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Photo of Pierre Latteur
Pierre Latteur
Professeur ordinaire

SST/EPL Louvain School of Engineering (EPL)

SST/IMMC Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (iMMC)

SST/IMMC/GCE Civil and environmental engineering (GCE)


Civil engineer and doctor in applied sciences, Pierre Latteur has been a Professor at the Louvain School of Engineering since 2013, leading the Civil Engineering Group since 2015 (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium). Beforehand, he has more than 15 years of experience working as a structural engineer, at SETESCO as project manager and at Technum-Tractebel Engineering Brussels, as director of the structural engineering group. His dual industrial and academic career has allowed him to gain practical experience on a wide variety of projects: high-rise buildings, architectural structures, footbridges, industrial and nuclear structures (some pictures of the projects he was involved in above). His research focus on timber structures, on tensegrity structures (click here and here and here for the videos), on reciprocal structures (click here for the video), on the optimization of structures such as photovoltaïc structures, and on the robonumerization of the construction processes. Pierre is a drone pilot and a forerunner in the field of construction with high-payload drones. His team became the first to lead a successful experiment that consisted of assembling a concrete wall with a drone (click here for the video). In collaboration with the Belgian company imaxpro in 2020, his team was also the first to prefabricate a structure made up of tree trunks, with an automated process based on the association of parametric design and a robotic arm (click here and here for the videos).

He currently teaches mechanics of structures, timber structures, construction processes and various design challenges (click here and here and here for the videos). He is also the creator of the interactive software for structural design ISSD.

Youtube UCLouvain Civil Engineering chanel : click here.



Year Label School
1994 Ingénieur civil des constructions Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique)
2000 Docteur en sciences appliquées Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgique)

FERON, Jonas ; Latteur, Pierre ; Saraiva Esteves Pacheco De Almeida, João. Static Modal Analysis: A Review of Static Structural Analysis Methods Through a New Modal Paradigm. In: Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 31, no.4, p. 32 (2024). doi:10.1007/s11831-024-10082-x.

Dardenne, Benjamin ; Latteur, Pierre. Structural optimisation of free-swinging agrivoltaic fences. In: Structural optimisation of free-swinging agrivoltaic fences, Vol. Volume 210, no.115160, p. 16 (2025). doi:10.1016/j.rser.2024.115160.


Feron, Jonas ; Payen, Basile ; Saraiva Esteves Pacheco De Almeida, João ; Latteur, Pierre. MUSCLE: a new open-source Grasshopper plug-in for the interactive design of tensegrity structures. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) 2024 (Zurich, du 26/08/2024 au 29/08/2024) (Accepté/Sous presse).

Steinmetz, Martin ; Sgambi, Luca ; Latteur, Pierre. Reliable experimental testing methodology for reciprocal structures. IASS 2024 Symposium : Redefining the Art of Structural Design (Zurich Switzerland, du 26/08/2024 au 29/08/2024).


van Nimwegen, Serena E. ; Latteur, Pierre. A state-of-the-art review of carpentry connections: From traditional designs to emerging trends in wood-wood structural joints. In: Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 78, no.None, p. 107089 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.107089.

Feron, Jonas ; Rhode-Barbarigos, Landolf ; Latteur, Pierre. Experimental testing of a tensegrity simplex: self-stress implementation and static loading. In: journal of structural engineering, (2023). doi:10.1061/JSENDH.STENG-11517.

Feron, Jonas ; Latteur, Pierre. Implementation and propagation of prestress forces in pin-jointed and tensegrity structures. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 289, no.8, p. 116152 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116152.

Steinmetz, Martin ; Latteur, Pierre ; Sgambi, Luca. Optimal log floor patterns. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 297, p. 116970 (2023). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116970 (Accepté/Sous presse).


Rogeau, Nicolas ; Gamerro, Julien ; Latteur, Pierre ; Weinand, Yves. Design considerations for robotically assembled through-tenon timber joints. In: Construction Robotics, Vol. online (2022). doi:10.1007/s41693-022-00080-5.

Geno, Julien ; Goosse, Justin ; Van Nimwegen, Serena ; Latteur, Pierre. Parametric design and robotic fabrication of whole timber reciprocal structures. In: Automation in Construction, Vol. 138, p. 104198 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104198.

Latteur, Pierre ; Fascetti, Andrea ; Goessens, Sébastien. The droxel: A universal parametric construction component. In: Engineering Structures, Vol. 250, no.113363 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.113363.


Rogeau, Nicolas ; Latteur, Pierre ; Weinand, Yves. An integrated design tool for timber plate structures to generate joints geometry, fabrication toolpath, and robot trajectories. In: Automation in Construction, Vol. 130, p. 103875 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103875.

Latteur, Pierre ; Geno, Julien ; Vandamme, Marie. Design rules for timber log reciprocal floors, based on mass optimization under stiffness constraint. In: International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 36, no.3, p. 217-240 (2021). doi:10.1177/09560599211041699.

Fascetti, Alessandro ; Latteur, Pierre ; Lim, Shen Hin. Ground-based automated construction of droxel structures: An experimental approach. In: Automation in Construction, Vol. 131, p. 103899 (2021). doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103899.


