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Phenomenology, philosophy of science, and the idea of metaphysics

    • 09 Feb
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La quatrième séance du séminaire "Metametaphysics and the sciences" intitulée "Phenomenology, philosophy of science, and the idea of metaphysics" aura lieu le 09/02/24.


In this talk, I will outline the structural differences existing between the theory of science based on transcendental phenomenology and philosophy of science as a currently practiced institutionalized discipline. I will then argue that these philosophical discourses on science amount to two incompatible philosophical programmes and bring forth opposing views of the nature of philosophy itself. Subsequently, I will formulate the fundamental challenge to the approach of philosophy of science that stems from transcendental phenomenology: namely the former’s inherent objectivism and the resulting inability to address its own domain of investigation. Two phenomenological notions will play a decisive role in this discussion: life-world and transcendental reduction. Finally, I will suggest that this challenge has significant consequences for metaphysics and its relation to the results of empirical sciences. The aim of this reflection will consist in probing the consequences on metaphysics of the current disunity of philosophy and of its fragmentation in a number of specialized disciplines.

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  • Friday, 09 February 2024, 08h00
    Friday, 09 February 2024, 17h00