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OR Seminar - Diego Delle Donne

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22/04/2025    15:00 > "Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: Strategic and operational planning by means of integer programming" 


Diego Delle Donne  (ESSEC Business School) 

will give a presentation on : 

Freight-on-Transit for urban last-mile deliveries: Strategic and operational planning by means of integer programming. 

Abstract : 

We study a delivery strategy for last-mile deliveries in urban areas which combines freight transportation with mass mobility systems with the goal of creating synergies contrasting negative externalities caused by transportation. The idea is to use the residual capacity on public transport means for moving freight within the city. In particular, the system is such that parcels are first transported from origins (central distribution centers) to drop-in stations, which are stop locations on public vehicle itineraries. Then, they are transported on public vehicles to drop-out stations, from where they are delivered to destination by green vehicles (such as bikes, drones, porters, etc.). The system is known as Freight-On-Transit (FOT). In this work, we focus on strategic and operational decisions related to FOT. We propose different formulations for the problems and effective heuristic solution approaches based on column generation techniques. 


   CORE B.-135


  • Tuesday, 22 April 2025, 15h00