus et des propriétés (Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), 24-25.11.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010, p. 58.

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation of a proximal ground penetrating radar technique for soil moisture mapping at the field scale. European Geophysical Union Leonardo Topical Conference Series on the hydrological cycle (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, du 10/11/2010 au 12/11/2010).

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Identification of the nitrate contamination sources of the Brusselian sands groundwater body (Belgium) using a dual-isotope approach. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May 2010). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.12, 2010, p. EGU2010-3947.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bah, Billo ; Oger, R. ; Tiktak, A.. Impact of short range variability of soil and substance properties on regional scale atrazine exposure to groundwater. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.12, 2010, p. EGU2010-15188.

Vernieuwe, H. ; Verhoest, N. ; Minet, Julien ; Pauwels, V. ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; De Baets, B.. Integrating possibilistic SAR-retrieved and probabilistic GPR-based soil moisture data. EGU Leonardo Topical Conference Series on the hydrological cycle (Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 11.11.2011).

Verhoest, N. ; Lievens, H. ; Minet, Julien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vernieuwe, H. ; De Baets, B. ; Giustarini, L. ; Matgen, P. ; Hoffmann, L. ; Plaza, D. ; Pauwels, V.R.N.. Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for surface water management. Flemish Water Forum (Antwerpen, 01/10/2010).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Le rôle de l'ingénieur de l'environnement dans les programmes de développement durable. Séminaire (Ecole Sup. des sciences appliquées d'Al Hoceima, Maroc, 19.03.2010).

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping of soil moisture at the field scale using full-waveform inversion of proximal ground penetrating radar data. European Geophysical Union (Vienna, Austria, du 02/05/2010 au 07/05/2010).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Monitored unsaturated soil transport processes as a support for large scale soil and water management. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May 2010). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol.12, 2010, p. EGU2010-3928.

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Origin of the nitrate pollution in the walloon part of the Brusselean groundwater body. Crossing a modelling approach with an isotopic analysis. Workshop "Analysing natural and anthropogenic influences of groundwater quality" (KUL, Leuven, 19.01.2010).

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Soil surface water content estimation by full-waveform GPR signal inversion in the presence of thin layers. 3d PhD Student Day of the Graduate School ENVITAM (FUNDP, Namur, 12/01/2010).

Morvannou, Ania ; Choubert, Jean-Marc ; Forquet, Nicolas ; Philippe, N. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Molle, Pascal. Solid respirometry to characterize the biodegradation kinetics in a vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW): a better insight for modelling. International Conference Constructed Wetlands (Venice (Italy), Oct.2010). In: Book of Abstracts, 2010.

Laloy, Eric ; Weynants, Mélanie ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu. Using multi-step outflow experiments to characterize structured soils: which model to choose?. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, du 02 May 2010 au 07 May 2010). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts , 2010, p. EGU2010-9808.

Sangaré, Sheick ; Compaoré, E. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Sedogo, P.M. ; Bielders, Charles. Vertical nutrient fluxes in soils of urban agricultural systems: measuring and modeling the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium leaching in Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Natural Resources Research in Africa (Witzenhausen, Germany, 20-24 September 2010). In: Book of abstracts, 2010, p. 19.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Water resources research and training within Belgian university cooperation programmes. ERA-net, SPLASH Workshop (Brussels, October 2010).


Besson, Arlène ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Bielders, Charles. Analyse de l'impact de techniques culturales sur les transferts en eau et en solutés du sol à l'échelle de colonnes de sol non perturbé. In: Bulletin du GFHN, Vol. 54, p. 125-130 (2009).

Sall, Mamadou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the well water pollution problem by nitrates in the small scale farming systems of the Niayes region, Senegal. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 96, no. 9, p. 1360-1368 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2009.04.010.

Laloy, Eric ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Roisin, Céline ; Bielders, Charles. Comparaison de 3 méthodes de caractérisation de l'impact du travail du sol sur sa structure: description de profil cultural, tomographie par résistivité électrique et pénétrométrie. In: bulletin du Groupe français d'humidimétrie neutronique et des techniques associées, Vol. 54, p. 185-186 (2009).

Mattern, Samuel ; Fasbender, Dominique ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Discriminating sources of nitrate pollution in an unconfined sandy aquifer. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 376, no. 1-2, p. 275-284 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.07.039.

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Facteurs influençant la pollution d'un aquifère sableux non confiné par les nitrates. In: Bulletin du GFHN, Vol. 54, p. 33-38 (2009).


Dassargues, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Xanthoulis, D. ; Descy, Jean-Pierre. A new one year interuniversity Master Programme in Water Resources Management in the French speaking community of Belgium. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 20-24 April 2009). In: Geophyisal Research Abstracts, vol. 11, 2009, p. EGU2009-7593.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Minet, Julien ; Jadoon, Khan Zaib ; Moghadas, Davood ; André, Frédéric ; Slob, E.C. ; Vereecken, H. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Advanced characterization and monitoring of soil water content and salinity using integrated, full-waveform inversion of off-ground ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction. Atelier "Qualité des sols et des eaux: outils de suivi et surveillance de la variabilié spatiotemporelle" (IAV, Rabat, Maroc, 22-23 janvier 2009).

Mohammadi, Mohammad Hossein ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Analysis of infiltration and water redistribution in a water repellent soil monolith. 4th IASME/WSEAS International conference on water resources, hydraulics & hydrology (WHH'09) (Cambridge, United Kingdom, 24-26 February 2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009, p. 59-66.

Raouafi, Walid ; Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Application de la méthode de fusion de données pour prédire la contamination des nappes souterraines par des nitrates à l'échelle régionale. Congrès international GeoTunis "Apport des Technologies Géomatiques dans l'étude des ressources en eau et le suivi du phénomène de désertification" (Tunis, Tunisie, 16-20 décembre 2009).

Raouafi, Walid ; Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Application de la méthode de fusion des données pour prédire la contamination des nappes souterraines par des nitrates à l'échelle régionale. GeoTunis 2009 "Apport des Technologies Géomatiques dans l'étude des Ressources en eau et le suivi du phénomène de la désertification" (CITE Tunis, Tunisie, 16-20 décembre 2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009.

Sall, Mamadou ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessing the well water pollution problem by nitrates in the small scale farming systems of the Niayes region, Senegal. Isonitrate workshop: final programme "Towards new methods to manage nitrate pollution within the water framework directive" (Paris,France, 10-11 December 2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009, p. 43.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Caractérisation de la salinité de sol à haute résolution spatiale. Séminaire (Medjez-el-Bab, Tunisie, 27 février 2009).

Vande Kerkhove, Cédric ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Minet, Julien ; André, Frédéric ; Lahlou, M.. Caractérisation spatio-temporelle de la salinité dans une parcelle irriguée du Tadla, Maroc, par EM38. Atelier "Qualité des sols et des eaux: outils de suivi et surveillance de la variabilité spatiotemporelle" (IAV, Rabat, Maroc, 22-23 janvier 2009).

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Cartographie digitale de la teneur en eau de surface du sol à l'échelle du champ par Ground Penetrating Radar. 34èmes Journées Scientifiques du GFHN (Aix-en-Provence, France, du 25/11/2009 au 26/11/2009).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Frippiat, Christophe ; Holeyman, Alain ; Peeters, Gérard. Characterization of a two-layer aquifer using well drawdown data. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, Dec.2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009, p. H21C-0863.

Benali, A. ; Touzani, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; El Kadiri, S.. Enquête et analyse de pesticides dans les eaux de la plaine de Triffa (Maroc oriental). 2ème congrès international "Eaux, déchets et environnement" de l'union des pays de la méditérranée (El Jadida, Maroc, 26-27 novembre 2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009.

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimating travel times of recharge water through the unsaturated zone using a transfer function model. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 20-24 April 2009). In: Geophyisal Research Abstracts, vol. 11, 2009, p. EGU2009-10033.

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vereecken, H. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. High-resolution digital mapping of surface soil water content at the field scale using ground penetrating radar. AGU Joint Assembly (Toronto, Canada, du 24/05/2009 au 27/05/2009).

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Identification of the nitrate contamination sources of the Brusselian sands groundwater body (Belgium) using a dual-isotope approach. Isonitrate workshop:final programme "Towards new methods to manage nitrate pollution within the water framework directive" (Paris, France, 10-11 December 2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009, p. 27.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Billo Bah, Boubacar. Impact of short range variability of soil properties on pesticide leaching exposure assessment. 11th International Fresenius AGRO Conference "Behaviour of Pesticides in Air, Soil and Water" (Mainz, Germany, 22-23 June 2009). In: Book of abstracts, 2009, p. 16-34.

Bah, B.B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Noël, S. ; Buffet, D. ; Oger, R.. Mapping Ground water Vulnerability to Pesticides Leaching with Process-based Metamodel of EuroPEARL: The Molignée catchment case, Belgium. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 20-24 April 2009). In: Geophyisal Research Abstracts, vol. 11, 2009, p. EGU2009-5850-4.

Lievens, H. ; Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Matgen, P. ; Montanari, M. ; Hoffmann, L. ; Marzahn, P. ; Ludwig, R. ; Mattia, F. ; Verhoest, N.. Soil moisture retrieval based on SAR-derived effective roughness parameters. 3d ALOS Joint PI Symposium (Kona, Hawaii, US, du 09/11/2009 au 13/11/2009).

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Soil surface water content estimation by full-waveform GPR signal inversion in presence of thin layers. European Geophysical Union (Vienna, Austria, du 20/04/2009 au 24/04/2009).

Sangaré, Sheick ; Compaoré, E. ; Sedogo, P.M. ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Vertical nutrient fluxes in soils of urban agriculgure: a study of N, P and K leaching in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Grantees Meeting "Resources, their Dynamics, and Sustainability: Capacity-Development in Comparative and Integrated Approaches" (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 5-9 Januray 2009). In: Book of abstracts, Volkswagen Stiftung, 2009, p. 18.

Sangaré, Sheick ; Compaore, E. ; Sedogo, M.P. ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Vertical nutrient fluxes in soils of urban agriculture: Field-scale analysis of the study of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium leaching in Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). International Conference on Land and Water Degradation Processes and Management: COMLAND (Magdeurg, Germany, du 07.09.2009 au 12.09.2009). In: Proceedings, 2009.


Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Fischer, R. ; Gottesbüren, B. ; Hanze, K. ; Huber, A. ; Jarvis, T. ; Jones, R.L. ; Klein, M. ; Pokludova, M. ; Remy, B. ; Sweeney, P. ; Tiktak, A. ; Trevisan, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vanderborght, J.. Assessing Potential for Movement of Active Substances and their Metabolites to Ground Water in the EU : Final Report of the Ground Water Work Group of FOCUS (FOrum for the Co-ordination of pesticide fate models and their USe), 2009. 604 p.

