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Workshop on 25 Years of the Statistical Consulting Course at UCLouvain

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25 Years of the Statistical Consulting Course at UCLouvain

Multiple Speakers

There will be several short presentations and an exchange of ideas related to teaching statistical consultancy.

•    16:00: Christian Ritter (UCLouvain) : Greetings and a brief report on a survey among past participants of the statistical consulting course

•    16:15-17h:00: Several short presentations by past participants related to their career and to how a statistical consulting course can help

Teams link for people who would like to join remotely:


  • 17:30 : The session will be followed by a reception for alumni of this course and new participants
    - location : Hall Auditoire BARB 91
  • 19:00 : The alumni dinner will follow 
    - location : TBA - Reservation required
  • Friday, 30 September 2022, 08h00
    Friday, 30 September 2022, 17h00
  • ISBA