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    • 16 Dec
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LAB Lunch Dialogues is a series of informal meetings, specifically organised for LAB Researchers in Louvain-la-Neuve. Six meetings take place once a month, during the academic year 2022-2023. Meetings are organised during lunch time in the Pepermans room, Vinci building.

Each presenting Researcher is able to select a one-hour time-slot from November 2022 until May 2023 (three slots still available!). Two Researchers give presentations during one meeting, while others listen and participate in discussions. Format of presentations is not pre-defined and can be adapted to individual needs of researcher e.g. presenting their research, conference presentation, dialogue with guest speaker from another University, etc.

The first meeting took place in Pepermans room of Vinci building on 16th of November 2022. Participants listened to two Researchers and discovered complementary research projects:

  • Postdoc Katarina Slavkovic presented Nested Phoenix and
  • PhD Candidate Soroosh Ataee presented Infraset

Both projects aim at developing parametric models for integrated life cycle assessment (LCA) and material stocks and flows analysis (MFA). The former focuses on built stocks and the latter on infrastructure assets.

Call for LAB Researchers : Please contact dr. Katarina Slavkovic if you are interested in hosting parallel sessions at UCLouvain sites in Brussels or Tournai during the spring semester 2022/2023. We started small, but THINK BIG!

  • Friday, 16 December 2022, 08h00
    Friday, 16 December 2022, 17h00