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Mobility Day - 7 March 2024

transit |

Do you know the Bike Day? In Louvain-la-Neuve, this day has become the Mobility Day.

The aim is to bring students and staff together in a convivial atmosphere to support sustainable mobility (cycling, walking, public transport, carpooling), whether they are already familiar with it... or not!

The first UCLouvain Mobility Day will take place on March 7, 2024.
Would you like to reduce your car use, but don't dare take the plunge? Do you have questions about subscriptions, cycle routes or carpooling? This is your chance to find out more and try out a different route!

Program: activities combining conviviality, training, discovery and awareness. Mobility Day is organized in parallel with the Cap Transition Festival, which runs from March 5 to 7 on the Grand-Place in Louvain-la-Neuve.

Mobility is a major lever of transition, accounting for 55% of the University's total CO2 emissions. To reduce this figure, we have a shared objective within our community: to increase the use of sustainable modes of transport.

Sign up for activities ! 

(Until March 5)

Way to Louvain-la-Neuve and Welcome


apercu evenement

March 7, 2024 in the morning

GROUP DEPARTURES by bike, on foot or carpooling

On March 7 in the morning, join group departures of staff and students to Louvain-la-Neuve from your town/village. Cycling groups will be accompanied by an experienced cyclist.

Place: Several starting points

Staff member

apercu evenement

08h00 > 09h00

for sustainable mobility users

Welcome of bikers, pedestrians and carpoolers with a vitaminized breakfast

Place : Tent Cap Transition, Grand Place (Louvain-la-Neuve)

Staff member

apercu evenement

08h00 > 10h00


Key players in soft mobility (Pro Vélo, TEC, SNCB, Inforville, etc.) will be present all day to share information and help you make the switch. Thanks to Morning Cycle and Pro Vélo, bikes will be available for a trial.

Interested in trying out the train? The SNCB is offering a free one-month season ticket in March to all UCLouvain staff members for their home-work commute to Louvain-la-Neuve. 

Location: Cap Transition tent, Grand Place (Louvain-la-Neuve)

Place: Tent Cap Transition, Grand Place (Louvain-la-Neuve)

Getting into cycling


apercu evenement

08h00 > 09h00


The Maison du Développement Durable is organizing a bike Market with the help of the Gracq. Take advantage of the opportunity to buy or sell a second-hand bike !
Drop off | Meeting between 8 and 10 a.m. in front of MDD, Place Agora 2, LLN. With the help of the Gracq, a selling price will be recommended based on the general condition of the bike. The bike must be in working order. If the bike is not sold, you can pick it up at 5pm.

Sale | Bikes dropped off in the morning are on sale from 10am to 5pm at the same location. The Gracq will be on hand to advise interested parties.

Place : In front of the Maison du Développement Durable, Place Agora.

apercu evenement

12h00 > 15h00

TEST Go Vélo (Staff members only)

Test out home-to-work cycling with this friendly and rewarding experience offered by Pro Velo, with the support of l'UCLouvain.
As a UCLouvain staff member, you can benefit from a one month test ride on an electric, folding (electric and non-electric) or cargo bike.

Start on March 7 with a handover and coaching!

More information
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12h45 > 13h45

BIKE RIDE with Cyclokot

Cyclokot offers you a 10 to 15 km ride (approx. 1h00) accessible to all, to discover the Louvain-la-Neuve area and its little-known, green and bucolic alternative access routes. You can borrow a bike for the ride.

Place: Meeting point Place Rabelais

Registration :
Staff member



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09h30 > 11h30 & 13h30 > 16h30

Mobility fresk (limited places)

Inspired by the Climate Fresk, the Mobility Fresk is a fun, collaborative workshop designed to raise awareness of the carbon challenges of personal mobility.

Limited access: 12 places / session

Place: Maison du Développement Durable, Place Agora

Registration for staff members :
Via the catalogue

Registration for the students: Students

apercu evenement

10h00 > 13h00

Workshop: Repair your bike with Kot Méca

Kot Méca offers several ongoing mini-training courses to help you learn how to repair your bike: brakes, replacing a tube, patching, checking tire condition, chain adjustment (gears and chainrings).

Place : Tent Cap Transition, Grand Place (Louvain-la-Neuve)

Interested? Let Kot Méca know!
Staff member

apercu evenement

12h30 > 14h00

TRAINING: Revisiting clichés about cycling (for staff only)

Does cycling to work seem like mission impossible? How can you avoid getting to the office soaking wet? What do you do when you have children to drive? Is there a way out if sport isn't your thing?

Tous Vélo-Actifs offers you a training course to answer all your questions, suggest solutions and dismantle clichés about cycling.

Place : SUD 11

Limited places : 40 places

Registering for staff members :
Via the catalogue