DFAR Seminar - Thesis topics for new PhD students - Part 1
Monday, 20 January 2025, 13h00Monday, 20 January 2025, 14h30
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Eloise VIERA OLIVERA – MNUT - Interest of volatolome analysis in the elucidation of gut microbiota-host interaction in nutrition and health
Ariana JIJON - CMFA/GEPI - Inhibition of the TSPYL5-USP7 interaction and its relation with the viability of ALT-positive cells
Yasmine BOUIDIDA – FATH - Is there a metabolic control of tissue-specific metastasis in pancreatic cancer
Daria KOVRYZHENKO – FACM - Membrane properties upon aggressiveness and invasiveness of glioblastoma cells in relation to mechanosensation
Lorine LEMAIRE - ADDB/VUB - Design of an anti-elastase nanomedicine to prevent the evolution of emphysema in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Judicael OUEDRAOGO – FACM - The role of intracellular bacterial communities (IBCs) in the persistence and recurrence of urinary tract infections treated with antibiotics: a study in a bladder-on-a-chip model
Mathilde AKUE – PMGK - Impact of Drug Transportome on the Pharmacokinetics of Anticancer drugs: a systematic approach unraveling the impact of modulating factors and their translational potential
Imane EL BAKKALI – CLIP - Développement de la pharmacie clinique au Bénin : exploration, implémentation et impact des soins pharmaceutiques dans la prise en charge du diabète.
Info : mireille.alhouayek@uclouvain.be
Monday, January 20, 2025 – 1pm – Auditoire Maisin