Archive des événements passés du site Earth and Life Institute
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Advantages and disadvantages of citizen sciences: feedback from participatory projects in environmental science by Yannick AGNAN23 Jan
The boron biogeochemical cycle: a window on water-rock-plant interactions byPr Damien Lemarchand Université de Strasbourg16 JanThe seminar will be followed by a round table on the study of geochemistry in the soil-plant system. Open to all interested researchers within the ELI institute.En savoir plusThe boron biogeochemical cycle: a window on water-rock-plant interactions byPr Damien Lemarchand Université de Strasbourg16 JanThe seminar will be followed by a round table on the study of geochemistry in the soil-plant system. Open to all interested researchers within the ELI institute.
Multiscale modeling of storm surge events along the Scheldt-North Sea continuum by Riana Randresihaja11 Jan
Evaluation of fungal diversity in the rhizosphere of Alkanna tinctoria and impact of selected fungi on growth and production of secondary metabolites in Alkanna tinctoria and Echium vulgare by Yanyan Zhao11 JanPlants roots are associated with very diverse microbial communities among which endophytic bacteria and fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). These microorganisms play key roles in plant health, development and productivity and may as well influence plant metabolome, thus impacting the production of secondary metabolites (SMs). Alkanna tinctoria L.En savoir plusEvaluation of fungal diversity in the rhizosphere of Alkanna tinctoria and impact of selected fungi on growth and production of secondary metabolites in Alkanna tinctoria and Echium vulgare by Yanyan Zhao11 JanPlants roots are associated with very diverse microbial communities among which endophytic bacteria and fungi and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). These microorganisms play key roles in plant health, development and productivity and may as well influence plant metabolome, thus impacting the production of secondary metabolites (SMs). Alkanna tinctoria L.
Harnessing the immune system of S. thermophilus to counter bacteriophages in the dairy industry by Audrey Leprince (Université Laval, Canada)19 DecBacteriophages (phages) are currently experiencing a renewed interest as antimicrobials, but in the dairy industry they represent a major threat due to their ability to infect and kill lactic acid bacteria (LAB), resulting in poor-quality products.En savoir plusHarnessing the immune system of S. thermophilus to counter bacteriophages in the dairy industry by Audrey Leprince (Université Laval, Canada)19 DecBacteriophages (phages) are currently experiencing a renewed interest as antimicrobials, but in the dairy industry they represent a major threat due to their ability to infect and kill lactic acid bacteria (LAB), resulting in poor-quality products.
The ineqkill project: how have spatial and social inequalities shaped the burden and the spread of infectious diseases accross Belgium from 1950 to 2025 by Valentin and Harmony19 Dec
Host separation syndrome and chemical dependency of ectosymbiotic decapods associated with echinoderms - Syndrome de séparation des hôtes et dépendance chimique des décapodes ectosymbiotiques associés aux échinodermes by Alexia Lourtie14 Dec
Warming and Extreme Climatic Events disrupt the biological cycle: an Ecotron experiment by Philippe Roux12 Dec
Plant Available Water Capacity of soils and its process based determination. byPr Quirijn de JONG van LIERE DVECO/CENA, University of São Paulo, Brazil08 Dec
Tipping points: some key results of the TIPES EU project by Marina Martínez Montero et Victor Couplet05 DecThere is rising concern that several subsystems of the Earth may respond highly nonlinearly at critical future levels of anthropogenic forcing; these levels have recently been associated with tipping points (TPs).En savoir plusTipping points: some key results of the TIPES EU project by Marina Martínez Montero et Victor Couplet05 DecThere is rising concern that several subsystems of the Earth may respond highly nonlinearly at critical future levels of anthropogenic forcing; these levels have recently been associated with tipping points (TPs).