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CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS OF TEMOCILLIN: A way to optimize personalized dosing
Promotor: Prof. Françoise Van Bambeke
Co-promotors: Prof. Laure Elens et Dr Arnaud Capron
Related publications :
- Ngougni Pokem P, Miranda Bastos AC, Tulkens PM, Wallemacq P, Van Bambeke F, Capron A. Validation of a HPLC-MS/MS assay for the determination of total and unbound concentration of temocillin in human serum. Clin Biochem. 2015 May;48(7-8):542-5.
- Perrin Ngougni P, Peter Matzneller, Steven Vervaeke, Xavier Wittebole, Lieven Goeman, Marie Coessens, Eleonora Cottone, Arnaud Capron, Beatrix Wulkersdorfer, Pierre Wallemacq, Johan W. Mouton, Anouk E. Muller, Markus Zeitlinger, Pierre-François Laterre, Paul M. Tulkens, Françoise Van Bambeke. Binding of temocillin to plasma proteins in-vitro and in-vivo: the importance of plasma protein levels in different populations and of comedications. J Antimicrob Chemother. In press. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkac286.
- Ngougni Pokem P, Capron A, Wallemacq P, Tulkens PM, Van Bambeke F, Laterre PF. Temocillin plasma and pancreatic tissue concentrations in a critically ill patient with septic shock. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2019 May 1;74(5):1459-1461.
- Ngougni Pokem P, Wittebole X, Collienne C, Rodriguez-Villalobos H, Tulkens PM, Elens L, Van Bambeke F, Laterre PF. Population Pharmacokinetics of Temocillin Administered by Continuous Infusion in Patients with Septic Shock Associated with Intra-Abdominal Infection and Ascitic Fluid Effusion. Antibiotics (Basel). 2022 Jul 5;11(7):898. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics11070898.
- Perrin Ngougni P, Xavier Stéphenne, Dimitri Van der Linden, Marie-Laura Godet, Gert-Jan Wijnant, Olga Chatzis, Laurent Houtekie, Astrid Haenecour, Pierre Wallemacq, Paul M. Tulkens, Etienne Sokal, Laure Elens, Françoise Van Bambeke. Population pharmacokinetics and dosing simulation of the β-lactam temocillin in liver transplanted paediatric patients: a prospective, open-label, non-randomized study. Clinical Microbiology and Infection. Submitted, June 2022.
Info: francoise.vanbambeke@uclouvain.be