Belgian Financial Research Forum 2023
Thursday, 20 April 2023, 08h00Friday, 21 April 2023, 17h00
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The 17th meeting of the Belgian Financial Research Forum (BFRF) will take place at the National Bank of Belgium in Brussels (Belgium) on April 20-21, 2023. This research forum will be jointly
organized by Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universiteit Gent, HEC-Liège, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Louvain School of Management, Universiteit Antwerpen, Universiteit Hasselt, Université Libre de
Bruxelles, Université de Mons, Université de Namur, Université Saint-Louis, Vlerick Business School and the National Bank of Belgium. This forum provides a unique opportunity to discuss ongoing
research in one of the parallel sessions and in a more informal way during the breaks or over lunch.
Research papers from all fields of finance are welcome.
Keynote Speakers
Prof. dr. Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh is the Earle W.Kazis and Benjamin Schore Professor of Real Estate and Professor of Finance at Columbia University's Graduate School of Business, which he joined in July 2018. His research
lies in the intersection of housing, asset pricing, and macroeconomics. He has published in top journals in Finance and Economics, including Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Econometrica, Review of
Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics. He is Editor at the Review of Financial Studies. He is a Faculty Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic
Research and at the Center for European Policy Research.
Prof. dr. Marike Knoef
Marike Knoef is full Professor of Empirical Microeconomics at Leiden University and Director at Netspar (Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement). Her research lies in the fields of pensions, social
security, labor economics and health. Marike is crown member of the Social and Economic Council and likes to bridge the gap between research and practice. She has published in leading journals in Economics,
including Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Human Resources, and Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Full working papers should be sent (in pdf) no later than December 23, 2022 to
Please include the following information in your email when submitting the paper:
• An abstract of the paper, not exceeding 300 words
• The subfield of finance for which you would like to submit among the following list: Asset Pricing/Management; Corporate Finance/Governance; Banking; Microstructure; International
Finance; Financial Econometrics; Macro-Finance; Systemic Risk; Financial Networks, Quantitative Finance, Insurance, Pensions, Stochastic modelling, Sustainable Finance, Climate Finance, Risk
• Contact information (name, affiliation, email) for all authors
Submissions will be carefully examined by a scientific committee of experts. We intend to ask for every presented paper a discussant. A notice of acceptance for presentation will be sent at the latest
by January 30, 2023.
Steven Vanduffel (VUB), Kris Boudt (UGent), Koen Inghelbrecht (UGent), Georges Hübner (ULg), Julien Hambuckers (ULg), Hans Degryse (KU Leuven), Leonardo Iania (UCL), Marc Deloof (UA),
Anneleen Michiels (UHasselt), Kim Oosterlinck (ULB), Laetitia Pozniak (UMons), Jean-Yves Gnabo (UNamur), Anouk Claes (USaint-Louis), David Veredas (Vlerick), Raf Wouters (NBB).