Persoons, Etienne ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Goor, Quentin. Rapport d'expertise "Affaire inondation du Moulin de Souvret". Dossier 2007/RG/660 de la Cour d'Appel de Mons., 2009. 47 p.


Jadoon, Khan Zaib ; Slob, Evert ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, Harry ; Lambot, Sébastien. Uniqueness and stability analysis of hydrogeophysical inversion for time-lapse ground-penetrating radar estimates of shallow soil hydraulic properties. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 44, no. 9 (2008). doi:10.1029/2007WR006639.


Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Huisman, J.A. ; Vereecken, H.. Hydrogeophysical techniques for site characterization and monitoring: recent advances in ground-penetrating radar. In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008, p. 183-202.

Mattern, S. ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Introducing time variability and sampling rate in the mapping of groundwater contamination by means of the Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) method . In: Lucila Candela ; Iñaki Vadillo ; Francisco Javier Elorza, Advances in Subsurface Pollution of Porous Media - Indicators, Processes and Modelling (Vol. 14), CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2008. 978-0-415-47690-4.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Numerical models for prediction of flow and transport in soil at the field scale. In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security, Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008, p. 281-291.


Besson, Arlène ; Vandoorne, Bertrand ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Nguyen, F. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Analyse de l'impact de techniques culturales sur les transferts en eau et en solutés du sol à l'échelle du profil pédologique. 33èmes Journées du GFHN: Impact de l'usage du sol sur les ressources en eau souterraine (Avignon, France, 19-20 november 2008). In: Book of abstracts, 2008, p. 38.

Minet, Julien ; Besson, Arlène ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Analysis of a Frequency Domain Reflectometry forward and Inverse Modelling Technique for complete Characterization of a Water Content Profile. European Geophysical Union (Vienna (Austria), du 14/04/2008 au 18/04/2008).

Besson, Arlène ; Minet, Julien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Characterization of the soil water content profile along a frequency domain reflectometry probe using advanced forward and inverse modeling techniques. EuroSoil (Vienna, Austria, 24-29 August 2008).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; van Ypersele de Strihou, Jean-Pascal. Climat change and water management. Some key insights from the IPCC. Workshop Climate change and water management, Region Assemblies of Europe (Den Haag, The Netherlands, 26.05.08).

Laloy, Eric ; Bielders, Charles ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Roisin, Céline. Comparaison de 3 méthodes de caractérisation de l'impact du travail du sol sur sa structure bi- et tri-dimensionnelle: description du profil cultural par la méthode de Manichon, tomographie par résistivité éldctrique et pénétrométrie. 33èmes Journées du GFHN: Impact de l'usage du sol sur les ressources en eau souterraine (Avignon, France, 19-20 novembre 2008). In: Book of abstracts, 2008, p. 63.

Van Camp, M. ; Métivier, L. ; Williams, S.D.P. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Dassargues, A. ; de Viron, O.. De l'influence des phénomènes hydrologiques sur les mesures gravimétriques. L'eau dans tous ses états - Vision spatiale (Unesco-Paris, France, 18 novembre 2008).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Etudes de la relation agriculture eaux souterraines: outils, modèles, études de cas. Journée d'étude Nitrawal - SPGE (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique, 31 octobre).

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Facteurs influençant la pollution d'un aquifère sableux non confiné par les nitrates. 33ème Journées du GFHN: Impact de l'usage du sol sur les ressources en eau souterraine (Avignon, France, 19-20 novembre 2008). In: Book of abstracts, 2008, p. 16.

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Factors affecting groundwater pollution by nitrate in a sandy aquifer. EGU General Assembly 2008 (Vienna, Austria, 14-18 April). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.10, 2008, p. EGU2008-A-08316.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Minet, Julien ; Slob, E. ; Jadoon, Khan Zaib ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Full-Waveform Modeling and Inversion of Proximal Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Soil Hydrogeophysical Characterization. First Global Workshop on High Resolution Digital Soil Sensing & Mapping (Sydney, Australia, du 05/02/2008 au 08/02/2008).

Lambot, Sébastien ; Minet, Julien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vereecken, H. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. High-resolution, real-time mapping of surface soil moisture at the field scale using ground penetrating radar. American Geophysical Union (San Francisco, USA, 15-19 December 2008).

Lievens, H. ; Verhoest, N. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; De Baets, B. ; Hoffmann, L. ; Pauwels, V. ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Minet, Julien ; Vernieuwe, H. ; Matgen, P. ; Montanari, M. ; Plaza, Placido. Integrating radar remote sensing, hydrologic and hydraulic modelling for surface water management. Luxembourg Earth Observation Day: Remote Sensing Applications in Hydrology (Luxembourg, 19 November).

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Mapping the soil hydrogeophysical properties using full-waveform inversion of proximal, zero-offset groung-penetrating radar based on vector network analyzer technology. EGU General Assembly (Vienna (Austria), 14-18 April). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.10, 2008, p. EGU2008-A-10892.

Van Cauwenbergh, N. ; Pinte, D. ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Frances, I. ; Pulido-Bosch, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Multi-objective, multiple participant decision support for water management in the Andarax catchment, Almeria. International Congress on Groundwater in Mediterranean Countries (Malaga(Spain), Apr 24-28, 2006). In: Environmental Geology, Vol. 54, no. 3, p. 479-489 (2008). doi:10.1007/s00254-007-0847-y.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Burton, C.. Stratégies pour lutter contre les inondations à l'échelle régionale: une expérience de la Région wallonne en Belgique. Table ronde Inondations (Université Mohammed 1er, Oujda, Maroc, 16 décembre).

Minet, Julien ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Surface soil water content estimation by GPR signal inversion facing shallow soil layering. GPR 2008 (Birmingham, United Kingdom, du 16/06/2008 au 19/06/2008).

Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Fischer, R. ; Hanze, K. ; Jarvis, T. ; Klein, M. ; Remy, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tiktak, A. ; Vanderborght, J. ; Trevisan, M. ; Jandorova, M. ; Jones, R. ; Sweeney, P. ; Gottesbüren, B.. Tiered approaches for leaching to groundwater developed by the FOCUS groundwater group. FOCUS groundwater modelling work group (Berlin, Germany, 03-04 June).


Fetouani, Sanae ; Sbaa, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bendra, Brahim. Assessing ground water quality in the irrigated plain of Triffa (north-east Morocco). In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 95, no. 2, p. 133-142 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2007.09.009.

Saadi, Samir ; Sbaa, M. ; El Kharmouz, M. ; Rodriguez, L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Contribution à l'étude de la composition physique des déchets solides de la ville d'Oujda (Maroc Oriental). In: Tribune de l'eau (2005), Vol. 634, no. 2, p. 3-13 (2007).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Diffuse pollution modelling of nutrients and pesticides. In: Kungl.Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens Tidskrift, Vol. 1, p. 31-34 (2007).

El Kharmouz, M. ; Sbaa, M. ; Chafi, A. ; Rodriguez Ruiz, L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Saadi, Samir. Evolution spatio-temporelle de la composition physico-chimique des lixiviats d'une décharge située sous un climat semi-aride (cas de la décharge publique de la ville d'Oujda, Maroc oriental). In: Tribune de l'eau (2005), Vol. 634, no. 2, p. 33-47 (2007).

Pochet, Grégoire ; Delvaux, Bruno ; Van der Velde, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Hydric properties of high charge, halloysitic clay soils from the tropical South Pacific region. In: Geoderma, Vol. 138, no. 1-2, p. 96-109 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.10.019.

Leterme, Bertrand ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van der Linden, Ton ; Tiktak, Aaldrik ; Rounsevell, Mark. Including spatial variability in Monte Carlo simulations of pesticide leaching.. In: Environmental science & technology, Vol. 41, no. 21, p. 7444-50 (2007). doi:10.1021/es0714639.

Van Cauwenbergh, N. ; Biala, K. ; Bielders, Charles ; Brouckaert, V. ; Franchois, L. ; Cidad, V. Garcia ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, Bart ; Reijnders, J. ; Sauvenier, Xavier ; Valckx, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Van der Veken, B. ; Wauters, E. ; Peeters, Alain. SAFE - A hierarchical framework for assessing the sustainability of agricultural systems. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Vol. 120, no. 2-4, p. 229-242 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.agee.2006.09.006.

van der Velde, M. ; Green, S. R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, B. E.. Sustainable development in small island developing states: Agricultural intensification, economic development, and freshwater resources management on the coral atoll of Tongatapu. In: Ecological Economics, Vol. 61, no. 2-3, p. 456-468 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2006.03.017.

Leterme, Bertrand ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; van der Linden, Antonius M. A. ; Tiktak, Aaldrik ; Rounsevell, Mark. The consequences of interpolating or calculating first on the simulation of pesticide leaching at the regional scale. In: Geoderma, Vol. 137, no. 3-4, p. 414-425 (2007). doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2006.09.004.


van der Linden, T. ; Tiktak, A. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Groundwater indicators. In: EU-FP6 project-Contract n°SSPE-CT-2003-501997, HArmonised environmental Indicators for pesticide Risk, 2007, p. 38.


Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. 3-D modelling of water flow and solute transport in soils: challenges and opportunities. Congrès International "Eaux et déchets" (Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Maroc, 22-23 nov.07). In: Book of abstracts, 2007, p. 26.

Antoine, Michaël ; Bielders, Charles ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Application of the Connectivity Concept on Soil Surface Micro-topography, and Impact on Runoff Dynamics: Numerical Experiment. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.9, 2007, p. 08604.

van Dam, T. ; Van Camp, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Dassargues, A.. Are superconducting gravimeters expensive soil moisture probes?. AGU Fall Meeting Suppl. (San Francisco (USA), Dec.2007). In: EOS Trans.AGU, vol.88 (52), 2007, p. G31A-05.

Jones, R.L. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Fischer, R. ; Gottesbüren, B. ; Hanze, K. ; Huber, A. ; Jarvis, T. ; Klein, M. ; Pokludova, M. ; Remy, B. ; Sweeney, P. ; Tiktak, A. ; Trevisan, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vanderborght, J.. Assessing potential impact to groundwater in the EU and national registration procedures. XIII symposium on pesticide chemistry, environmental fate and human health (Piacenza, Italy, 2-6 September). In: Book of abstracts, 2007, p. 881-888.

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Pinte, Didrik ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Francés Herrera, Isaac ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Comparison of scenarios for sustainable water management in the Andarax catchment (Almeria). Coastal aquifers: challenges and solutions: TIAC07 (Madrid, Spain, 16-19 Oct.07). In: Hidrogeologia y aguas subterranea, vol.23, part 1, Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana, 2007, p. 819-830.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Electric and hydraulic property identification from time-lapse GPR Greens function inversion. 67.Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft (Aachen, Germany, 29 March).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Environmental sciences, technology and management. PhD Day graduate school ENVITAM (UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, 05 Feb.). In: Book of abstracts, 2007, p. 23.

