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Inaugural lecture : Gradient-based optimization in CFD (Niels Horstens)25 FebGradient-based optimization is a powerful tool for advancing engineering applications. Its success relies on three key ingredients: accurate simulation models, efficient gradient calculations, and carefully chosen optimization methods. In this seminar, I will demonstrate how I developed fast, physics-based CFD models for nuclear fusion that are now being used for the desigEn savoir plusInaugural lecture : Gradient-based optimization in CFD (Niels Horstens)25 FebGradient-based optimization is a powerful tool for advancing engineering applications. Its success relies on three key ingredients: accurate simulation models, efficient gradient calculations, and carefully chosen optimization methods. In this seminar, I will demonstrate how I developed fast, physics-based CFD models for nuclear fusion that are now being used for the desig
New circular waste-based material for construction applications by Mélanie HORVATH24 FebGiven the environmental challenges related to the construction sector which is one of the most impacting sectors in terms of energy demand, CO2 emissions, natural resources consumption and waste production, a new class of circular waste-based materials for construction applications is developed.En savoir plusNew circular waste-based material for construction applications by Mélanie HORVATH24 FebGiven the environmental challenges related to the construction sector which is one of the most impacting sectors in terms of energy demand, CO2 emissions, natural resources consumption and waste production, a new class of circular waste-based materials for construction applications is developed.
Nano-Geodynamics: Bridging Atomic Scale Mechanisms and Mantle Convection17 JanThe primary geological phenomena that impact our planet's surface are now elucidated in the context of plate tectonics. However, this planetary dynamic is not the norm when we examine the other terrestrial planets in our solar system. It is becoming increasingly evident that this is one of the prerequisites for the emergence of life on a planetary body.En savoir plusNano-Geodynamics: Bridging Atomic Scale Mechanisms and Mantle Convection17 JanThe primary geological phenomena that impact our planet's surface are now elucidated in the context of plate tectonics. However, this planetary dynamic is not the norm when we examine the other terrestrial planets in our solar system. It is becoming increasingly evident that this is one of the prerequisites for the emergence of life on a planetary body.
Large-Eddy Simulation of supersonic ejectors, using a newly developed wall model by Romain DEBROEYER15 JanWall-modeling in LES is of crucial importance to allow scale-resolving simulations of turbulent flows in industrial-scale devices. Numerous models were developed and validated for incompressible flows, including the simple quasi-analytical model based on Reichardt formula to approximate the ``law of the wall’’ (which covers the laminar sublayer, the transition region and the log layer).En savoir plusLarge-Eddy Simulation of supersonic ejectors, using a newly developed wall model by Romain DEBROEYER15 JanWall-modeling in LES is of crucial importance to allow scale-resolving simulations of turbulent flows in industrial-scale devices. Numerous models were developed and validated for incompressible flows, including the simple quasi-analytical model based on Reichardt formula to approximate the ``law of the wall’’ (which covers the laminar sublayer, the transition region and the log layer).
Competition between fracture mechanisms in third generation advanced high strength steel sheets by Thibaut HEREMANS14 JanAu cours des dernières décennies, le développement de tôles d'acier avancé à haute résistance (AAHR), destinées de l'industrie automobile, a permis d'atteindre des niveaux supérieurs de de résistance tout en maintenant une ductilité adéquate, et ce, à faibles coûts de fabrication. Cependant, ces tôles d'aciers ont montré une tendance à basculer du mode de rupture ductile conventionnel, doEn savoir plusCompetition between fracture mechanisms in third generation advanced high strength steel sheets by Thibaut HEREMANS14 JanAu cours des dernières décennies, le développement de tôles d'acier avancé à haute résistance (AAHR), destinées de l'industrie automobile, a permis d'atteindre des niveaux supérieurs de de résistance tout en maintenant une ductilité adéquate, et ce, à faibles coûts de fabrication. Cependant, ces tôles d'aciers ont montré une tendance à basculer du mode de rupture ductile conventionnel, do
Turbulent wake vortices at equilibrium and their interaction with the ground at ReΓ = 2 x 10519 DecA turbulent two-vortex system at equilibrium, that is typical of aircraft wakes in the far field, is first obtained using large eddy simulation and is characterized: circulation distribution of the vortices; energy of the mean and fluctuating fields; energy dissipation rate associated with the turbulent equilibrium. A wall-resolved simulation of that system further interacting with the ground isEn savoir plusTurbulent wake vortices at equilibrium and their interaction with the ground at ReΓ = 2 x 10519 DecA turbulent two-vortex system at equilibrium, that is typical of aircraft wakes in the far field, is first obtained using large eddy simulation and is characterized: circulation distribution of the vortices; energy of the mean and fluctuating fields; energy dissipation rate associated with the turbulent equilibrium. A wall-resolved simulation of that system further interacting with the ground is
Towards a new generation of bionics legs05 DecAdvancements in the mechatronic design of bionic legs are increasingly driven by the need to create systems that seamlessly adapt to the complexities of real-world environments while supporting natural and intuitive interactions with users.En savoir plusTowards a new generation of bionics legs05 DecAdvancements in the mechatronic design of bionic legs are increasingly driven by the need to create systems that seamlessly adapt to the complexities of real-world environments while supporting natural and intuitive interactions with users.
Dimensionality reduction of chemical kinetic mechanisms using data-driven clustering techniques for MILD Combustion by Pietro PAGANI03 DecThe urgent need to transition to cleaner energy sources is highlighted by record-breaking temperatures and increasingly frequent extreme weather. With fossil fuels currently meeting over two-thirds of global energy needs, developing fuel-flexible and environmentally friendly combustion technologies is essential.En savoir plusDimensionality reduction of chemical kinetic mechanisms using data-driven clustering techniques for MILD Combustion by Pietro PAGANI03 DecThe urgent need to transition to cleaner energy sources is highlighted by record-breaking temperatures and increasingly frequent extreme weather. With fossil fuels currently meeting over two-thirds of global energy needs, developing fuel-flexible and environmentally friendly combustion technologies is essential.
Architectured materials obtained through advanced manufacturing02 DecArchitectured materials, as defined by Ashby and Bréchet, are developed through a design process aimed at meeting specific requirements via functionality, behavior, or performance induced by a particular morphological arrangement of multiple phases.En savoir plusArchitectured materials obtained through advanced manufacturing02 DecArchitectured materials, as defined by Ashby and Bréchet, are developed through a design process aimed at meeting specific requirements via functionality, behavior, or performance induced by a particular morphological arrangement of multiple phases.
Combinatorial Techniques for Hexahedral Mesh Generation by Kilian VERHETSEL28 NovHexahedral meshes are used in engineering and computer graphics to describe complex geometric shapes by subdividing them into cube-like cells. Hexahedral meshes are widely considered advantageous over tetrahedral meshes, in terms of efficiency or their ability to align elements to relevant geometric features.En savoir plusCombinatorial Techniques for Hexahedral Mesh Generation by Kilian VERHETSEL28 NovHexahedral meshes are used in engineering and computer graphics to describe complex geometric shapes by subdividing them into cube-like cells. Hexahedral meshes are widely considered advantageous over tetrahedral meshes, in terms of efficiency or their ability to align elements to relevant geometric features.