In order to understand the multi-physical phenomena linked to multi-scale multi-material assemblies, which are themselves heterogeneous and very often non-isotropic, I was first interested in pure polymers. These organic materials are notably used as adhesives. They can be reinforced by a marquisette to ensure controlled fluidity, but also to ensure a constant thickness of the adhesive film. My approach has led me to address a number of questions, all of which are scientific obstacles: What are the appropriate methods for measuring damage (initial and diffusive)? How does the damage evolve in the presence of a mechanical stress, a thermal gradient or humidity? How is the spherulitic microstructure of semi-crystalline polymers related to damage initiation and propagation? Knowing the damage mechanisms,
can the lifetime be predicted? How can we ensure a good bond? At what scale should we model in order to capture the physical phenomena that occur in bonded assemblies?
Speaker : Prof. Olga Klinkova, from ISAE-Supméca (Paris),