Fetouani, Sanae ; Sbaa, M. ; Bendra, Brahim ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Etude physico-chimique et biologique du transfert de la pollution agricole diffuse dans les compartiments eau sol et plantes au niveau d'une exploitation agricole pilote de la plaine des Triffa (Maroc oriental). Congrès International "Eaux et déchets" (Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Maroc, 22-23 nov.07). In: Book of abstracts, 2007, p. 295.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Hydrogeophysical techniques for soil pollution characterization and monitoring: ground-penetrating radar. Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security (Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-26 May). In: Proceedings, 2007, p. 3-6.

Weynants, Mélanie ; Vereecken, H. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu. Improving pedotransfert function by adding structure-related parameters. WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales. Assessment of fate, impact and indicators (WAPO2) (Barcelone, Spain, 10-13 April 2007). In: Hidrogeologia y aguas subterranea, vol.22, 2007, p. 307-313.

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Pinte, Didrik ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Indicators for Integrated Water Resources Management. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.9, 2007, p. 10831.

Mattern, Samuel ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bogaert, Patrick. Introducing time variability in the mapping of groundwater contamination by means of the Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) method. WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales. Assessment of fate, impact and indicators (WAPO2) (Barcelone, Spain, 10-13 April 2007). In: Hidrogeologia y aguas subterranea, vol.22, 2007, p. 181-186.

Faiz, M. ; Sbaa, M. ; El Halouani, H. ; Vasel, J.L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Cogels, Xavier. La ré-utilisation des eaux usées en agriculture et leur impact sur le sol dans la région d'Oujda (Maroc). Congrès International "Eaux et déchets" (Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Maroc, 22-23 nov.07). In: Book of abstracts, 2007, p. 72.

Tiktak, A. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping the vulnerability of European groundwater to leaching of pesticides with a process based meta-model of EuroPEARL. ACS National Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 25-29 March 2007).

Tiktak, A. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; van der Linden, T. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Metapearl: a metamodel for EuroPEARL. ACS National Meeting (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 25-29 March 2007).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tiktak, A.. Modellen voor de regionale voorspelling van de belasting van grondwater door agro-chemicaliën. Congres Watersysteemkennis. Studiedag "De interactie tussen bodem, grondwater en ecosysteem" (KUL, Leuven, Belgium, 26 April 2007). In: Water n°31, 2007, p. 1-7.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Modelling pollution pressure from agricultural origin on ground water resources: approaches, strengths, weaknesses and threats. Congrès International "Eaux et déchets" (Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Maroc, 22-23 nov.07). In: Book of abstracts, 2007, p. 8.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Numerical models for prediction a water flow and solute transport in soil. Soil Chemical Pollution, Risk Assessment, Remediation and Security (Sofia, Bulgaria, 23-26 May). In: Lecture Notes, 2007, p. 23-26.

Minet, Julien ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Real-time mapping of soil water content using GPR. SSSB thematic day (Brussels, 5 December 2007).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Lambot, Sébastien. Recent advances in characterizing flow and transport in unsaturated soil at core and field scale. Estudios de la zona no saturada del Suelo: ZNS07 (Cordoba, Spain, 13-16 Nov.07). In: Book of abstracts, vol. VIII, 2007, p. 19-35.

Candela, L. ; Vadillo, P. ; Aagaard, P. ; Bedbur, P. ; Trevisan, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Viotti, P. ; Lopez-Geta, L.. WAter POllution in natural POrous media at different scales. Assessment of fate, impact and indicators (WAPO2). Publicationes des instituto geologica y minero de Espana (Barcelone, Spain, 10-13 April 2007). In: Hidrogeologia y aguas subterranea, vol.22, 2007, p. 759.


Mattern, Samuel ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Cartographie de la pollution des masses d'eau souterraine des sables bruxelliens par le nitrate, 2007.

Sauvenier, Xavier ; Lambert, Richard ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Contribution à l'interprétation des soldes des bilans d'azote pour évaluter les différentes formes de pollution azotée dans l'air et dans l'eau, 2007.

Sauvenier, Xavier ; Lambert, Richard ; Mathot, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mise au point d'un outil d'aide à la décision et d'évaluation des pratiques agricoles pour réduire les concentrations atmosphériques en gaz à effet de serre, 2007.

Sauvenier, Xavier ; Lambert, Richard ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Towards a process-based "C&N" model for Belgian agro-ecosystems: the WAVE-DNDC model, 2007.


Lambot, Sébastien ; Weihermuller, Lutz ; Huisman, Johan A. ; Vereecken, Harry ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, Evert C.. Analysis of air-launched ground-penetrating radar techniques to measure the soil surface water content. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 42, no. 11 (2006). doi:10.1029/2006WR005097.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E. C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Closed loop GPR data inversion for soil hydraulic and electric property determination. In: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, no. 21 (2006). doi:10.1029/2006GL027906.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Comparaison entre le transport du chlorure et du Brilliant Blue dans un sous-sol hétérogène non saturé. In: Bulletin du GFHN - 29èmes Journées, Vol. 50, p. 19-24 (2006).

Leterme, Bertrand ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; Bogaert, Patrick. Discriminating between point and non-point sources of atrazine contamination of a sandy aquifer.. In: The Science of the total environment, Vol. 362, no. 1-3, p. 124-42 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.06.010.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Antoine, Michaël ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, EC. Effect of soil roughness on the inversion of off-ground monostatic GPR signal for noninvasive quantification of soil properties. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 42, no. 3 (2006). doi:10.1029/2005WR004416.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, B. E.. El Nino-Southern Oscillation determines the salinity of the freshwater lens under a coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean. In: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, no. 21 (2006). doi:10.1029/2006GL027748.

Abbasi, F. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J ; Wyseure, Guido ; Nziguheba, G. Experimental study of water flow and sulphate transport at monolith scale. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 79, no. 1, p. 93-112 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2005.07.032.

Van Camp, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Crommen, O. ; Petermans, T. ; Verbeeck, K. ; Meurers, B. ; van Dam, T. ; Dassargues, Alain. Hydrogeological investigations at the Membach station, Belgium, and application to correct long periodic gravity variations. In: Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 111, no. B10 (2006). doi:10.1029/2006JB004405.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Kasteel, R. ; Vanderborght, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Interpretation of dye transport in a macroscopically heterogeneous, unsaturated subsoil with a one-dimensional model. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 5, no. 2, p. 529-538 (2006). doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0085.

Tiktak, A. ; Boesten, J. J. T. I. ; van der Linden, A. M. A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Mapping ground water vulnerability to pesticide leaching with a process-based metamodel of EuroPEARL. In: Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 35, no. 4, p. 1213-1226 (2006). doi:10.2134/jeq2005.0377.

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Ordonez, A ; Roosen, J ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Metamodelling: Theory, concepts and application to nitrate leaching modelling. In: Ecological Modelling, Vol. 193, no. 3-4, p. 629-644 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.08.045.

Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Vereecken, H. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Thiery, D ; Mouvet, C. Response to "Comments on 'A set of analytical benchmarks to test numerical models of flow and transport in soils"'. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 5, no. 1, p. 128-128 (2006). doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0091L.

Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Herbst, M. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Thiéry, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mouvet, C. ; Vereecken, H.. Response to comments on "A set of analytical benchmarks to test numerical models of flow and transport in soils". In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 5, p. 128 (2006).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Scale-dependency of the hydraulic properties of a variably saturated heterogeneous sandy subsoil. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 327, no. 3-4, p. 376-388 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.11.040.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Three-dimensional modeling of the scale- and flow rate-dependency of dispersion in a heterogeneous unsaturated sandy monolith. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 5, no. 2, p. 515-528 (2006). doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0056.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Three-dimensional structure characterisation and transient flow modelling of a variably saturated heterogeneous monolith. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 327, no. 3-4, p. 516-524 (2006). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2005.11.064.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Green, SR ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, BE. Transpiration of squash under a tropical maritime climate. In: Plant and Soil : international journal on plant-soil relationships, Vol. 280, no. 1-2, p. 323-337 (2006). doi:10.1007/s11104-005-9504-y.


Vanclooster, Marnik. Effective Approaches for Modeling Ground Water Load of Surface Applied Chemicals. In: L. Simeonov & E. Chirila, Chemicals as Intentional and Accidental Threats, Springer, 2006, p. 65-92. 1-4020-5097-6.


Goor, Quentin ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Persoons, Etienne. A linear transfer function model to predict groundwater recharge in the valley of the Drâa (South-Morocco). EGU General Assembly (Vienne (Austria), 03-07.04.06). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.8, 2006, p. EGU-A-10670.

Lopera, O. ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Macq, Benoît ; Milisavljevic, N.. A new integrated approach for characterizing the soil electromagnetic properties and detecting landmines using a hand-held vector network analyzer. SPIE Defense & Security Symposium (Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2006). In: Proceedings, vol.6217, 2006, p. 62170W.

Sulmon, Robijn-Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Janssen, P. ; Buesen, A. ; Tiktak, A.. A run-off meta-model for the Netherlands. Congrès GIRE3D (Univers. Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc, 23-25 May).

Sulmon, Robijn-Pierre ; Leterme, Bertrand ; Pinte, Didrik ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bogaert, Patrick. Can groundwater vulnerability maps be validated?. Congrès GIRE3D (Marrakech (Maroc), Université Cadi Ayyat, du 23.05.2006 au 25.05.2006).

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Combining full-wave GPR green's function inversion with hydrodynamic modeling to monitor the shallow water dynamics and estimate the soil hydraulic properties: possibilities and limitations. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006 (Vienna, Austria, 02-07 April). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.8, 2006, p. EGU06-A-09095.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Constraining time-lapse off-ground GPR Green's function inversion using hydrodynamic modeling. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 10-15 Dec.). In: EOS Trans, 2006.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Lopera, O. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H. ; Slob, E.C.. Effect of the antenna height on the estimation of the soil electromagnetic properties using full-wave inverse modeling of GPR data. 11th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, 19-22 June). In: Proceedings, 2006, p. 8p.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, B.. El Niño-Southern Oscillation controls the salinity of a freshwater lens under a coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean. EGU General Assembly (Vienna, Austria, April 2006). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.8, 2006, p. EGU06-A-02963.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Dassargues, A. ; Crommen, O. ; van Dam, T. ; Van Camp, M.. Hydrogeological investigations at the Membach station, Belgium and application to correct long periodic gravity variations. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA, 11-15 Dec.).

