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Proposal and validation of the jury

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When the PhD student has received the writing authorization, he/she (or his/her supervisor) forwards the proposed composition of the jury to the administrative coordinator. This proposal has to be signed by the president of the steering committee (with full details about the external members)

ATTENTION, the PhD students from the local doctoral commission DFAR, have to complete the document "FicheJuyThèseDFAR" and to return it to the PhD administrative coordinator. 

ATTENTION, the PhD students from the local doctoral commission NRSC, have to complete the document "FicheJuyThèseNRSC" , collect the signature of each member of his/her steering committee and then return it to the PhD administrative coordinator. 

The jury is composed of at least 5 members (including the president) who hold a doctorate or are acknowledged as having a high level of expertise in the relevant field of the science. It is chaired by the president of the CA. It must include the thesis supervisor(s) and at least 2 external examiners from outside the UCL, selected for their specific expertise in the subject matter of the thesis being defended. A secretary has to be identified among the jury members.

The appointment of the jury is subject to verification that the candidate is enrolled as a doctoral student and that the tuition fees have been paid.

Upon confirmation, the PhD administrative coordinator produces a document containing the proposed composition and submits it for review to the president of the doctoral commission (CDSS), before sending to the Rector.

Upon receipt of the Rector'agreement on this jury proposal, the PhD administrative coordinator shall send a copy (pdf format) to the president of the jury, to the PhD student and his/her supervisor(s).

After this the PhD student submits the provisional text of his/her thesis to the jury members, who have then 28 days to make comments.

A date of private defense can then also be fixed.