Nouveautés ebooks - 16 février 2024
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Retrouvez les derniers livres électroniques en sciences et technologies ajoutés au catalogue des Bibliothèques de l'UCLouvain. Pour y accéder à distance, suivez la procédure détaillée ici : Accès à distance
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Earth’s landscape: an encyclopedia of the world’s geographic features.Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2015.This unusual encyclopedia brings together in-depth information on more than 450 natural geographic features from around the world and offers an array of creative tools to promote critical thinking and classroom discussion.With Earth undergoing rapid environmental change, students and the general public alike should be knowledgeable about the world's geographic features. Accéder au livre |
Hydrogéologie,5e édition. S.l.: DUNOD, 2021.L'hydrogéologie est la science de l'eau souterraine. Elle a pour objectif de planifier au mieux l'exploitation des ressources en eau. Elle doit non seulement caractériser des aquifères ou nappes d'eau souterraines, mais surtout, aujourd'hui, protéger et gérer les ressources en eau. L'hydrogéologie permet aussi d'identifier et de prévenir les sinistres lors de grands travaux d'aménagement. Accéder au livre |
D. D. Halsted, S. Clifton, et D. T. Wilson, Library as safe haven: disaster planning, response, and recovery : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians.Chicago: Neal-Schuman, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2014.Libraries have always played a special role in times of disaster by continuing to provide information services. The Stafford Act of 211 designates libraries as among the temporary facilities delivering essential services, so the federal government directive for a Continuity of Operations Plan for all its agencies is a planning imperative for libraries. Accéder au livre |
M. G. Flaherty, K. R. Greene, et M. Runyon, The disaster planning handbook for libraries.Chicago: ALA Editions, 2022.Libraries are in a unique position to aid communities during times of adversity, and this comprehensive handbook's practical tools and expert guidance will help ensure that your library is thoroughly prepared for emergency response and recovery. Your library is a vital information hub and resource provider every single day, and that's doubly true when calamity strikes. Accéder au livre |
E. Dadson, Éd., Emergency planning and response for libraries, archives and museums.London: Facet, 2012.Are you prepared? Whether you work with a special collection in a local archive or museum, in a large national library or managing records for the NHS, an emergency plan is critical to your organisation's future. Dadson draws on a decade of experience and award-winning training in this essential practical toolkit, enabling you to respond quickly and effectively to flood, fire and other emergencies. Expert advice is interwoven with cross-sectoral and international case studies drawn from high profile and smaller and medium sized organisations offering a breadth of relevant experience and advice. Accéder au livre |