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vereecken, H.. Hydrogeophysical characterization of soil using full-wave inversion of off-ground monostatic ground penetrating radar data. 87th Conference of the Korean Society for Geosystem Engineering (Gangwon Land, South Korea, 14-15 Nov.). In: Proceedings, 2006, p. 112-123.

Van Camp, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Dassargues, A. ; Crommen, O. ; Petermans, T. ; Verbeeck, K. ; Meurens, B.. Hydrology and gravity at the Membach station, Belgium. Geological Belgica Meeting (Membach, 9 janvier).

Leterme, Bertrand ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tiktak, A. ; van der Linden, T. ; Rounsevell, Mark. Inclusion of spatial variability in Monte Carlo simulations of pesticide leaching. EGU General Assembly (Vienne (Austria), 03-07.04.06). In: Geophysical research abstracts, vol.8, 2006, p. EGU06-A-00333.

Van Huylenbroeck, G. ; Stilmant, D. ; Van Hecke, Etienne ; Muys, B. ; Meert, H. ; Mathijs, E. ; Hermy, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Peeters, Alain ; Sauvenier, Xavier ; Bielders, Charles ; Mormont, Marc. Learning about sustainability in agriculture and society. Forum Sustainable Agriculture (Bruxelles).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Metamodeling approaches for large scale diffuse pollution modelling. Bertebos Conference "Water and Agriculture" (Falkenberg, Sweden, 14-16 May).

Sebari, Karima ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tilmant, Amaury. Optimisation de la gestion conjointe des ressources en eau dans la vallée du Draa (Maroc). Congrès GIRE3D (Univers. Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc, 23-25 May).

Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark. Storm basin management for a flooding event in an ungauged catchment. 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2006) (Nice, France, 04-08 Sept.). In: Proceedings, 2006, p. 2555-2562.

van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Tiktak, A. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. The HAIR groundwater indicator. Assessment of leaching of pesticides at variable scales using analytically based metamodels. 16th Annual Meeting of SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) (The Hague, The Netherlands, 7-11 May). In: Proceedings, 2006.

Leterme, Bertrand ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tiktak, A. ; van der Linden, T. ; Rounsevell, Mark. The consequences of interpolating or calculation first on the simulation of pesticide leaching at the regional scale. EGU General Assembly (Vienne (Austria), 03-07.04.06). In: Geophyisical research abstracts, vol.8, 2006, p. EGU-A-00336.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Leterme, Bertrand ; Pinte, Didrik ; Mattern, Samuel. Valorisation de la carte pédologique dans la cartographie de la vulnérabilité des nappes souterraines. Journée d'étude "Applications et utilisations de la carte numérique des sols de la Wallonie" (FUSAGx, Gembloux, 18 octobre).

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Pinte, Didrik ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Water management in the Andarax river, Almeria - Part II: decision support system. International Conference "El Agua Subterranea en Paises Mediterraneos" (AquainMed., Malaga, Spain, April). In: Proceedings, 2006.

Pulido Bosch, Antonio ; Calaforra, J.M. ; Vallejos, A. ; Sanchez-Martos, F. ; Gisbert, J. ; Ogilvy, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Francés, I. ; Jorreto, S. ; Diaz-Curiel, J. ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Kuras, O. ; Meldrum, P.I.. Water scarcity, coastal aquifers and desalination plants. Congrès GIRE3D (Univers. Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Maroc, 23-25 May).


Sauvenier, Xavier ; Valckx, J. ; Van Cauwenbergh, N. ; Wauters, E. ; Bachev, Hrabrin Ianouchev ; Biala, Katarzyna ; Bielders, Charles ; Brouckaert, Véronique ; Garcia Cidad, Visi ; Goyens, S. ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Peeters, Alain. Framework for assessing sustainability levels in Belgian agricultural systems - SAFE. Part 1: Sustainable production and consumption patterns. Final report - SPSD II CP 28, 2006.


Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Herbst, M ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Thiery, D ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mouvet, C ; Vereecken, H.. A set of analytical benchmarks to test numerical models of flow and transport in soils. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 4, no. 1, p. 206-221 (2005). doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0206.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Wang, Z. ; Feyen, Jan ; Elrick, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Correction to "Prediction of fingering in porous media": Revision and evaluation of unstable flow criteria. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 41. doi:10.1029/2004WR003831.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Green, SR ; Gee, GW ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, BE. Evaluation of drainage from passive suction and nonsuction flux meters in a volcanic clay soil under tropical conditions. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 4, no. 4, p. 1201-1209 (2005). doi:10.2136/vzj2005.0011.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Van den Bosch, Idesbald ; Stockbroeckx, Benoît ; Druyts, Pascal ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, E.C.. Frequency dependance of the soil dielectric properties derived from ground penetrating radar signal inversion. In: Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications, Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 73-87 (2005). doi:10.1007/s11220-005-4228-x.

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Micro-variability of hydrological processes at the maize row scale: implications for soil water content measurements and evapotranspiration estimates. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 303, no. 1-4, p. 247-270 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.07.017.

Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; La Junesse, I.. Sensitivity of the SWAT model to the soil and land use data parametrisation: a case study in the Thyle catchment, Belgium. In: Ecological Modelling, Vol. 187, no. 1, p. 27-39 (2005). doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.01.025.

Ritter, A ; Munoz-Carpena, R ; Regalado, CM ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Using TDR and inverse modeling to characterize solute transport in a layered agricultural volcanic soil. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 4, no. 2, p. 300-309 (2005). doi:10.2136/vzj2004.0094.


Alvarez-Benedi, Javier ; Munoz-Carpena, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modeling as a tool for the characterization of soil water and chemical fate and transport. In: Alvarez-Benedi Javier & Rafael Munoz-Carpena Eds, Soils-Water-Solute Process Characterization: an integrated approach, CRC Press, 2005, 37-121 (chap.3).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanderborght, J.. Solute transport in soil at the core and field scale. In: M.G. Anderson, John Wiley & Sons, In Enclyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences, 2005, 1041-1054 (chap.69). doi:10.1002/0470848944.hsa073.


Van der Linden, A.M. ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A neural network metamodel of pesticide leaching in the Netherlands. EGU General Assembly (Vienne (Austria), 25-29.04.05). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005, p. EGU05-A-10776.

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles ; Peeters, Alain. Agri-environmental indicators for soil and water as a tool for integrated sustainability assessment. In: EGU General Assembly, p. EGU05-A-10777 (2005).

Peeters, Alain ; Biala, Katarzyna ; Brouckaert, Véronique ; Garcia, V. ; Hermy, M. ; Muys, B. ; Van der Veken, B. ; Valckx, J. ; Mathijs, E. ; Franchois, L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles ; Reijnders, J. ; Van Cauwenbergh, N.. Biodiversity indicators as a tool to assess sustainability levels of agro-ecosystems with a special consideration of grasslands areas. In: Sustainable grazing, nutritional utilisation and quality of sheep and goat products. Proceedings of the first seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM and Mountain and Mediterranean pasture sub-networks, p. 439-443 (2005).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Sulmon, Robijn-Pierre ; Leterme, Bertrand ; Pinte, Didrik. Can groundwater vulnerability mapping models be validated?. COST629: Monitoring of the quality of subsurface water bodies: approaches, experiences and effectiveness (Larnaca (Cyprus), 8-9/12/05). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. 7.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Dye transport in a macroscopically heterogeneous unsaturated soil. Thematic day of the Belgian Soil Science Society on "Polluted sites and soils: What is the contribution of research?" (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Effective approaches for modelling ground water load of surface applied chemicals. NATO workshop "Chemicals as intentional and accidental global environmental threats" (Borovetz (Bulgaria), 16-26/11/05). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. 155-180.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Antoine, Michaël ; Slob, E.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimation on the effective vadose zone hydraulic properties, based on electromagnetics and hydrodynamic invesions of GPR signals. EGU General Assembly (Vienne (Austria), 25-29.04.05). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005, p. EGU05-A-03320.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Weihermüller, L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, E.C.. Full wave inversion of off-ground monostatic GPR signal focusing on the surface reflection for identifying surface dielectric permittivity. Proceedings of the 3d International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar, IWAGPR 2005 (Delft, The Netherlands, 02-05 May). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. 113-118.

Tilmant, Amaury ; Lettany, Jonathan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Hydrological risk assessment in the Euphrates and Tigris river basins - A stochastic dual dynamic programming approach. EGU General Assembly (Vienne (Austria), 25-29.04.05). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005, p. EGU05-A-03297.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Weihermüller, L. ; Huisman, S. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, E.. Identifying surface water content from full wave inversion of off-ground monostatic ground penetrating radar signal. Internat. workshop "Measuring soil water contents at different scales" (Forschungzentrum Jülich (Germany), 17-18/11/05).

van der Velde, Marijn ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Green, Steve ; Manu, V. ; Minoneti, V. ; Clothier, B.. Integrative water management in the Pacific: protecting freshwater resources from agricultural intensification on the coral atoll of Tongatapu. European Geosciences Union Congress (Vienne, Autriche, April 2005). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2005, p. EGU05-A-07833.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Michaelidou, S. ; Trevisan, M.. Monitoring of the water quality in subsurface water bodies. Scientific workshop (Univers.Larnaca, Cyprus, du 08.12.2005 au 09.12.2005). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. 46.

Tilmant, Amaury ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Fortemps, P.. Optimal Operation of Multipurpose Reservoirs with Interacting Objectives. Proceedings of the International Conference for Reservoir Operation and River Management(ICROM'05) (Guanghzou & Three Gorges, China, 17-23 Sept.). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. on CD.

Peeters, Alain ; Biala, Katarzyna ; Brouckaert, Véronique ; Garcia, V. ; Hermy, M. ; Muys, B. ; Van der Veken, B. ; Valcks, J. ; Mathijs, E. ; Franchois, L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles ; Reijnders, Janneke ; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora. Preliminary ideas on the development of a framework for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems (SAFE). Options médiérranéennes: pâturage durable, utilisation nutritionelle et qualité des produits des ovins et des caprins (Granada, Spain, 02-04 October). In: 1st Joint Seminar of the FAO-CICHEAM Sheep and Goat Nutrition and Mountain and mediterranean Pastures Sub-Networks (Granada, Spain, 02-04 October), 2005, p. 445-451 Série A, vol. 67.

Sauvenier, Xavier ; Bielders, Charles ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, B. ; Valckx, J. ; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wauters, E. ; Peeters, Alain. SAFE: a tool for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems: illustration. XX International Grassland Congress "Optimisation of nutrient cycling and soil quality for sustainable grasslands", and Oxford Satellite Workshop (3rd) (Dublin (Ireland), July 2005). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. 110.

