Brussels, Université Saint-Louis
20.06.22 | 9.00 - 18.00
Over the last few years, the “sharing culture” has creatively deconstructed traditional markets and changed the way we travel, commute, consume, interact with other peers. Despite its promises, the so-called sharing economy has also the potential to prompt new forms of discrimination: the architecture choices of online platforms combined with often opaque rating systems powered by algorithms are exacerbating existing biases and creating new forms of inequalities in our society.
The goal of the international workshop is to explore the different dimensions of digital discrimination in the current sharing economy, taking into consideration the discriminatory practices or effects generated by humans as well as by algorithms. The workshop will map out the discriminations existing in the sharing economy, before exploring the harm (or potential benefits) of these forms of discriminations against users (consumers and service providers). Experts will analyse the existing rules and ways to limit the risks and to foster new opportunities of the sharing economy. Stakeholders will then explore new avenues of policy reforms.
Scientific Committee:
- Prof. Anne-Lise Sibony and Prof. Alain Strowel, UCLouvain
- Luc Desaunettes, Post-doctoral researcher, UCLouvain and Pratiksha Ashock, PhD researcher, UCLouvain
Act 1. Personalisation between targeting and discrimination (9.30 am – 12 noon)
What types of discriminations are present on sharing economy platforms?
Chair: Anne-Lise Sibony (UCLouvain)
Presentations and discussion with the panelists:
- Paul Belleflamme (UCLouvain)
- Fabrizio Esposito (NOVA School of Law)
- Ana Maria Corrêa (KULeuven)
- Klaus Wiedemann (MPI for Innovation and Competition)
Open discussion with the audience
Lunch break
Keynote by Prof. Tal Zarsky (University of Haifa) (1.00 pm-1.40 pm)
‘User Discrimination in the Sharing Economy: Initial Thoughts on the Platforms' Obligations and Liability, and Design-based Responses’
Act 2. Description of the law as it stands: what users are protected against (2.00 pm- 4.00 pm)
Chair: Enguerrand Marique (UCLouvain)
Presentations on:
- Data Protection law by Michele Finck (University of Tübingen)
- Consumer law by Bram Devolder (KULeuven)
- Competition law by Klaus Wiedemann (MPI for Innovation and Competition)
- Gender and Racial Discrimination by Ana Maria Corrêa (CiTiP) (KULeuven)
Discussants: Tal Zarsky (University of Haifa); Pratiksha Ashok (UCLouvain)
Coffee break
Act 3. Way(s) forward (4.30 - 6.00 pm)
Chair: Alain Strowel (UCLouvain)
Presentation by:
- Eva De Bleeker (State Secretary for the Budget and Consumer Protection, Deputy Minister of Justice and the North Sea)
- Jan Trzaskowski (Copenhagen Business School), author of ‘Your Privacy Is Important to Us! Restoring Human Dignity in Data-Driven Marketing’
- Siada El Ramly (Director General of DOT Europe) – TBC
Open discussion with the audience
Online registration: click here