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Les nouveautés de la semaine (23-10-2023)

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23 October 2023, modifié le 13 December 2024

A la une : Deliberative constitution-making : opportunities and challenges

Cote : JC 423 D 268518 / Domaine : Sciences politiques

"This book explains deliberative constitution-making with a special focus on the connections between participation, representation and legitimacy and provides a general overview of what the challenges and prospects of deliberative constitution making are today. It seeks to provide a more complete picture of what is at stake as a political trend in various places in the world, both theoretically and empirically grounded. Distinctively, the book studies not only established democracies and well-known cases of deliberative constitution-making but also such practices in authoritarian and less consolidated democratic settings and departs from a traditional institutional perspective to have a special focus on actors, and in particular underrepresented groups. This book is of key interest to scholars and students of deliberative democracy, constitutional politics, democratization and autocratization studies, citizen participation and more broadly to comparative politics, public administration, social policy and law" - Quatrième de couverture



The economic approach : unpublished writings of Gary S. Becker

Cote : HB 171 B 268532

Variegated economies

Cote : HF 1025 P 268527

Technocratisme : les grands corps à la dérive

Cote : HB 87 M 268523

A political economy of behavioural public policy

Cote : HB 74 .P8 O 268520

L'invention de l'économie française

Cote : HB 105 .A2 A 268513



Part-time for all : a care manifesto

Cote : HV 65 N 268531

Getting along : how to work with anyone (even difficult people)

Cote : HD 42 G 268528

Chômeurs, vos papiers ! : Contrôler les chômeurs pour réduire le chômage ?

Cote : HF 5382 .75.F8 V 268524

Manuel du luxe

Cote : HB 841 E 268510



DataPublics : the construction of publics in datafied democracies

Cote : P 96 .P83 D 268530


Sciences humaines

An education in judgment : Hannah Arendt and the humanities

Cote : B 945 .A694 R 268529

Facilitating researchers in insecure zones : towards a more equitable knowledge production

Cote : H 62 F 268526



Éloge du bricolage : souci des choses, soin des vivants et liberté d'agir

Cote : B 831 .3 L 268525

Le marché de la vertu : critique de la consommation éthique

Cote : HB 835 F 268515



Love : histoire d'un sentiment

Cote : BF 575 .L8 R 268522

Advice, social learning and the evolution of conventions

Cote : HM 686 S 268521

I, human : AI, automation, and the quest to reclaim what makes us unique

Cote : CB 478 C 268519

In a human voice

Cote : HQ 1206 G 268517


Sciences politiques

De la géopolitique en Amérique

Cote : JC 319 L 268516

Géopolitique du Japon : l'empire insulaire

Cote : DS 845 P 268514

Les forces armées, gardiennes des institutions et des libertés

Cote : K 4725 F 268509



Développement territorial : repenser les relations villes-campagnes

Cote : HT 391 T 268512



Penser les migrations contemporaines

Cote : HV 6033 P 268511


Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 6 novembre 2023