ENGE Seminar by Nicolas DEFFENSE

Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 08h00Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 17h00
The English-language site is gradually being launched. Visit our international pages.
22 June 2021
13:00 - 14:00
Online Event - Teams Link
"Sen4Stat: discussion of benchmarking progress and first results"
Sentinels for Agricultural Statistics (Sen4Stat) is a project funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) to facilitate the uptake of Earth Observation (EO) information in the National Statistical Offices (NSO) supporting the agricultural statistics. Special attention is given to develop and demonstrate EO products and best practices for agriculture monitoring relevant for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) reporting and monitoring their progress at national scale.
The first phase of the project is a benchmarking phase which took place in 5 benchmarking sites across 4 pilot countries (Spain, Ecuador, Senegal and Malawi). During this 1st phase, methodologies and algorithms were developed to obtain the most accurate agricultural statistics based on EO data (Sentinel-1 & 2). The second phase will start soon and will be a demonstration phase on a national scale. This seminar will present the results of the first phase.