Labrique, Sophie ; Steinmetz, Martin ; Bouckaert, Igor ; Latteur, Pierre ; Saraiva Esteves Pacheco De Almeida, João. Augmenter l'engagement des étudiants par le développement de supports de cours interactifs. AUPTIC2021 (Sierre, Suisse, du 17/11/2021 au 19/11/2021).


Feron, Jonas ; Latteur, Pierre. A deployable tensegrity footbridge: static design and optimization, collab. Pierre Mengeot ; Thomas Vandenbergh, 2021. 9 p.


Nicolas Rogeau ; Victor Tiberghien ; Latteur, Pierre ; Yves Weinand. Robotic Insertion of Timber Joints using Visual Detection of Fiducial Markers. 37th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2020) (Kitakyshu, Japan, du 27/10/2020 au 28/10/2020). doi:10.22260/ISARC2020/0068.


Feron, Jonas ; Boucher, Lindy ; Denoël, Vincent ; Latteur, Pierre. Optimization of Footbridges Composed of Prismatic Tensegrity Modules . In: Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 24, no.12, p. 28 (2019). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001438.


Mulas, M.G. ; Pisani, M. ; Beeckmans, F. ; Latteur, Pierre. Dynamic analysis of a steel footbridge under running pedestrians. Seventh International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2019) (Cape Town, South Africa, du 02/09/2019 au 04/09/2019). In: SEMC 2019: THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, MECHANICS AND COMPUTATION - Cape Town, South Africa. In: Advances in Engineering Materials, Structures and Systems: Innovation, Mechanics and Applications, 2019. 978-1-138-38696-9, p. 138-143.

Feron, Jonas ; Bouckaert, Igor ; Mengeot, Pierre ; Van Steirteghem, Jan ; Latteur, Pierre. Influence of random loads on the optimal design of tensegrity footbridges. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) - Form and Force 2019 (Barcelona, du 07/10/2019 au 10/10/2019).

Feron, Jonas ; Mengeot, Pierre ; Latteur, Pierre. Uniformly Loaded tensegrity bridge design via morphological indicators method. Belgian and Dutch National Groups of IABSE – Young Engineers Colloquium (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, du 15/03/2019 au 16/03/2019). In: Belgian-Dutch IABSE Young Engineers Colloquium (YEC2019), International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering: Zürich, 2019. 978-1-5108-8449-6, p. 48-49.


Descamps, Thierry ; Monhonval, Michel ; Latteur, Pierre. An assessment methodology for timber beams in a restoration context, based on a dimensionless formulation of EC5 design criteria. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Vol. Volume 12, 2018, no.12, p. 726-733. doi:10.1080/15583058.2018.1442527.

Goessens, Sébastien ; Mueller, Caitlin ; Latteur, Pierre. Feasibility study for drone-based masonry construction of real-scale structures. In: Automation in Construction, Vol. 94, p. 458-480 (2018).


Chaltiel, Stephanie ; Bravo, Maite ; Goessens, Sébastien ; Latteur, Pierre ; Mansouri, Masoumeh ; Ahmad, Ismail. Dry and Liquid clay mix drone spraying for Bioshotcrete. IASS Symposium 2018 Creativity in Structural Design (BOSTON, USA, du 16/07/2018 au 20/07/2018). In: Proceedings of the IASS Symposium 2018 Creativity in Structural Design, International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (I A S S ): Caitlin Mueller, Sigrid Adriaenssens (eds.), 2018.

Goessens, Sébastien ; Rogeau, Nicolas ; De Beusscher, Gaëlle ; Mueller, Caitlin ; Latteur, Pierre. Parametric Design of Drone-Compatible Architectural Timber Structures. IASS 2018 CREATIVITY IN STRUCTURAL DESIGN (BOSTON USA, du 16/07/2018 au 20/07/2018). In: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. Bulletin, (2018).

Blonder, Arielle ; Grobman, Yasha, J. ; Latteur, Pierre. Pleated Facades: Layered Fabric Materiality in FRP Surface Elements. IASS Symposium 2018 Creativity in Structural Design (BOSTON, USA, du 16/07/2018 au 20/07/2018). In: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. Bulletin, (2018).


Goessens, Sébastien ; de Furstenberg, Tassilo ; Manderlier, Charline ; Mueller, Caitlin ; Latteur, Pierre. A Few Aspects of UAV-based Construction. In: IASS Annual Symposium 2017 “Interfaces: architecture . engineering . science” - Hamburg, Germany, (2017).

Latteur, Pierre ; Feron, Jonas ; Denoël, Vincent. A design methodology for lattice and tensegrity structures based on a stiffness and volume optimization algorithm using morphological indicators. In: International Journal of Space Structures, Vol. 32, no.Issue 3-4, p. 226-243. doi:10.1177/0266351117746267.