Sauvenier, Xavier ; Bielders, Charles ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, B. ; Valckx, J. ; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wauters, E. ; Peeters, Alain. SAFE: a tool for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems: methodology. XX International Grassland Congress "Optimisation of Nutrient Cycling and soil quality for sustainable grasslands", and Oxford Satellite workshop (3rd) (Dubin (Ireland), July 2005). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. 111.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Green, Steve ; Manu, V. ; Minoneti, V. ; Clothier, B.. Sustainable development and small island developing states: protecting freshwater resources from agricultural intensification on the coral atoll of Tongatapu. International conference on "Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and GlobalChange: A North-South Analysis" (Bonn, Germany, 23-25/02/05).

van der Velde, Marijn ; Green, Steve ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, B.. Water balance of an agricultural field cropped with squash on Tongatapu. European Geoscienes Union Congress (Vienne, Autriche, 25-29.04.05). In: Book of abstracts, 2005, p. EGU05-A-07744.


Sulmon, Robijn-Pierre ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Janssen, P.H.M. ; Beusen, A.H.W. ; Tiktak, A.. Meta-modelling approaches for STONE : Technical Report, 2005. 30 p.


Ritter, A ; Munoz-Carpena, R ; Regalado, CM ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Analysis of alternative measurement strategies for the inverse optimization of the hydraulic properties of a volcanic soil. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 295, no. 1-4, p. 124-139 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.03.005.

Tiktak, A. ; de Nie, DS ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Jones, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of the pesticide leaching risk at the Pan-European level. The EuroPEARL approach. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 289, no. 1-4, p. 222-238 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.11.030.

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Comments on "Water flux estimates from a Belgian Scots pine stand: a comparison of different approaches" by L. Meiresonne, D.A. Sampson, A.S. Kowalski, I.A. Janssens, N. Nadezhdina, J. Cermak, J. Van Slycken, R. Ceulemans, Journal of Hydrology, 2003, 230-252. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 291, no. 1-2, p. 150-153 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2003.12.020.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Antoine, Michaël ; van den Bosch, I. ; Slob, EC ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Electromagnetic inversion of GPR signals and subsequent hydrodynamic inversion to estimate effective vadose zone hydraulic properties. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 1072-1081 (2004).

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, EC ; van den Bosch, I. ; Stockbroeckx, B. ; Scheers, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimating soil electric properties from monostatic ground-penetrating radar signal inversion in the frequency domain. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 40, no. 4 (2004). doi:10.1029/2003WR002095.

Hupet, François ; van Dam, JC ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Impact of within-field variability in soil hydraulic properties on transpiration fluxes and crop yields: A numerical study. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 1367-1379 (2004).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. In situ long-term chloride transport through a layered, nonsaturated subsoil. 1. Data set, interpolation methodology, and results. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 1322-1330 (2004). doi:10.2136/vzj2004.1322.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. In situ long-term chloride transport through a layered, nonsaturated subsoil. 2. Effect of layering on solute transport processes. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 1331-1339 (2004). doi:10.2136/vzj2004.1331.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Hupet, François ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Laboratory evaluation of a hydrodynamic inverse modeling method based on water content data. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 40, no. 3 (2004). doi:10.1029/2003WR002641.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Rhebergen, J ; van den Bosch, I. ; Slob, EC ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Measuring the soil water content profile of a sandy soil with an off-ground monostatic ground penetrating radar. In: Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 1063-1071 (2004). doi:10.2113/3.4.1063.

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Ordonez, André ; Roosen, Jutta ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Metamodelling: Theory, concepts, and application to nitrate leaching. In: Developments in Water Science, Vol. 55, no. 1, p. 915-924. doi:10.1016/S0167-5648(04)80111-4.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, EC ; van den Bosch, I. ; Stockbroeckx, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modeling of ground-penetrating radar for accurate characterization of subsurface electric properties. In: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 42, no. 11, p. 2555-2568 (2004). doi:10.1109/TGRS.2004.834800.

Hupet, François ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Quantifying the local-scale uncertainty of estimated actual evapotranspiration. In: Hydrological Processes : an international journal, Vol. 18, no. 17, p. 3415-3434 (2004). doi:10.1002/hyp.1504.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Hupet, François ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Reply to comment by S. Assouline on "Laboratory evaluation of a hydrodynamic inverse modeling method based on water content data''. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 40, no. 12 (2004). doi:10.1029/2004WR003667.

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Sampling strategies to estimate field areal evapotranspiration fluxes with a soil water balance approach. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 292, no. 1-4, p. 262-280 (2004). doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.01.006.


Lambot, Sébastien ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Inverse modeling techniques to characterize soil transport processes in the soil-crop continuum. In: Alvarez-Benedi I. and R. Munoz-Carpena (Eds), Soil-Water-Solute Processes in environmental systems, 2004, p. 693-714. doi:10.1201/9781420032086.ch20.


Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. 3-D modeling of flow and solute transport in an undisturbed non-saturated monolith. Saturated & unsaturated zone: integration of process knowledge into effective models (Rome, Italy, du 05.05.2004 au 07.05.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 177-182.

Brouckaert, V. ; Peeters, Alain ; Biala, Katarzyna ; Garcia, V. ; Hermy, M. ; Muys, B. ; Van der Veken, B. ; Mathijs, E. ; Franchois, L. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles ; Van Cauwenbergh, Nora. A method for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems (SAFE). Land use systems in grassland dominated region (Luzern, Switzerland, du 21/06/2004 au 24/06/2004). In: Proceedings of the 20th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, 2004.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Van den Bosch, Idesbald ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, E.C.. Accurate Forward and Inverse Modeling of GPR signal and Identifying the Shallow Subsurface Dielectric Properties. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, du 25.04.2004 au 30.04.2004). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2004, p. EGU04-A-04863 (vol.6).

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Peeters, Alain. Agri-environmental indicators for soil. Eurosoil 2004 (Freiburg, Germany, du 04.09.2004 au 12.09.2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. 219.

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Bielders, Charles ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Peeters, Alain. Agri-environmental indicators for soil and water as a tool for integrated sustainable assessment. In: Cost629: Integrated methods for assessing water quality, p. 118-126 (2004).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Kasteel, R. ; Vanderborght, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Brilliant Blue and Chloride Transport Modeling in an Undisturbed Sandy Monolith. Eurosoil 2004 (Freiburg, Germany, du 04.09.2004 au 12.09.2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. 30-31.

Sulmon, Robijn-Pierre ; Bogaert, Patrick ; Persoons, Etienne ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Caractérisation des incertitudes des mesures hydrologiques en Wallonie. Mise en oeuvre de la directive cadre de l'Eau (2000/60/CE) (Wépion, Belgique, 12/10/04).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Kasteel, R. ; Vanderborght, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Comparison between chloride and brilliant blue transport in undisturbed sandy monolith. Unsaturated Zone Modelling: progress, challenges and application (Wageningen, The Netherlands, October 2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. 107.

Leterme, Bertrand ; Rounsevell, Mark ; Pinte, Didrik ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Development of an integrated methodology for the assessment of groundwater contamination by pesticides at the catchment scale. International conference on Groundwater vulnerability assessment and mapping (Ustron, Poland, du 15.06.2004 au 18.06.2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. 158.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pineros Garcet, Juan. Development of metamodels for environmental systems. Metamodelling workshop (RIVM) (Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 15.06.2004).

van der Velde, Marijn ; Green, Steve ; Gee, Glendon ; Clothier, B. ; Snow, V. ; Manu, V. ; Menoniti, Vunivesi ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Flux meters for quantifying the leaching of agrichemicals on the island of Tongatapu, The Kingdom of Tonga. SuperSoil 2004: 3d Australian New Zealand Soils Conferences (University of Sydney, Australia, du 05.12.2004 au 09.12.2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. on CD.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Gee, Glendon ; Green, Steve ; Snow, V. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, B.. Measurements of water and solute flux with flux meters in a volcanic soil in the tropical environment of Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga. Unsaturated Zone Modelling: progress, challenges and applications (Wageningen, The Netherlands, October 04). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 87.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Meta-models for effective modelling of diffuse pollution in natural porous media. Cost629: Integrated methods for assessing water quality (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 21.10.2004 au 22.10.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 41.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Van Den Bosch, Idesbald ; Antoine, Michaël ; Grégoire, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Slob, E.C.. Modeling of GPR Signal and Inversion for Identifying the Subsurface Dielectric Properties. 30th International conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, du 21.06.2004 au 24.06.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 79-82.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Tiktak, A. ; Jarvis, N. ; Kroes, J. ; Clothier, B. ; Green, S.. On the use of unsaturated flow and transport models in nutrient and pesticide management. Unsaturated zone modelling: processes, applications and challenges (Wageningen, The Netherlands, Oktober 2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 331-361.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Relative influence of macrostructure and textural variability on solute transport in a undisturbed monolith. AgEng2004 (Leuven, Belgium, du 12.09.2004 au 16.09.2004).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Kasteel, R. ; Vanderborght, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Relative influence of structure and texture variability on apparent dispersion in a undisturbed sandy monolith. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, du 25.04.2004 au 30.04.2004). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2004, p. EGU04-A-04864 (vol.6).

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Root water uptake at the maize row scale 1. spatio-temporal dynamics. Unsaturated zone modelling: progress, challenges and applications (Wageningen, The Netherlands, du 03.10.2004 au 05.10.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 54.

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Root water uptake at the maize row scale 2. Impact on the spatio-temporal dynamics of the soil water content. Unsaturated zone modelling: progress, challenges and applications (Wageningen, The Netherlands, du 03.10.2004 au 05.10.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 55.

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Bielders, Charles ; Brouckaert, V. ; Garcia, V. ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, B. ; Valckx, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wauters, E. ; Peeters, Alain. SAFE: Framework for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems. VIth IFSA European Symposium (Vila Real, Portugal, 04-08/04/04).

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Bielders, Charles ; Brouckaert, V. ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, B. ; Valckx, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wauters, E. ; Peeters, Alain. SAFE: Framework for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems: Preliminary results. VIth IFSA European Symposium (Vila Real, Portugal, 03-08/04/04).

Van Cauwenbergh, Nora ; Bielders, Charles ; Brouckaert, V. ; Garcia, V. ; Hermy, M. ; Mathijs, E. ; Muys, B. ; Valckx, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Wauters, E. ; Peeters, Alain. SAFE: framework for assessing sustainability levels in agricultural systems. VIth IFSA European Symposium (Vila Real, Portugal, du 03.04.2004 au 08.04.2004).

Abassi, F. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Feyen, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Solute hysteresis observed in time domain reflectometry and succion cup measurements. AgEng 2004 (Leuven Belgium, du 12.09.2004 au 16.09.2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. 104-105 (Part 1).

