Louvain Global College of Law
Hybrid Warfare: An Interdisciplinary Discussion Considering the Ongoing Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Le CEDIE a le plaisir d’accueillir MAJ. Aaron Johnson, U.S. Army, du lundi 27 mars 2023 au vendredi 31 mars 2023.
MAJ. Aaron Johnson est professeur militaire et directeur associé pour les opérations terrestres au Stockton Center for International Law, U.S. Naval War College.
Il bénéficie d’une très grande expérience de terrain, ayant notamment été déployé en Irak en 2003-2004 (Iraq Survey Group) et en Afghanistan en 2008-2009 (Afghanistan Theater Interrogation Facility).
Présentation du séminaire de recherche
This research seminar on hybrid warfare is designed for professors, researchers, and students with an interest in war and in the law of war. After two short presentations, we will have the opportunity to discuss with our guest speakers and our discussant.
MAJ. Aaron Johnson
Military Professor & Associate Director for Land Operations
U.S. Naval War College, Stockton Center for International Law
Louvain Global College of Law Fellow
Legal Issues in Countering Gray Zone Conflict and Hybrid Warfare
Dr. Murat Caliskan
FNRS Scientific Collaborator, UCLouvain
Faculty of Economic, Social and Political Sciences and Communication
Former military officer in the Turkish Army
Hybrid Warfare Through the Lens of Strategic Theory

Prof. Olivier Corten
University of Brussels (ULB)
Discussant |
Dr. Pauline Lesaffre
Chargée de recherches FNRS, UCL
Moderator |