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01.06.22 Thesis defense : Paméla Baldin

    • 01 Jun
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You are all very welcome to the thesis defence of Paméla Baldin that will take place on Wednesday, June 1th, 5.00 PM

Speaker: Paméla Baldin

Program : Management of colorectal liver metastases: importance of histopathological data for the patient prognosis and follow-up

17h-17h05: Welcome and introduction (P. Baldin, Cliniques Universitaires Saint Luc)

17h05-17h45: The histopathological growth patterns of liver metastases: clinical impact and biological background (Peter Vermeulen – GZA Hospital Sint Augustinus Antwerpen)

17h45-18h: Discussion

18h-18h45: Characterisation of clinic-pathological features and immune microenvironment of colorectal liver metastases (P. Baldin – Defense publique de thèse)

18h45-19h25: Discussion

19h25-19h30: Closing remarks

Date:  Wednesday, June 1th

Time: 5:00 PM

Place: Pavillon des conférences au Clos Chapelle aux Champs 19 Woluwe Saint Lambert 

Promoter: Prof. Marc Van Eynde

  • Wednesday, 01 June 2022, 08h00
    Wednesday, 01 June 2022, 17h00