The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) and the NEUR Division are pleased to invite you to the public defence of Mr Alexandre Berger, entitled:
« Functional and structural biomarkers to optimize vagus nerve stimulation therapy in drug-resistant epilepsy »
This defence will take place on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, at 4:30 PM in the 51 G auditorium, in order to obtain the final qualification of Doctor of Biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences.
Pr Riëm EL TAHRY, UCLouvain
Pr Gilles VANDEWALLE, University of Liège.
Jury members:
Pr Bernard Hanseeuw (Président, UCLouvain)
Pr George Ibrahim, University of Toronto, Canada
Pr Robert LEVY, Marcus Neuroscience Institute, USA
Pr Henrik LUNDELL, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Pr Christophe PHILLIPS, University of Liège
Pr Laurence DRICOT, UCLouvain
Pr Jean DELBEKE, UCLouvain
Pr André MOURAUX, UCLouvain