Leterme, Bertrand ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; Bogaert, Patrick. Spatio-temporal dynamics of atrazine and nitrate concentrations in a sandy aquifer. Cost629: Integrated methods for assessing water quality (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 21/10/04 au 22/10/04). In: Proceedings of "Cost629: Integrated methods for assessing water quality", p. 65-70 (2004).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu. Traçage hydro-géophysique pour étudier la migration des polluants dans des milieux non saturés dans les formations tertiaires hétérogènes. Proceedings (Kénitra, Maroc, du 15.03.2004 au 17.03.2004). In: Colloque International sur les technologies nouvelles et l'amélioration des risques majeurs, 2004, p. 27.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Une méthodologie de construction d'outil d'aide à la décision multi-sectorielle et opérationnelle en matière de gestion intégrée des ressources en eau. COSTE: Atelier d'Orientation CUD (Université Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Maroc, du 11.10.2004 au 13.10.2004). In: Book of abstracts, 2004, p. 29-30.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Green, Steve ; Gee, Glendon ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Clothier, B.. Using water flux meters as a tool for agricultural water management. Cost629: Integrated methods for assessing water quality (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 21.10.2004 au 22.10.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 21-27.

Pinte, Didrik ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Leterme, Bertrand ; Licour, L. ; Rorive, A.. Vulnerability mapping of the groundwater bodies in the Scheld bassin as a support for designing a groundwater monitoring network. Cost629: Integrated methods for assessing water quality (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 21.10.2004 au 22.10.2004). In: Proceedings, 2004, p. 71-77.

Abassi, F. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. Water flow and sulphate transport in the soil. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, du 25.04.2004 au 30.04.2004). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2004, p. EGU04-A-00793 (vol.6).


Pineros Garcet, Juan ; van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Tiktak, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Het ontwikkelen van een metamodel voor GeoPEARL: Development of a GeoPEARL metamodel: NL_metamodel (), 2004.


La Jeunesse, I ; Rounsevell, Mark ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Delivering a decision support system tool to a river contract: a way to implement the participatory approach principle at the catchment scale?. In: Physics and chemistry of the earth, Vol. 28, no. 12-13, p. 547-554 (2003). doi:10.1016/S1474-7065(03)00093-7.

Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Feddes, RA ; van Dam, JC ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimation of root water uptake parameters by inverse modeling with soil water content data. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 39, no. 11 (2003). doi:10.1029/2003WR002046.

Laftouhi, NE ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Jalal, M ; Witam, O ; Aboufirassi, M. ; Bahir, M ; Persoons, Etienne. Groundwater nitrate pollution in the Essaouira Basin (Morocco). In: Comptes rendus. Geoscience, Vol. 335, no. 3, p. 307-317 (2003). doi:10.1016/S1631-0713(03)00025-7.

Hupet, François ; Feddes, R.A. ; van Dam, J.C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Impact de l'absorption hydrique racinaire sur la dynamique de l'eau du sol. In: Bulletin du GFHN, no. 49, p. 53-60 (Novembre 2003).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Influence de l'échelle, du flux et de la structure sur la dispersivité hydrodynamique en milieu non saturé et non perturbé. In: Bulletin du GFHN, no. 49, p. 96-101 (2003).

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Robust estimation of the generalized solute transfer function parameters. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 67, no. 1, p. 81-91 (2003). doi:10.2136/sssaj2003.0081.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Scale- and rate-dependent solute transport within an unsaturated sandy monolith. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 67, no. 5, p. 1334-1343 (2003). doi:10.2136/sssaj2003.1334.

Ritter, A ; Hupet, François ; Munoz-Carpena, R ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Using inverse methods for estimating soil hydraulic properties from field data as an alternative to direct methods. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 59, no. 2, p. 77-96 (2003). doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(02)00160-9.


Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; van den Bosch, I. ; Stockbroeckx, Benoît ; Scheers, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A new approach for identifying soil water content and electrical conductivity with ground penetrating radar. IEEE Internat.Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) (Toulouse, France, du 21.07.2003 au 25.07.2003).

Tiktak, A. ; De Nie, D. ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Jones, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Assessment of the pesticide leaching at the pan European level using a spatially distributed model. XII Pesticide chemistry symposium: pesticide in air, plant soil and water system (Piacenza, Italy, du 04.06.2003 au 06.06.2003). In: Proceedings, 2003, p. 941-950.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Characterization of the mixing regime during a natural large scale unsaturated flow tracer experiment. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, April 2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-10301.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Effect of flow rate and scale on the hydrodynamic dispersivity on unsaturated sandy soil. 1st Microlysimeter workshop (SFLA) (Neustadt an den Weinstrasse, Germany, May 2003).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Van Den Bergh, Françoise ; Leistra, M. ; Smelt, J. ; Jarvis, N. ; Burauel, P. ; Vereecken, H. ; Wolters, A. ; Linnemann, V. ; Fernandez, E. ; Trevisan, M. ; Capri, E. ; Klein, M. ; Tiktak, A. ; Van der Linden, A. ; De Nie, D. ; Bidoglio, G. ; Baouroui, F. ; Jones, A. ; Armstrong, A.. Effective approach for predicting environmental concentrations of pesticides: the APECOP project. XII Pesticide chemistry symposium: pesticide in air, plant soil and water system (Piacenza, Italy, du 04.06.2003 au 06.06.2003). In: Proceedings, 2003, p. 923-931.

van der Velde, Marijn ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Green, Steve ; Snow, V. ; Clothier, B.. Fertilisers and the contamination risk to groundwater and the lagoon on Tongatapu Island, Kingdom of Tonga. Fertiliser and the lime symposium (Massey University, New Zealand, du 12.02.2003 au 15.02.2003).

Mathieu, Geoffrey ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Functional uncertainty components analysis of simulated daily rainfall runoff fields. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, April 2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-10774.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Slob, E.C. ; van den Bosch, I. ; Stockbroeckx, B. ; Scheers, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. GPR design and modeling for identifying the shallow subsurface dielectric properties. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (Delft, Netherlands, 14-16 May 2003). In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced GroundPenetrating Radar (IEEE Cat. No.03EX680), Int. res. centre for telecommunications-transmission & radar, 2003. 90-76928-04-5, p. 130-135.

Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle. Influence of internal spatial aggregation procedures of the SWAT model on the modelling of the rainfall runoff processes in the Dyle catchment at 2 different scales. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, April 2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-10238.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Influence of the uncertainty in the interpolation of the input concentration on the identification of the dispersivity from an unsaturated flow natural large scale tracer experiment. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, April 2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-10262.

Lambot, Sébastien ; van den Bosch, I. ; Slob, E.C. ; Stockbroeckx, Benoît ; Scheers, B. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Inverse modeling of GPR signal for estimating soil water content. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, April 2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-03883.

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tiktak, A. ; De Nie, D. ; Jones, A.. Methodological approach for evaluating higher tier PEC groundwater scenarios supporting the prediction of environmental concentrations of pesticides at the pan Europe scale. XII Pesticide chemistry symposium: pesticide in air, plant soil and water system (Piacenza, Italy, du 04.06.2003 au 06.06.2003). In: Proceedings, 2003, p. 951-962.

Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; La Jeunesse, I.. Sensitivity of the SWAT model to soil parametrization with different land use input maps: a case study of the Thyle catchment in Belgium. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, du 06/04/2003 au 11/04/2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-10391.

Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle. Sensitivity of the SWAT model to the soil and land use data parametrization: a case study of the Thyle catchment, Belgium. SWAT worshop (Bari, Italy, du 01.07.2003 au 04.07.2003). In: Proceedings, 2003.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Solute transfert in unsaturated layered media: case of the observation well of Louvain-la-Neuve. Cost action 629: water pollution in natural porous media at different scales: fate, impact and indicators (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, du 22.10.2003 au 24.10.2003).

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Spatio-temporal variability of evapotranspiration fluxes within a small agricultural field. EGU General Assembly (Nice, France, April 2003). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2003, p. EAE03-A-5323.


De Backer, Louis ; Cogels, Olivier ; Laftouhi, Nour-Eddine ; Appart, Robert ; Persoons, Etienne ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bielders, Charles. 50 ans du GERU, 2003. 67 p.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pineros Garcet, Juan. Effective approaches for Assessing the Predicted Environmental Concentration of Pesticides: a proposal supporting the harmonised registration of pesticides in Europe : Final report (), 2003. 158 p.


Lambot, Sébastien ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A global multilevel coordinate search procedure for estimating the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 38, no. 11 (2002). doi:10.1029/2001WR001224.

Tilmant, Amaury ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Duckstein, L ; Persoons, Etienne. Comparison of fuzzy and nonfuzzy optimal reservoir operating policies. In: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 128, no. 6, p. 390-398 (2002). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2002)128:6(390).

Tilmant, Amaury ; Fortemps, P ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Effect of averaging operators in fuzzy optimization of reservoir operation. In: Water Resources Management, Vol. 16, no. 1, p. 1-22 (2002). doi:10.1023/A:1015523901205.

Persoons, Etienne ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Desmed, A. Flood hazard causes and flood protection recommendations for Belgian river basins. In: Water International, Vol. 27, no. 2, p. 202-207 (2002). doi:10.1080/02508060208686993.

Chen, XM ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pan, GX. Impact of soil water flux on vadoze zone solute transport parameters. In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Vol. 33, no. 3-4, p. 479-492 (2002). doi:10.1081/CSS-120002758.

Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Intraseasonal dynamics of soil moisture variability within a small agricultural maize cropped field. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 261, no. 1-4, p. 86-101 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(02)00016-1.

Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. On the identification of macroscopic root water uptake parameters from soil water content observations. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 38, no. 12 (2002). doi:10.1029/2002WR001556.

Tilmant, Amaury ; Faouzi, E.H. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Optimal operation of multipurpose reservoirs using flexible stochastic dynamic programming. In: Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 2, no. 1, p. 61-74 (2002). doi:10.1016/S1568-4946(02)00029-7.

Fernandez, JE ; Slawinski, C ; Moreno, F ; Walczak, RT ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Simulating the fate of water in a soil-crop system of a semi-arid Mediterranean area with the WAVE 2.1 and the EURO-ACCESS-II models. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 56, no. 2, p. 113-129 (2002). doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(02)00009-4.


Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Rochdi, Aicha ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Bielders, Charles. Effective Approaches for Modelling Chemical Transport in Soils Supporting Soil Management at the Larger Scale. In: Pagliai, Marcello ; Jones, Robert (eds), Sustainable Land Management Environnement Protection. A soil Physical Approach. (Advances in Geoecology; 35), Schweizerbart Science Publishers: Stuttgart, 2002, 171-184 (chap.III: soil hydrology).


Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Ciocanaru, M. ; Herbst, M. ; Vereecken, H. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Analytical solutions of non-linear flow and transport equations to test numerical models for simulating flow and transport in unsaturated soils. First Workshop on Mathematical modelling of environmental problems (Bucharest, Romania, June). In: Proceedings, 2002.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pineros Garcet, Juan. Assessing the quality of the environmental quality assessment tools. 2d European Conference on pesticides and related organic micropolluants in the environment (Corfu, Greece, 26-29/09/2002). In: Proceedings, 2002, p. 245.

Vanderborght, J. ; Kasteel, R. ; Ciocanaru, M. ; Herbst, M. ; Vereecken, H. ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Benchmarking of numerical models for simulating flow and transport in unsaturated soils. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-03265.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Comparison of Two Inverse Modelling Methods for Identifying Water Transfer Parameters of a Sandy Soil. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering (EurAgEng) 2002 (Budapest, 30/06-04/07/02). In: Book of abstracts, part 2, 2002, p. 251-252.

Cuevas, M.V. ; Fernandez, J.E. ; Hermosin, M.C. ; Calderon, M.J. ; Moreno, F. ; Cornejo, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Dissipation of trifularin under conventional tillage in southwest Spain. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-04473.

Lambot, Sébastien ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluating of the multilevel coordinate search inverse modelling algorithm for identifying. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-05140.

Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Experimental determination of the space and flow rate dependency of the subsoil transport parameters. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-03652.

Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Identifying macroscopic root water uptake parameters from soil moisture observations. 1. On the limitations of using a SVAT model in an inverse mode. Rhizosphere, preferential flow and availability (CSF Monte Venita, Zurich, Suisse, 21-26/04/02). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. S7-S9.

Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Identifying macroscopic root water uptake parameters from soil moisture observations. 2. On the potential of using a simplified water balance approach. Rhizosphere, preferential flow and availability (CSF Monte Venita, Zurich, Suisse, 21-26/04/02). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. S10-S11.

Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark ; La Jeunesse, Isabelle. MULtisectoral, INtegrated and Operational decision support system for sustainable use of water resources at the catchment scale (MULINO): a Belgian case study. ECSA Local Meeting - Ecological structures and functions in the Scheldt Estuary: from past to future (Antwerp, Belgium, 7-10 Oktober).

La Jeunesse, Isabelle ; Romanowicz, Agnieszka ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Rounsevell, Mark. Multisectoral, integrated and operational decision support system for sustainable use of water resources at the catchment scale. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April 2002). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-05236.

Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. On the limitations of identifying macroscopic root water uptake parameters by using a SVAT model. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-05214.

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Tiktak, A. ; De Nie, D. ; Jones, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Klein, M.. Pesticide leaching metamodels and validation of the scenarios designed for EU registration. 10th IUPAC International congress on the chemistry of crop protection (Basel, Zwizerland, August 2002). In: Book of abstracts, Topics 5-6, vol.2, 2002, p. 151.

Tilmant, Amaury ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Soft information in Planning Reservoir Operation. Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER) (Dresden, Germany, 22-25/07/02). In: Proceedings, vol.1, 2002, p. 372-376.

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Denie, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Tiktak, A. ; Klein, M. ; Jones, A.. Validation of the scenarios designed for the EU registration of pesticides. EGS-General Assembly (Nice, April). In: Book of abstracts, 2002, p. EGS02-A-06731.


Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Effect of the sampling frequency of meteorological variables on the estimation of the reference evapotranspiration. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 243, no. 3-4, p. 192-204 (2001). doi:10.1016/S0022-1694(00)00413-3.

Munoz-Carpena, R. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Villacé-Reyes, E.. Evaluation of the WAVE model. In: Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin, , no. 398, p. 12.

Vanderborght, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Timmerman, A ; Seuntjens, P ; Mallants, D ; Kim, DJ ; Jacques, D. ; Hubrechts, L ; Gonzalez, C. ; Feyen, J ; Diels, J ; Deckers, Jozef. Overview of inert tracer experiments in key Belgian soil types: Relation between transport and soil morphological and hydraulic properties. In: Water Resources Research, Vol. 37, no. 12, p. 2873-2888 (2001). doi:10.1029/2000WR000110.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Pesticide leaching modelling validation. A recent european experience. In: Modelling of Environmental Chemical Exposure and Risk, p. 47-59 (2001). doi:10.1007/978-94-010-0884-6_5.


Tilmant, Amaury ; Persoons, Etienne ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Deriving efficient reservoir operating rules using flexible stochastic dynamic programming. In: C. Brebbia, P. Anagnostopoulos, K. Katsifarakis and A.H.D. Cheng, Water Resources Management, Wit Press, 2001, p. 353-361. doi:10.2495/WRM010341.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Trevisan, M.. Mathematical modelling for assessing pesticide leaching in agricultural soils at the field scale. In: Juan Cornejo, Paul Jamet, coord., Pesticide/soil interactions, some current research methods, INRA: 75338 Paris Cédex 07, 2001, p. 407-430 (Part 3).

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Modeling N behavior in the soil and vadoze environment supporting fertilizer management at the farm scale. In: Shaffer M., Liwang M. and S. Hansen, Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics for Soil Management, Lewis Publishers: Washington DC, 2001, 573-598 (Chap.18).


Hupet, François ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Effect of the sampling frequency of meteorological variables on the estimation of the reference evapotranspiration. European Geophysical Society, General Assembly (Nice, France, Febr. 2001). In: Book of abstracts, 2001, p. 156-157.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Javaux, Mathieu ; Hupet, François ; Lambot, Sébastien ; Rochdi, Aicha ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Noel, Marie-Hélène ; Bielders, Charles. Effective approaches for modelling chemical transport in soils supporting soil management at the large scale. International conference Sustainable soil management for environmental protection: soil physical aspects (Firenze (Italy), 2-7/07/01). In: Keynote lectures, 2001, p. 102-115.

Tilmant, Amaury ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Gestion optimale de barrages multifonctions à l'aide de la programmation dynamique stochastique flexible. LFA: Rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications (Mons, Belgique, 26-27/11/01). In: Actes de congrès, Cépadues-Edit.: Toulouse, France, 2001, p. 195-201.

Ritter, A. ; Hupet, François ; Munoz-Carpena, Rafael ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Lambot, Sébastien. Inverse optimization techniques applied to the water flux simulation in sprinkler fertigated banana plantation. V Jordanas de Investigacion en la Zona no Saturada (Valladolid, Spania, 17-19/11/01). In: Proceedings, 2001.

Fernandez, J.E. ; Slawinski, C. ; Moreno, F. ; Walczak, R.T. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Predicting water movement in a mediterranean soil-crop system with two simulation models. Acta Agrophysica 2001 (Lublin, Pologne, Novembre 2001). In: PAN 2001, PAN, 2001, p. 27-38 (vol.57).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Van Den Bergh, Françoise ; Leistra, M. ; Smelt, J. ; Jarvis, N. ; Burauel, P. ; Vereecken, H. ; Wolters, A. ; Linnemann, V. ; Fernandez, J.E. ; Trevisan, M. ; Capri, E. ; Klein, M. ; Tiktak, A. ; Van der Linden, A. ; De Nie, D. ; Bidoglio, G. ; Baouroui, F. ; Jones, A. ; Armstrong, A. ; Bontoux, L.. Validation of models and scenarios supporting the estimation of predicted environmental concentrations of active substances in groundwater. 3rd International Fresenius conference: behaviour of pesticides in plants, soils and ground water (Bonn, Germany, 10-11/09/01). In: Book of abstracts, 2001, Chap.3.


Vanclooster, Marnik ; Boesten, JJTI ; Trevisan, M ; Brown, CD ; Capri, E ; Eklo, OM ; Gottesburen, B ; Gouy, V ; van der Linden, AMA. A European test of pesticide-leaching models: methodology and major recommendations. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 44, no. 1-3, p. 1-19 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(99)00081-5.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Boesten, JJTI. Application of pesticide simulation models to the Vredepeel dataset I. Water, solute and heat transport. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 44, no. 1-3, p. 105-117 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(99)00087-6.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Ducheyne, S ; Dust, M ; Vereecken, H.. Evaluation of pesticide dynamics of the WAVE-model. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 44, no. 1-3, p. 371-388 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(99)00101-8.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Trevisan, M.. Introduction. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 44, no. 1-3, p. IX-X (2000). doi:10.1016/S0378-3774(99)00080-3.


Tilmant, Amaury ; Degand, Eric ; Vanclooster, Marnik. A mechanistic modelling approach to simulate nitrogen recharge to the groudwater. Case study for the Brusselean aquifer in Belgium.. EURAQUA, Advanced workshop (Oslo, Norway, oct. 99). In: Proceedings, 2000.

Businelli, M. ; Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Jones, R.L. ; Delmas, A.B. ; Gottesbüren, B. ; Hanze, K. ; Jarvis, T. ; Klein, M. ; van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Maier, W.M. ; Rekolainen, S. ; Resseler, H. ; Styczen, M. ; Travis, K. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Il ruelo dei modelli previsionali per la registrazione dei prodotti fitosanitari. Giormate fitopatologiche 2000 (Perugia, Italia, 16-20/04/2000). In: n/a, 2000.

El Idrissi, Abdelkhalak ; Ruthy, Ingrid ; Hang, Peou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Persoons, Etienne. Impact of long term land use change on the hydrological regime of the Dyle watershed. International conference on agricultural effects on groundwater and surface waters (Wageningen, The Netherlands, Oct.2000). In: Proceedings, 2000, p. 17.

Pineros Garcet, Juan ; Tilmant, Amaury ; Bellefontaine, Luce ; Guns, A. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Scenario analysis supporting fertilizer management strategies in the agricultural region of the Brusselean aquifer (Belgium). International conference on agricultural effects on groudwater and surface waters (Wageningen, The Netherlands, Oct.2000). In: Proceedings, 2000.

Deckers, Jozef ; Laker, M. ; Vanherreweghe, S. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Swennen, R. ; Cappuyns, V.. State of the art on soil geomedical issues in the world. International Conference on Geomedicine (Oslo, Norway, nov. 1999). In: Proceedings, 2000.

Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Jones, R.L. ; Businelli, M. ; Delmas, A.B. ; Gottesbüren, B. ; Hanze, K. ; Jarvis, T. ; Klein, M. ; van der Linden, A.M.A. ; Maier, W.M. ; Rekolainen, S. ; Resseler, H. ; Styczen, M. ; Travis, K. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. The development of FOCUS scenarios for assessing pesticide leaching to groundwater in EU registration. The 1999 Brighton conference (Weeds, UK, Feb.2000). In: Proceedings, 2000, p. 527-536.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Peeters, Gérard ; Philippart, Thibaut ; Collinge, Fabian ; Polomé, Michel ; Van Bogaert, Eric. Towards integrated water management tools for semi-urban catchments: a Belgian case study. Monitoring and modeling catchment water quantity and quality: ERB (Gent, Belgium, Dec.2000).


