26 May 2021 (from 13.00 to 18.00)
► REGISTRATION FORM - Free entrance but online registration required. The link giving access to the event will be transmitted by email to the people registered in the days before the conference.
This conference is organised by Elliot Cobbaut and Fotios Bregiannis (UCLouvain) and funded by the Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS).
The internal and external environment at Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) has deeply changed as the result of digitalisation. The importance of information and knowledge becomes greater and the demands for democracy at work shape a reality where information governance and risk management become the center of attention for all implicated parties.
The EU lawmakers have created Directive frameworks imposing obligations to large MNEs regarding their information governance thus contributing to a multifaceted legislative grid.
• The Directive 89/391 on health and safety at work provides for procedures to prevent security risks and health damages at work. In this process, MNEs shall implicate workers and instigate the social dialogue on health and safety issues.
• The Recast Directive 2009/38 on the establishment of European Works Councils obliges MNEs operating in at least two EU countries to create and run a transnational social dialogue forum, where issues concerning the international workforce are discussed.
• The Directive 2014/95 on non-financial information reporting provides for an annual non-information report, in which large MNEs shall present their activity and plans on environmental issues, labour standards adherence and human rights behaviour.
• The Directive 2019/1937, on whistleblowing protection, in force in 2021, leads MNEs to establish channels of communication with workers who disclose breaches of EU law. The goal is to protect the workers denouncing MNE abuses.
This expert meeting will provide the floor for comparative and supplementary study of the four legal instruments, in order to overview their results so far, their future potential and their contribution to a new paradigm of corporate governance. Information circulation and knowledge sharing are the common grounds for all four frameworks, which, despite their divergent backgrounds, touch the aim of a democratic corporate function.
12.30 Opening and welcoming
13.00 Introduction by Auriane Lamine, Professor at UCLouvain
13.20 Introduction of the Sessions by Pierre-Olivier de Broux, Professor at USLB.
First session – The European Works Council Directive 2009/38/EC
13.30 Keynote Speaker Filip Dorssemont, Professor at UCLouvain
13.50 Respondent Bruno Demaitre, EWC Policy Officer at IndustriAll European Trade Union
14.10 Questions and Answers
Second session – The Whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937
14.20 Keynote Speaker Olivier Leclerc, Senior Researcher at the CNRS
14.40 Respondent Elliot Cobbaut, Teaching and researching Assistant at UCLouvain
15.00 Questions and Answers
15h10 Coffee break
Third session – The non-financial disclosure Directive 2014/95
15.20 Keynote Speaker Fotios Bregiannis, PhD researcher at UCLouvain
15.40 Respondent Valeria Pulignano, Professor at KULeuven
16.00 Questions and Answers
Fourth session – The Occupational Safety and Health Directive 89/391
16.10 Keynote Speaker Mélanie Schmitt, Lecturer at Strasbourg University
16.30 Respondent Aude Cefaliello, Researcher at European Trade Union Institute
16.50 Questions and Answers
Conclusions Section
17.00 Intervention by ETUC Representative
17.30 Conclusion by Simon Deakin, Professor at Cambridge University
► REGISTRATION FORM - Free entrance but online registration required.
► Online Conference | The Webinar will be held on MICROSOFT TEAMS. The link giving access to the event will be transmitted by email to the people registered in the days before the conference.
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* For a Webinar, by validating the registration form, the participant gives his consent to display his name and email address in the list of participants viewed on Microsoft Teams
* Please note that the event will be recorded. The participants agree with the recording and the dissemination.
► Accreditation : OBFG | IJE
► Contact | and
This conference is organised by Elliot Cobbaut and Fotios Bregiannis (UCLouvain) and funded by the Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS)