Monday January 22, 2024 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin
Laudine ACKERMANS – LDRI CLIP - Improving competencies of future health care professionals for deprescribing
Alice BARBÉ – LDRI - PMGK, FACM and MNUT - Impact of antibiotic treatments on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics in renal transplant patients - potential influence of gut microbiota
Laurane BECKERS – IREC FATH - To understand and block the metabolic control responsible for prostate cancer bone metastasis
Ayham CHAMMAS – LDRI CMFA - Towards a Synergistic Multi-allosteric Strategy to Target Lactate Dehydrogenase
Claire CAUWELIER – LDRI MNUT/CER group - Studying the Effect of Hydrolysates containing Bio-active Peptides in Murine Models of Intestinal Inflammation and Obesity