Young Researchers Day 2023
Thursday, 20 April 2023, 08h00Thursday, 20 April 2023, 17h00
The English-language site is gradually being launched. Visit our international pages.
We are excited to announce that this year's IoNS Young Researchers Day will take place on the 20th of April 2023 in Auditorium Maisin, Brussels Woluwe campus.
What is Young Researchers Day?
This internal conference gives the young researchers in the Institue an opportunity to present their planned, ongoing, or completed work to their peers and colleagues in a friendly environment, gain constructive feedback, practice before presenting at larger scientific conferences, and receive recognition for the best presentations.
In particular PhD students are encouraged to present their projects. Master students interested in pursuing a PhD in the future are also very welcome to present.
We further welcome the PIs to attend this meeting to provide valuable feedback and support their students.
The day of young researchers' presentations in form of talks, blitz talks, and posters, will be complemented by an invited keynote lecture, and many opportunities to socialise over coffee, delicious lunch, and post-conference drinks.
Please register your interest in attending and presenting at the Young Researchers Day using this form:
Registration for passive attendance will remain open until the 27th of March.
Abstract submission
Those who wish to present should submit the abstracts of their presentations before the 20th of March, using this form:
The possible presentation formats include:
All abstracts and presentations should be prepared in English. Abstracts are limited to 250 words.
Note that if there are more oral presentation submissions than we can accommodate, these will be chosen on first come first serve basis. We will confirm your presentation format at least three weeks before the event. For oral presentations, you will also receive a suggested PowerPoint template
We look forward to seeing you in April!
The Young Researchers Day Organizing Committee