The public defense of Mrs. Afi Agboli for the degree of Doctor in Public Health Sciences of the UCLouvain will take place on Thursday, August 26, 2021 from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm at the Maisin Auditorium 51, 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert.
Registration required before 06 August, among Valérie Van Butsele
Title of the thesis:
"Overcoming Female Genital Mutilation and internalised social norms in the context of migration: Turning points and explanatory mechanisms"
Prof. Isabelle: Aujoulat/Institute of Health and Society-UCLouvain
Co-promoter: Dr. Fabienne Richard/GAMS Belgium-Université Libre de Bruxelles
President : Professor Jean Macq/Institute of Health and Society-UCLouvain
Membres :
Prof. Dr. Ines KEYGNAERT (Ghent University / ICRH)
Prof. Maria DEL RIO CARRAL (Lausanne University / IP SSP)
Prof. Olivier SCHMITZ (UCLouvain / IRSS)
Prof. Mylène BOTBOL BAUM (UCLouvain / IRSS/ HELESI)