Ebooks acquis en 2022
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La BFLT a acquis près de 2350 ebooks en 2022. Vous trouverez la liste complète des titres ci-dessous.
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Au final, des milliers d'ebooks et des centaines de bases de données à votre disposition.
Et la collection ne cesse de s'agrandir : des nouveautés tout au long de l'année !
Laruelle and Non-Photography
Researching and Writing on Contemporary Art and Artists
Bioarchaeological Analyses and Bodies
Digital Geoarchaeology
Reshaping Urban Conservation
The Bioarchaeology of Urbanization
A survey of numismatic research 2014-2020 : volume I & II
A survey of numismatic research 2008-2013
A survey of numismatic research 2002-2007
A survey of numismatic research 1996-2001
A survey of numismatic research 1990-1995
A survey of numismatic research 1985-1990 : volume I
A survey of numismatic research 1978-1984 : volume II : oriental numismatics, medals and scientific techniques
A survey of numismatic research 1972-1977
A survey of numismatic research 1966-1971 : I : ancient numismatics
A survey of numismatic research 1960-1965 : I : ancient numismatics
Managing archaeology in dynamic urban centres
Collecting ancient Europe : national museums and the search for European antiquities in the 19th-early 20th century
Dorestad and its networks : communities, contact and conflict in early medieval Europe
Mégalithismes et monumentalismes funéraires : passé, présent, futur
Le verre de l'Europe celtique : Approches archéométriques, technologiques et sociales d'un artisanat du prestige au second âge du Fer
Seasonal settlement in the medieval and early modern countryside
Farm, hunt, feast, celebrate : animals and society in Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age northern France
Return to the interactive past : the interplay of video Games and histories
Museums, heritage, and digital curation : theory and practice at the Allard Pierson
Barrows at the core of Bronze Age communities : Petersfield Heath excavations 2014-18 in their regional context
The value of a human life : ritual killing and human sacrifice in Antiquity
The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and technology
Sciences de la nature et de la osicété dans une école en mutation
Digital Literacies
Vademecum de thème latin : débutants et confirmés. CPGE, Université, Concours
Creative Writing Practice
International Perspectives on Teaching English in Difficult Circumstances
Curriculum Development in English for Academic Purposes
Effecting Change in English Language Teaching
English for Specific Purposes Instruction and Research
Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching
Blending Technologies in Second Language Classrooms
Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users
Developing Intercultural Language Learning
Children and Adolescents in Times of Crises in Europe
Second Language Acquisition as a Mode-Switching Process
International Perspectives on Teaching the Four Skills in ELT
The Palgrave Handbook of Children's Film and Television
Beyond CLIL : pluriliteracies teaching for deeper learning
Critical reading and writing for postgraduates (4th edition)
A student's introduction to English grammar
L'art de la paix en Europe
La rupture ? La grande guerre, l'Europe et le XXe siècle
Des contextes en histoire
La femme de l'ombre
Germany and the French Wars of Religion, 1560-1572
Women and World War 1 : the written response
The emblem in early modern Europe : contributions to the theory of the emblem
The invention of the emblem book and the transmission of knowledge, ca. 1510-1610
With bodies : narrative theory and embodied cognitio
Postcolonialism and migration in French comics
On slowness : toward an aesthetic of the contemporary
Harmonie et disharmonie dans l'esthétique occidentale et dans l'esthétique chinoise à l'époque de la modernité littéraire
Spreadable media : creating value and meaning in a networked culture
Cruel optimism
Bilingual aesthetics : a new sentimental education
Trauma y memoria cultural : hispanoamérica y Espana
Animal soundscapes in Anglo-Norman texts
World lexicon of grammaticalization
Writers as public intellectuals. Literature, celebrity, democracy
Rethinking cultural transfer and transmission : reflections and new perspectives
Fictions of migration in contemporary Britain and Ireland
Home, memory and belonging in Italian postcolonial literature
Italian science fiction : the other in literature and film
Literature, music and cosmopolitanism : culture as migration
Music and the environment in dystopian narrative : sounding the disaster
Rock and romanticism : post-punk, goth, and metal as dark romanticisms
Words, music, and the popular : global perspectives on intermedial relations
British multicultural literature and superdiversity
Continental tourism, travel writing, and the consumption of culture, 1814-1900
