Through the Eyes of the “Vulnerable”:
Dialogues on Temporalities and Space
View the program in French
13.30 |
Welcome Address
Christine Flamand
13.45 |
Tale of Asylum: Speaking Time Dedicated to an Asylum Story
14.00 |
Time(s) of Vulnerability: Challenges Related to Time of and in the Asylum Procedure
Chair: Sylvie Sarolea
Zoé Crine et Francesca Raimondo
Pierre Robert, Lawyer, French-Speaking Bar Association
Ann Grossi, Guardian
Thomas Willekens, Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen
14.45 |
Coffee Break |
15.00 |
The Space of Vulnerabilities: Perspectives on the Asylum Experience
Chair: Marie-Sophie Devresse
Zoé Crine et Francesca Raimondo
Carmen Salgado Gaeta, Director of the Red Cross reception centre of Uccle
Thierry Pire, Director of the Fedasil reception centre Rixensart
Sotieta Ngo, CIRE
15.45 |
Q&A and Discussion
16.15 |
Screening of the Documentary "Pour vivre, j’ai laissé…"
directed by Güldem Durmaz, Bénédicte Liénard and Valérie Vanhoutvinck, 2004
16.45 |
General Conclusions
Luc Leboeuf, Scientific Coordinator of the VULNER project