We warmly invite you to participate in an symposium and the defence of Marie Friedel's doctoral thesis in Public Health, both of which will be held on Thursday 17th December 2020.
The symposium is scheduled from 13.30 to 16.30 and the defence from 17.00 to 19.00. Both in virtual mode (webinar UTC+1).
Registration is free but mandatory till 11th December 2020, by clicking on the following link:
After registration, you will receive a link to access the 2 events.
All conferences will be translated simultaneously in French/English.
The different conferences will focus on several aspects of paediatric palliative care by giving a voice to families, paediatric liaison teams, clinicians and researchers.
We would like to explore with you what spice of life may be despite the threat of living with a serious illness, a guarded prognosis and uncertainty that erupts in daily life. What can be done to facilitate ethically difficult decisions between children, parents and care teams? What are the latest initiatives in other countries to integrate paediatric palliative care services into health systems? How and why is it important to build bridges between families, clinical teams and research teams? How is quality of life defined in a paediatric palliative care setting? Could it be measured? For what objectives?
The title of the thesis is:
"Spice of life. How can we explore and measure the quality of life of children facing life-limiting conditions.
Results and challenges of the MOSAIK study in Belgium."
President of the jury: Prof. Vincent LORANT (UCLouvain)
Promotors: Prof. Isabelle AUJOULAT (UCLouvain), Prof. Jean-Marie DEGRYSE
Members of the jury: Prof. Bénédicte BRICHARD (UCLouvain), Prof. Stéphan CLEMENT DE CLETY (UCLouvain), Prof. Stéphan VAN DEN BROUCKE (UCLouvain)
External members of the jury: Prof. Lorna FRASER (University of York), Prof. Anne-Marie ETIENNE (Université de Liège), Dr Richard HAIN (University of South Wales)