Archive des événements passés du site Environmental Sciences
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Public Thesis Defense of Noa LIGOT09 NovCrop vulnerability to tephra fall in volcanic regions: field, experimental and modelling approaches. Approximately 800 million people populate areas within 100 km of a potentially active volcano.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Noa LIGOT09 NovCrop vulnerability to tephra fall in volcanic regions: field, experimental and modelling approaches. Approximately 800 million people populate areas within 100 km of a potentially active volcano.
Public Thesis Defense of Arthur MONHONVAL19 OctInfluence of permafrost thaw on mineral organic carbon interactions Abstract : Climate change and its consequences stand before us as the greatest challenge of our generation. The Arctic is warming at unprecedented rate and permafrost thaw is leading to irreversible changes with a global influence on climate.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Arthur MONHONVAL19 OctInfluence of permafrost thaw on mineral organic carbon interactions Abstract : Climate change and its consequences stand before us as the greatest challenge of our generation. The Arctic is warming at unprecedented rate and permafrost thaw is leading to irreversible changes with a global influence on climate.
Public Thesis Defense of Axelle KOCH12 SepPublic thesis defense of Axelle KOCH On September 12th, 2022 Auditoire sud 03 "Investigating soil - plant water relations : from root segment modeling to field scale experiments" Jury members: Prof. Mathieu JAVAUX (Supervisor) - UCLouvain Prof. Emmanuel HANERT (Président) - UCLouvain Prof.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Axelle KOCH12 SepPublic thesis defense of Axelle KOCH On September 12th, 2022 Auditoire sud 03 "Investigating soil - plant water relations : from root segment modeling to field scale experiments" Jury members: Prof. Mathieu JAVAUX (Supervisor) - UCLouvain Prof. Emmanuel HANERT (Président) - UCLouvain Prof.
Public Thesis Defense of Antoine SAINT-AMAND07 SepPublic thesis defense of Antoine Saint-Amand On September 7th, 2022 Auditoire sud 1 & Online on MS Teams "Bridging the gap between small and large spatial scales in marine dispersal modelling - Applications to coral ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef" Jury members: Prof. Emmanuel Hanert (Supervisor) - UCLouvain, Belgium Prof.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Antoine SAINT-AMAND07 SepPublic thesis defense of Antoine Saint-Amand On September 7th, 2022 Auditoire sud 1 & Online on MS Teams "Bridging the gap between small and large spatial scales in marine dispersal modelling - Applications to coral ecosystems in the Great Barrier Reef" Jury members: Prof. Emmanuel Hanert (Supervisor) - UCLouvain, Belgium Prof.
Public Thesis Defense of Joko SAMPURNO19 AugCombining process-based and data-based approaches to predict high water levels: Application to the city of Pontianak in the Kapuas River delta by Joko SAMPURNO Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique The Kapuas River delta (KRD) is a low-lying marshy delta on the western coast of Borneo Island, Indonesia.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Joko SAMPURNO19 AugCombining process-based and data-based approaches to predict high water levels: Application to the city of Pontianak in the Kapuas River delta by Joko SAMPURNO Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique The Kapuas River delta (KRD) is a low-lying marshy delta on the western coast of Borneo Island, Indonesia.
Public Thesis Defense of Afshin FARHADI06 JulInvitation à la soutenance publique de thèse de Afshin FARHADI Master degree in the field of " Applied Math.-Differential Equations “ pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique “Fractional diffusion models for epidemiological and immunological applications“ qui se déroulera le mercredi 06 juillet à 14h enEn savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Afshin FARHADI06 JulInvitation à la soutenance publique de thèse de Afshin FARHADI Master degree in the field of " Applied Math.-Differential Equations “ pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique “Fractional diffusion models for epidemiological and immunological applications“ qui se déroulera le mercredi 06 juillet à 14h en
Public Thesis Defense of Richard OSEI08 JunELI – Soutenance publique de thèse – M.
de Serres Inauguration18 May“Research and training supporting food security and preserving planetary ressources for all: Some visionary talks in uncertain times” UCLouvain, 18 May 2022 Croix du Sud 2, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Auditoire SUD08 Moderator: Prof. E.En savoir plusde Serres Inauguration18 May“Research and training supporting food security and preserving planetary ressources for all: Some visionary talks in uncertain times” UCLouvain, 18 May 2022 Croix du Sud 2, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Auditoire SUD08 Moderator: Prof. E.
Public Thesis Defense of Elisabeth MAUCLET17 MayInfluence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation by Elisabeth MAUCLET Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique Arctic warming and permafrost loss modify northern ecosystems through soil subsidence, changes in soil hydrology, nutrient availability and vegetation succession.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Elisabeth MAUCLET17 MayInfluence of permafrost degradation on the mineral nutrient cycling by Arctic tundra vegetation by Elisabeth MAUCLET Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique Arctic warming and permafrost loss modify northern ecosystems through soil subsidence, changes in soil hydrology, nutrient availability and vegetation succession.
Public Thesis Defense of Thomas DOBBELAERE25 AprModelling local and regional dispersion of stressors in Florida's Coral Reef by Thomas DOBBELAERE Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Coral populations have declined dramatically worldwide under the combined effects of climate change and local anthropogenic stressors.En savoir plusPublic Thesis Defense of Thomas DOBBELAERE25 AprModelling local and regional dispersion of stressors in Florida's Coral Reef by Thomas DOBBELAERE Pour l’obtention du grade de Docteur en sciences de l’ingénieur et technologie Coral populations have declined dramatically worldwide under the combined effects of climate change and local anthropogenic stressors.