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Photo of Sébastien François
Sébastien François

Technician in Environmental SciencesUCLouvain / Earth & Life Institute, Louvain-la-Neuve (BE) (June 28, 2010 – Present)
  Research Support: Programming and monitoring of experimental sites (CampbellSci, Raspberry Pi, Arduino), and construction of experimental setups
  Teaching Support: Supervision of practical sessions and thesis mentoring
  Equipment Management: Inventory, maintenance, and procurement
  Specialized Techniques: Soil physics, meteorology, geophysics, topometry, hydrology, and more

Greenhouse Technician – Les Serres Henricot, Corbais (BE) (February 15, 2010 – June 25, 2010)

  Managing floral crops and irrigation
  Providing customer advice


Year Label School
2008 Bachelier en Agronomie Institut supérieur industriel (Gembloux) (Belgique)

  Bachelor’s degree in AgronomyTechniques et gestion horticoles (2005-2008)

Institut Supérieur Industriel agronomique (ISIa), Haute École Charlemagne – Gembloux (BE)

  High School Graduation Certificate (CESS) – General Section, Language Option (Spanish) (2002-2005)

Athénée Royal Paul Delvaux – Ottignies (BE)


Year Label School
2008 Bachelier en Agronomie Institut supérieur industriel (Gembloux) (Belgique)

  Drone License (A1/A3 – A2)
  First Aid Certificate - UCLouvain/SERP
  BA4 Certification (Electrical Hazards) - Vincotte
  Slinging Certificate - Guest Safety

2025: United States (Alaska) – Field mission in collaboration with Northern Arizona University (NAU)

  Study of permafrost thaw

2019: Denmark – Scientific mission at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

  Measurement of hydraulic conductivity on rapeseed plants growing in rhizotrons

2017: Italy – Field study at Terracruda Domain (Marches)

  Controlled suction infiltrometry measurements

  Undisturbed soil sampling

2017: Burkina Faso – Scientific mission at the Institute for Research in Applied Sciences and Technologies (IRSAT)

  Installation of soil characterization equipment (including training a local technician for its usage)

  Undisturbed soil sampling

2015: Sicily – Fieldwork on Mount Etna

  Volcanic soil sampling

2015: Morocco – Field project in the Triffa plain (Collaboration with Mohammed 1st University - UMP)

  Installation and configuration of a weather station

  Setup oh hydrodynamic sensors (tensiometers, sap flow, ERT)

2012: France, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Romania – European DROPS project

  Soil and pedological profile sampling

Technical support for practical class - Master [120] in Environmental Bioengineering  

BIRE2104 : Applied soil sciences

  Excursions : 1. Bertem - 2. Ardennes - 3. Lauzelle

BRES2101B : Smart technologies for environmental engineering

  Management of loans, maintenance, and technical support: GPS, Theodolites & Levels, Total Station, Radar

Integrated project in water and soil resources management

  BIRE2205B : Decision tools and project management - Project Management

  BIRE2233 : Integrated project in water and soil resources management

  BRES2206 : Advanced Hydrology for Engineers

Management of loans, maintenance, and technical support: Pressure probes, Flow meter, Rain gauge

BRES2102 : Engineering of the water and the pollutants in grounds and groundwaters

  Controlled suction infiltrometry

BRES2103 : Soil physics applied to Agronomy and Environment

  Soil sampling



BRES2104 : Irrigation and drainage

  Sprinkler irrigation

  Micro-irrigation project (CampbellSci Script, Weather Station)

BRES2105 : Soil erosion and conservation

  Wind tunnel (Aeolian erosion)

  Hydraulic channel (Grass strip)

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