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Jonas Wood (UAntwerp)
Uptake and effects of formal childcare by migration background: available research for Belgium and avenues for future work

In response to increasing female employment and declining fertility levels, many European governments have introduced and extended family policies geared towards the reconciliation of employment and family formation such as formal childcare and parental leaves. Higher fertility levels and smaller maternal employment gaps in some Northern and Western European countries with extensive work-family reconciliation policies – but also more convincing micro-level evidence – suggest that these policies effectively meet the needs of today’s (dual earner) households. However in the face of increasingly diverse European societies in terms of migration background, our understanding of differential uptake of such policies, and particularly subsequent effects on life course transitions (e.g. continued childbearing) is hitherto lagging. As a result, this presentation will provide an overview of recent research at the Center for Population, Family and Health (University of Antwerp) as well as fruitful avenues for future research. The latter includes preliminary results both using large-scale administrative data and econometric identification strategies, as well as qualitative research methodology.


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  • Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 08h00
    Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 17h00
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