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On the core-mantle coupling of terrestrial planets and moons : effects of boundary layer turbulence and roughness by Sheng-Anh Shih28 OctPrecise measurements of the Earth's rotation have led to estimates of energy dissipation near the core-mantle boundary, revealing a mismatch between the observed and theoretical values. This discrepancy suggests that studying the Earth's rotational motion can offer insights into its internal physical processes.En savoir plusOn the core-mantle coupling of terrestrial planets and moons : effects of boundary layer turbulence and roughness by Sheng-Anh Shih28 OctPrecise measurements of the Earth's rotation have led to estimates of energy dissipation near the core-mantle boundary, revealing a mismatch between the observed and theoretical values. This discrepancy suggests that studying the Earth's rotational motion can offer insights into its internal physical processes.
Insights into the trophic acquisition of bioluminescence by the ophiuroid Amphiura filiformis by Constance Coubris25 Oct
Effect of climate change and silvicultural practices on matter and energy flows in complex forest ecosystems: water in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum by Lisa LAURENT22 Oct
Présentation des équipes ELIV par Hans Van Dyck, Nicolas Schtickzelle, Renate Wesselingh, Thierry Hance, Ruben Evens, François Renoz, Jérôme Mallefet17 Oct
Thawed soil portions during deep winter in permafrost regions: studying talik connectivity with silicon isotopes by Maëlle Villani17 Oct
Towards estimating the biodiversity potential in Europe by Julien Radoux15 Oct
Climate Change and Hominids by Feba Francis15 Oct
Quantifying soil-grapevine hydraulics from plant to field scale by Louis Delval14 OctGrapevine (Vitis vinifera) is the world’s third most valuable horticultural crop. Today, climate change significantly threatens grape productivity, notably due to more frequent and extended drought periods.En savoir plusQuantifying soil-grapevine hydraulics from plant to field scale by Louis Delval14 OctGrapevine (Vitis vinifera) is the world’s third most valuable horticultural crop. Today, climate change significantly threatens grape productivity, notably due to more frequent and extended drought periods.
The wheat microbiome and its associated Pseudomonas by Mathieu Delitte11 OctIn the quest for sustainable agriculture, this thesis examines the role of biological control agents (BCAs), focusing on beneficial Pseudomonas within the cereal phytobiome. Our research began with the isolation and in vitro characterization of various Pseudomonas strains, revealing an unexpected abundance of P. sivasensis across all tested field locations and plant compartments.En savoir plusThe wheat microbiome and its associated Pseudomonas by Mathieu Delitte11 OctIn the quest for sustainable agriculture, this thesis examines the role of biological control agents (BCAs), focusing on beneficial Pseudomonas within the cereal phytobiome. Our research began with the isolation and in vitro characterization of various Pseudomonas strains, revealing an unexpected abundance of P. sivasensis across all tested field locations and plant compartments.
Table ronde Louise Vanneste10 OctTable ronde Louise VANNESTE, artiste en résidence En tant que marraine de l’artiste danseuse Louise VANNESTE, Sophie OPFERGELT (Earth & Life Institute) vous invite à participer à une table ronde sur le thème du travail de recherche sur le terrain en compagnie de 7 danseuses et de volontaires de l’Institut ELI actifs·ves sur le terrain. La finalité de cette rencontreEn savoir plusTable ronde Louise Vanneste10 OctTable ronde Louise VANNESTE, artiste en résidence En tant que marraine de l’artiste danseuse Louise VANNESTE, Sophie OPFERGELT (Earth & Life Institute) vous invite à participer à une table ronde sur le thème du travail de recherche sur le terrain en compagnie de 7 danseuses et de volontaires de l’Institut ELI actifs·ves sur le terrain. La finalité de cette rencontre