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Applied statistics workshop by Christophe Ley

    • 16 Feb
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Christophe Ley, University of Luxembourg

will give a presentation on

Statistically Enhanced Learning for Sports Analytics and Injury Prevention


In this talk, I will describe how one can use probability distributions to model the outcomes of football matches, and how this can be combined with machine learning procedures to predict big tournaments and hereby even outperform bookmakers.
The idea is to enhance machine learning by the creation of information-rich covariates which are statistical estimates. I will further illustrate this approach on handball matches and explain how our approach can serve coaches in their game preparation. I shall conclude with an outlook on how these findings can be translated to sports medicine and, in particular, the estimation of injury risks.



  • Friday, 16 February 2024, 08h00
    Friday, 16 February 2024, 17h00