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Marine Quennehen (CIRFASE, UCLouvain)

Becoming a father before the age of 25:
What is the transition to adulthood for men incarcerated working-class men?

Investigating in prison has shown that early fatherhood is not a marginal phenomenon there, as it involves many young men. Half the prisoners interviewed were aged 25 or under when their first child was born. Their trajectories are transgressive in relation to the dominant norms on several levels. They become fathers at an early age, have not gone through the valued phases of access to adulthood (conjugal, residential and professional stabilization) and are incarcerated. Conventional sociological analyses of the passage to adulthood are difficult to apply to marginal or minority populations. These men let events happen - in this case, pregnancies coming to term - without knowing what impact this might have on their future. My contribution will focus on the simple observation of a deviation from social regularities and normative expectations. The aim is to understand how these incarcerated men from the poorest sections of the working classes become fathers, and how these births are integrated into their trajectories.

Language: French (slides in English)

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  • Tuesday, 02 April 2024, 08h00
    Tuesday, 02 April 2024, 17h00
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