Vanclooster, Marnik ; Pussemier, Luc ; Hecquet, Geoffroy ; Pineros Garcet, Juan. Développement d'un système d'aide à la décision et à la mise en place de scénarios représentatifs appuyant l'autorisation des produits phytosanitaires pour le territoire belge, 2000.

Behra, Philippe ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Vervier, Philippe ; Tamas, Janos ; Morell, Ignacio ; Wersin, Paul ; Broers, Hans Peter ; Haarstad, Ketil. European network infrastructure for studying chemodynamics and water quality protection in natural porous media (), 2000. 159 p.


Vanclooster, Marnik. Menselijke gezondheid op grond van de bodem. In: Onze Alma Mater 98/2, Leuvense perspectiven, KUL: Leuven, Belgium, 1999, p. 135-150.


Mahjoub, Mohamed Raouf ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bergaoui, Zoubeida ; Persoons, Etienne. Comparing the performance of conceptual rainfall-runoff models of different complexity in a Tunisian catchment. Modelling of transport processes in soils at various scales in time and space (Wageningen, The Netherlands, du 24.11.1999 au 26.11.1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 736-744.

Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Businelli, M. ; Delmas, A.B. ; Gottesbüren, B. ; Hanze, K. ; Jarvis, T. ; Klein, M. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Defining ground water scenarios for european registration. ACS Meeting (Anaheim, USA, March 1999).

Vanclooster, Marnik. Estimating solute transport parameters for the vadose zone of Brusselean aquifer. European Geophysical Society, XXIV General Assembly (The Hague, The Netherlands, du 19.04.1999 au 23.04.1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 307.

Mariage, Quentin ; Pussemier, Luc ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Evaluation of soil hydraulic pedo transfert function for modelling the soil water drainage in disturbed cropped lysimeters. Modelling of transport processes in soils at various scales in time and space (Wageningen, The Netherlands, du 24.11.1999 au 26.11.1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 297.

Mahjoub, Mohamed Raouf ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Bergaoui, Zoubeida ; Persoons, Etienne. Functional evaluation of pedo-transfer functions for predicting infiltration in a Tunisian catchment. Modelling of transport processes in soils at various scales in time and space (Wageningen, The Netherlands, du 24.11.1999 au 26.11.1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 711-719.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Pesticide leaching modelling validation: a recent European experience. NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Modelling of the environmental chemical exposure and risk (Sofia, Bulgaria, du 05.10.1999 au 10.10.1999). In: Proceedings (vol.5), 1999, p. 1-12.

El Idrissi, Abdelkhalak ; Ruthy, Ingrid ; Hang, Peou ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Persoons, Etienne. Regionalisation of rainfall-runoff parameters in the catchment of the Dyle (Belgium). Modelling of transport processes in soils at various scales in time and space (Wageningen, The Netherlands, du 24.11.1999 au 26.11.1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 666-671.

Boesten, J.J.T.I. ; Jones, R.L. ; Businelli, M. ; Delmas, A.B. ; Gottesbüren, B. ; Hanze, K. ; Jarvis, T. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. The development of FOCUS scenarios for assessing pesticide leaching to groundwater in EU registration. XI Symposium on pesticide chemistry (Piacenza, Italy, September 1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 795-808.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Towards an integrated process-based subsurface water quality model for a semi-urban catchment: a Belgian case study. European Geophysical Society, XXIV General Assembly (The Hague, The Netherlands, du 19.04.1999 au 23.04.1999). In: Proceedings, 1999, p. 266.


Kim, D.J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J. ; Vereecken, H.. Calibration of TDR-measured BTC using two pathway conductance model. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 62, p. 83-89 (1998).

Mallants, Dirk ; Tseng, Peng-Hsiang ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. Predeicted drainage for a sandy loam soil: sensitivity to hydraulic property description. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 206, p. 136-148 (1998).


Christiaens, K. ; Vander Poorten, K. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J.. De combinatie van een dynamisch stikstofsimulatiemodel en GIS als middel om de nitraatuitspoeling op regionale schaal te begroten. In: Water, Vol. 94, no. 16de JRG, p. 82-88 (Mei-Juni 1997).

Vanderborght, Jan ; Gonzalez, C. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mallants, D. ; Feyen, Jan. Effects of Soil Type and Water Flux on Solute Transport. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 61, no. 2, p. 372-389 (March-April 1997).

Vanderborght, J. ; Mallants, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J.. Parameter uncertainty in the mobile-immobile solute transport model. In: Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 190, p. 75-101.


Vachaud, Georges ; Normand, Béatrice ; Bouraoui, Faycal ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Moreno, Félix ; Fernandez, J.E. ; Yassoglou, Nicholas ; Kosmas, Constantin. Evolution des ressources en eau souterraines en zone de culture irriguée du basssin méditérranéen en cas de changements climatiques. Séminaire international Agriculture et développement durable en Méditerranée (Montpelier,France, du 10.03.1997 au 12.03.1997). In: Actes, 1997, p. 5p.


Curcio, Dominico ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Détermination de la teneur en eau et de la salinité du sol par la technique TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry), 1997. 56p p.


Mallants, D. ; Jacques, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Diels, J. ; Feyen, Jan. A stochastic approach to simulate water flow in macroporous soil. In: Geoderma, Vol. 70, p. 299-324.

Mallants, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. A transect study on solute transport in macroporous soil. In: Hydrological Processes : an international journal, Vol. 10, p. 55-70.

Mallants, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Toride, N. ; Vanderborght, J. ; van Genuchten, M.Th. ; Feyen, Jan. Comparison of three methods to calibrate TDR for monitoring solute movement in undisturbed soil. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 60, no. 3, p. 747-754.

Vanderborght, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mallants, D. ; Diels, J. ; Feyen, Jan. Determining convective lognormal solute transport parameters from resident concentration data. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 60, no. 5, p. 1306-1317.


Christiaens, karen ; Vander Poorten, Katja ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. Combining GIS and a dynamic simulation model to assess nitrogen leaching susceptibility ona regional scale: a case study. In: Van Cleemput et al (Eds), Progress in Nitrogen Cycling Studies (Kluwer Academic), 1996, p. 407-411.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Evolution of the reference model: parametrization and evapotranspiration. In: Vachaud G. (Ed), Evaluation of the effect of climatic variations on the recharge of aquifers in southern European catchments (Final report). ENP Grenoble, 1996, p. 94-98.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Menselijke gezondheid op grond van bodem. In: Verachtert H. et al (Eds), Environmental Plateform. KUL, Leuven, 1996, p. 1-15.

Feyen, Jan ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Physical aspects of soil pollution. In: Haan F.A.M. and M.I. Visser-Reyeneveld (Eds), Soil pollution and protection, 1996, p. 35-53.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Presentation of the WAVE model. In: Vachaud G. (Ed), Evaluation of the effect of climatic variations on the recharge of aquifers in southern European catchments (Final report). ENP Grenoble, 1996.

Vanclooster, Marnik. Simulation of drainage under bare soil and maize in the Rhone-Alpes région (France). In: Vachaud G. (Ed), Evaluation of the effect of climatic variations on the recharge of aquifers in southern European catchments (Final report). ENP Grenoble, 1996, p. 47-65.

Deckers, Jozef ; Rampelberg, S. ; Vanclooster, Marnik. Use of soil maps for modelling transport of agro-chemicals from soil to the aquatic environment: implications for geo-medical research. In: Laeg J. (Eds), Chemical data of plant animal and human tissues as a basis for geo-medical research (Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters). Oslo, Norway, 1996, p. 85-100.

Diels, J. ; Van Orshoven, J. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. Using soil map and simulation modeling for the analysis of land use scenario's. In: Wagenet R.J., J. Bouma and C. Olson (Eds), The Role of Soil Science in Interdisciplinarity Research (Soil Science Society of America Journal, special publication; 45), 1996, chap.10 (123p).

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, Jan. WAVE : Een fysisch gebaseerd wiskundig model voor de simulatie van het transport van stikstof in het "gewas-bodem" systeem. In: Agricontact, 1996, p. 7-11.


Vanclooster, Marnik. Finding parameters for soil transfer equations at large scale. European Geophysical Society (The Hague, The Netherlands, May 2006). In: Annales Geophysicae, 1996, p. C-321 (vol.14, suppl.2).

Chang, Y. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Hubrechts, L. ; Feyen, J.. Multicriteria decision analysis in irrigation scheduling. International Conference Evaporation and irrigation scheduling (San Antonio, Texas, USA, du 03.11.1996 au 06.11.1996). In: Proceedings, 1996, p. 1128-1133.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J. ; Persoons, Etienne. Nitrogen transport in soils: what do we know?. Recent developments in understanding chemical movement in soils - Significance in relation to water quality and efficiency of fertiliser use (Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, du 14.02.1996 au 15.02.1996). In: Proceedings, Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre: New Zealand, 1996, p. 127-141.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Diels, J. ; Deckers, J.A.. Uncertainty aspects in predicting pesticide leaching at the regional scale. Cost66 Conference: Pesticides in soil and the environment (Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom, du 13.05.1996 au 15.05.1996). In: Proceedings, 1996, p. 163-164.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Diels, J.. Uncertainty aspects in predicting recharge rates at local scale. Internat.Workshop Chemodynamics and water quality protection in natural porous media (Mont Saint Odile, France, du 10.06.1996 au 14.06.1996).

Green, S.R. ; Clothier, B.E. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J.. Water uptake by orchard trees: measurements and a model. Recent developments in understanding chemical movement in soils - Significance in relation to water quality and efficiency of fertiliser use (Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, du 14.02.1996 au 15.02.1996). In: Proceedings, Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre: New Zealand, 1996, p. 143-152.


Vandaele, Frédéric ; Hecquet, Geoffroy ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Degand, Eric ; Persoons, Etienne. Sur le fonctionnement du lac de Louvain-la-Neuve lors des épisodes pluvieux exceptionnels du 28 et 29 août 1996, 1996. 23p p.


Vanclooster, Marnik ; Viaene, P. ; Diels, J. ; Feyen, J.. A deterministic evaluation analysis applied to an integrated soil-crop model. In: Ecological Modelling, Vol. 81, p. 183-195 (1995).

Espino, A. ; Mallants, D. ; Vanclooster, Marnik ; Feyen, J.. Cautionary notes on the use of pedotransfer functions for estimating soil hydraulic properties. In: Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 29, p. 235-253.

Vanclooster, Marnik ; Mallants, D. ; Vanderborght, J. ; Diels, J. ; Van Orshoven, J. ; Feyen, J.. Monitoring Solute Transport in a Multi-Layered Sandy Lysimeter using Time Domain Reflectometry. In: Soil Science Society of America Journal, Vol. 59, no. 2, p. 337-344 (March-April 1995).