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Influence of pesticides on trace element transfer in the soil–solution–plant system: A focus on glyphosate and tebuconazole by Nathan Bemelmans

    • 27 Nov
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Soils are complex ecosystems affected by various contaminants, including trace elements and pesticides. Despite their low environmental concentration, trace elements pose important risks to human and ecosystem health due to their toxicity and their mobility that is influenced by complex formation with organic compounds. Pesticides commonly found in agricultural soils, such as glyphosate and tebuconazole, can bind trace elements, but the extent to which they affect their transfer to hydrosystem and plant remains poorly understood. Additionally, the role of organic matter in mitigating these effects via competitive binding is unclear. This thesis aimed to better understand how pesticides may influence trace element transfer from the soil to soil solutions and plants. Therefore, extractability experiments and greenhouse experiments (with Triticum spelta) were conducted on four soils with contrasting contamination backgrounds. These experiments assessed how these ligands (formulated and unformulated pesticides as well as a metabolite and dissolved organic matter), alone and in combination, influence trace element extractability and transfer. Results showed that all organic ligands affected trace element extractability, varying by soil and element. Combined effects were mostly additive or subadditive, with occasional synergy. In greenhouse experiments, glyphosate showed similar trends to extractability experiments but with less variation between elements. In general, increased anthropogenic contamination reduced organic compounds effects on trace element mobility. Solid organic matter (compost) helped reduce mobility in highly contaminated soils but increased risk in those with low mobile trace element content. Overall, we showed that there is a potential risk of increased trace element exposure through pesticide use, especially for toxic elements such as Pb, Cd, and As

  • Wednesday, 27 November 2024, 08h00
    Wednesday, 27 November 2024, 17h00