Applied Statistics Workshop - Christian Ritter, Laura Symul
Friday, 25 October 2024, 08h00Friday, 25 October 2024, 17h00
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Christian Ritter and Laura Symul, UCLouvain
In this seminar, we will discuss how to communicate efficiently about statistics via graphics, tabulation, presentation, and writing.
In the first half, from 14h30 to 15h30, we will focus on visual communication through graphics and tables. We will distinguish between using graphics and tables for ourselves and preparing graphics and tables for others. We will introduce the three laws of communication, show how perception and brain function are related to decoding graphics, tables, and displays, and give guidance for creating efficient and beautiful displays of quantitative information.
In the second half, from 16h to 17h, we will discuss written communication and oral presentations. Here, we will distinguish between communication in scientific and professional contexts. In the scientific context, there are journal articles and conference contributions such as posters and talks. In the professional context, there are technical reports and short presentations to project teams and management. Written and broadcast media are a special case.
Reading materials: