Sébastien François
SST/ELI Earth and Life Institute (ELI)
SST/ELI/ELIE Environmental Sciences (ELIE)
Technician in Environmental Sciences – UCLouvain / Earth & Life Institute, Louvain-la-Neuve (BE) (June 28, 2010 – Present)
Research Support: Programming and monitoring of experimental sites (CampbellSci, Raspberry Pi, Arduino), and construction of experimental setups
Teaching Support: Supervision of practical sessions and thesis mentoring
Equipment Management: Inventory, maintenance, and procurement
Specialized Techniques: Soil physics, meteorology, geophysics, topometry, hydrology, and more
Greenhouse Technician – Les Serres Henricot, Corbais (BE) (February 15, 2010 – June 25, 2010)
Managing floral crops and irrigation
Providing customer advice
Year | Label | School |
2008 | Bachelier en Agronomie | Institut supérieur industriel (Gembloux) (Belgique) |
Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy – Techniques et gestion horticoles (2005-2008)
Institut Supérieur Industriel agronomique (ISIa), Haute École Charlemagne – Gembloux (BE)
High School Graduation Certificate (CESS) – General Section, Language Option (Spanish) (2002-2005)
Athénée Royal Paul Delvaux – Ottignies (BE)
Year | Label | School |
2008 | Bachelier en Agronomie | Institut supérieur industriel (Gembloux) (Belgique) |
Drone License (A1/A3 – A2)
First Aid Certificate - UCLouvain/SERP
BA4 Certification (Electrical Hazards) - Vincotte
Slinging Certificate - Guest Safety
2025: United States (Alaska) – Field mission in collaboration with Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Study of permafrost thaw
2019: Denmark – Scientific mission at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)
Measurement of hydraulic conductivity on rapeseed plants growing in rhizotrons
2017: Italy – Field study at Terracruda Domain (Marches)
Controlled suction infiltrometry measurements
Undisturbed soil sampling
2017: Burkina Faso – Scientific mission at the Institute for Research in Applied Sciences and Technologies (IRSAT)
Installation of soil characterization equipment (including training a local technician for its usage)
Undisturbed soil sampling
2015: Sicily – Fieldwork on Mount Etna
Volcanic soil sampling
2015: Morocco – Field project in the Triffa plain (Collaboration with Mohammed 1st University - UMP)
Installation and configuration of a weather station
Setup oh hydrodynamic sensors (tensiometers, sap flow, ERT)
2012: France, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Romania – European DROPS project
Soil and pedological profile sampling
Technical support for practical class - Master [120] in Environmental Bioengineering
BIRE2104 : Applied soil sciences
Excursions : 1. Bertem - 2. Ardennes - 3. Lauzelle
BRES2101B : Smart technologies for environmental engineering
Management of loans, maintenance, and technical support: GPS, Theodolites & Levels, Total Station, Radar
Integrated project in water and soil resources management
BIRE2205B : Decision tools and project management - Project Management
BIRE2233 : Integrated project in water and soil resources management
BRES2206 : Advanced Hydrology for Engineers
Management of loans, maintenance, and technical support: Pressure probes, Flow meter, Rain gauge
BRES2102 : Engineering of the water and the pollutants in grounds and groundwaters
Controlled suction infiltrometry
BRES2103 : Soil physics applied to Agronomy and Environment
Soil sampling
BRES2104 : Irrigation and drainage
Sprinkler irrigation
Micro-irrigation project (CampbellSci Script, Weather Station)
BRES2105 : Soil erosion and conservation
Wind tunnel (Aeolian erosion)
Hydraulic channel (Grass strip)