Tuesday August 25, 2020 – 02:00 pm
Auditoire Maisin. Registration is compulsory before Monday 24/08 and the number of places is limited. Registration on: https://doodle.com/poll/w5vk456sb2pm3g7d
Videoconference on Microsoft Teams, link to the meeting: https://urlz.fr/dDQ7
Promotor: Prof. Véronique Préat
Related references: Inhibition of colorectal cancer-associated fibroblasts by lipid nanocapsules loaded with acriflavine or paclitaxel, Thibaut Fourniols, Estelle Bastien, Alizée Canevat, Olivier Feron, Véronique Préat, International journal of Pharmaceutics 584, 119337 (2020)
Info: veronique.preat@uclouvain.be