Frontier fictions : settler sagas and postcolonial guilt
Gender, the new woman, and the monster
Hybride Welten : Aspekte der "Nieuwe zakelijkheid" in der niederländischen Literatur
Metzler Lexikon Literatur- und Kulturtheorie : Ansätze, Personen, Grundbegriffe
The life and work of Günter Grass : literature, history, politics
The Literature of place
Textual politics from slavery to postcolonialism : race and identification
Rhetorical affect in early modern writing : renaissance passions reconsidered
Interkulturelle Literatur in Deutschland : ein Handbuch
Reading skin in medieval literature and culture
The lyric subject : a reconceptualization
Literature, pedagogy, and climate change : text models for a transcultural ecology
The experience of poetry : from Homer's listeners to Shakespeare's readers
Ecological poetics; or, Wallace Stevens's birds
Perec, Modiano, Raczymow : La génération d’après et la Mémoire de la shoah
Black comics : politics of race and representation
EC Comics : race, shock, and social protest
Forms of poetic attention
Empire of ruin : black classicism and American imperial culture
The art of love poetry
The rise of the African novel : politics of language, identity, and ownership
Failures of feeling : insensibility and the novel
What it means to write : creativity and metaphor
Dreaming the graphic novel : the novelization of comics
Literature for a changing planet
Affective ecologies : empathy, emotion, and environmental narrative
Les écritures de l'image par Jean-Philippe Toussaint : expérimentation et sémentation au XXIe siècle
Seduced by story : the use and abuse of narrative
Feminine journeys of the Mahabharata
Suppiluliuma et la veuve du pharaon : histoire d'un mariage manqué : essai sur les relations égypto-hittites
Greek myth in Johannes Malalas' account of ancient history before the Trojan War
History and memory in the Abbasid Caliphate : writing the past in Medieval Arabic literature
The Ossetes : modern-day Scythians of the Caucasus
Alexander the Great in the Persian tradition : history, myth and legend in medieval Iran
The Persian Alexander : the first complete English translation of the Iskandarnāma
The beloved in Middle Eastern literatures : the culture of love and languishing
Hafiz and the religion of love in classical Persian poetry
Warfare and poetry in the Middle East
Sanskrit and the British Empire
First steps towards Sanskrit : language, linguistics and culture
A history of civilisation in ancient India : based on Sanscrit literature : volume I
A history of civilisation in ancient India : based on Sanscrit literature : volume II
Extending the scope of corpus-based translation studies
Contesting epistemologies in cognitive translation and interpreting studies
La traductologie de corpus
Researching language and social media : a student guide
Evaluative morphology from a cross-linguistic perspective
Creativity in word formation and word interpreation : creative potential and creative performance
La puntucaión en redes sociales
D'Homère à Erasme : la transmission des classiques grecs et latins
Les manuscrits
The Routledge Guide to Teaching Translation and Interpreting Online
The Routledge Handbook of Audio Description
Translating Change : Enhanced Practical Skills for Translators
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Media
Metacognitive Translator Training : Focus on Personal Resources
The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics
Corpus exploration of lexis and discourse in translation
The Routledge of sign language translation and interpreting
Introducing translation studies : theories and applications
Empirical perspectives on CLIL classroom discourse
Historical and theological lexicon of the Septuagint
Research methods in vocabulary studies
Diplomatic and political interpreting explained
The register-functional approach to grammatical complexity : theoretical foundation, descriptive research findings, application
Cognition and contrast/Kognition und Kontrast. Festschrift for/für Prof. Dr. Sabine De Knop
Shaping writing grades : collocation and writing context effects
Kreativität und Hermeneutik in der Translation
La Grande Grammaire du Français
Wörterbuch für Wirtschaft, Recht und Handel
Wörterbuch Recht, Wirtschaft und Politik
Wörterbuch der Recht- und Wirtschaftssprache
Wörterbuch/Lexikon Wirtschafts- und Steuerrecht
Le fabuleux destin des biens culturels
Female Playwrights and Eighteenth-Century Comedy
Corps béants, corps moercelés : altération et constellation du corps dans les arts scéniques et visuels
Les humanités numériques
Reconstructions 1918-...
Las distancias en el gobierno de los imperios ibéricos
European Cinema in the Twenty-First Century
Modernization of Asian Theatres
Palestinian Theatre in the West Bank
The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Women on Stage
American Dramaturgies for the 21st Century
Bouquet "Que sais-je ?" : 2212 titres dans la collection