Nehri, Nabil ; Paques, Alexis ; Marchand, Cédric ; Goessens, Sébastien ; Mueller, C. ; Latteur, Pierre. Système de guidage d’un drone à l’aide de capteurs embarqués, destiné à la construction automatique d’ouvrages en maçonnerie. In: Secrétariat Général de l’Enseignement Catholique asbl, Revue scientifique des ISILF. avenue E. Mounier 100 • 1200 Bruxelles, 2017, p. 1-17. D/2017/7362/4001.


Ma, Zhao ; Latteur, Pierre ; Mueller, Caitlin. Grammar-based Rhombic Polyhedral Multi-Directional Joints and Corresponding Lattices. In: IASS Annual Symposium 2016 “Spatial Structures in the 21st Century”, Tokyo, Japan.

Latteur, Pierre ; Goessens, Sébastien ; Reniers, Milan ; Zhao, Ma ; Mueller, Caitlin. Masonry Construction with drones. In: "IASS Annual Symposium 2016 “Spatial Structures in the 21st Century”, Tokyo, Japan".

Goessens, Sébastien ; Mueller, Caitlin ; Latteur, Pierre. Vers une "Robonumérisation" de la construction ?. In: 34èmes Rencontres de l’AUGC, Université de Liège, Belgique.


Mergny, Elke ; Mateo, Raquel ; Esteban, Miguel ; Descamps, Thierry ; Latteur, Pierre. Influence of cracks on the stiffness of timber structural elements. WCTE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering (Vienna, Austria, du 22/08/2016 au 25/08/2016). In: WTCE 2016 - World Conference on Timber Engineering, Vienna, Austria. In: Proceedings of WCTE 2016, 2016. 978-390303900-1.


Latteur, Pierre ; Goessens, Sébastien ; Breton, Jean-Sébastien ; Leplat, Justin ; Ma, Zhao ; Mueller, Caitlin. Drone-Based Additive Manufacturing of Architectural Structures. In: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), Future Visions, Symposium 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mergny, Elke ; Ansriou, M. ; Lespagnard, A. ; Ouaar, Amine ; Latteur, Pierre. Stress Analysis for the Reinforcement of Concrete Massive Structures, Compatible with Building Methods. In: International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium 2015, Future Visions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Latteur, Pierre ; Ducarme, Delphine ; Soares Frazao, Sandra. Apprentissage par projet : évaluation certificative en cours de projet ou à la fin? réflexion sur base d'un projet suivi par les étudiants du Master "ingénieur civil des constructions". Questions de pédagogies dans l'enseignement supérieur (Brest, du 17/06/2015 au 19/06/2015). In: Questions de pédagogies dans l'enseignement supérieur - Innover, comment et pourquoi? Actes du 8ème colloque, Ecole Polytechnique de Louvain - IMMC, 2015. 978-2-9553298-0-1, p. 467.

Mergny, Elke ; Poncin, Pierre ; Latteur, Pierre. Description of a design method for cryogenic concrete tanks based on a comparison between 2D and 3D numerical models. Internat (Bologne, Italy, du 09/09/2015 au 11/09/2015). In: Structural and computational mechanics book series, Societa Editrice Esculapio: Bologne, 2015. 978-88-7488-886-3, p. 14. doi:10.15651/978-88-748-8886-3.


Mergny, Elke ; Kaddouri, Noreddine ; Vassart, Olivier ; Latteur, Pierre. A Comparative Study of “Elastic-Plastic” and “Plastic-Plastic” Design of Steel Frames. IASS-SLTE 2014 Symposium - Shells, membranes and spatial structures : Footprints (Brasilia, du 15/09/2014 au 19/09/2014). In: IASS-SLTE 2014 Symposium - Shells, membranes and spatial structures : Footprints, 2014.

Pierre Latteur has more than 3500 hours of teaching experience, teaching construction engineers, engineer architects, bioengineers and industrial engineers in Belgium and abroad. He has taught mechanics of structures, stability of structures, finite elements, concrete engineering, steel engineering, construction processes and various projects in both bachelor's and master's years (see video links below). His courses of Mechanics of structures and Timber Engineering can be seen on youtube : click here. Pierre has supervised more than 90 end master thesis, is the author of the book « Calculer une structure, de la théorie à l’exemple » (click here) and the creator of the interactive software for structural design ISSD. Since 2019, Pierre has also been responsible for all aspects of the civil engineering degree at EPL. In terms of continuing education, He is co-founder and academic co-leader of the "BIM: Integrated Design and Management" continuing education course, which has enjoyed uninterrupted success since 2016 (click here for the video).

Videos of the students projects:

Project “Timber” (Bac 3) : video 1, video 2, video 3, video 4, video 5.

Project “Building” (Master 1) : video 1, video 2.

Project “Civil ENgineering Structures” (Master 2) : video 1, video 2.

Learning units for 2024

Label Code
Project 4 (in construction) LEPL1510
Mechanics of structures LGCIV1022
Project 1 LGCIV2011
Project 2: civil engineering structures LGCIV2012
Building technology LGCIV2014
Timber Structures LGCIV2043

The pictures below illustrate some of Pierre Latteur's current and past research projects. More detailed information : click here.