Archive des événements passés du site Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences
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Statistics Seminar by Hernando Ombao & Philippe Naveau11 Oct11:00 : Hernando Ombao (C.035) 14:30 : Philippe Naveau (C.115) 11:00 : Hernando Ombao (C.035) King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) - Saudi Arabia Invited by Rainer von Sachs Connectivity in a Brain Network: An Overview Abstract: The brain can be considered as a system consisting of nodes at different levels starting from the microscopic to macroscopic: neurons,En savoir plusStatistics Seminar by Hernando Ombao & Philippe Naveau11 Oct11:00 : Hernando Ombao (C.035) 14:30 : Philippe Naveau (C.115) 11:00 : Hernando Ombao (C.035) King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) - Saudi Arabia Invited by Rainer von Sachs Connectivity in a Brain Network: An Overview Abstract: The brain can be considered as a system consisting of nodes at different levels starting from the microscopic to macroscopic: neurons,
Applied Statistics Workshop by J.A. Fernández Pierna04 OctJ.A.
Applied Statistics Workshop by Philippe Hauschamps04 OctPhilippe Hauschamps Institut de Duve, UCLouvain Invited by Laura Symul will give a presentation on : Batch effect detection and visual quality control with CytoMDS, a Bioconductor package for low dimensional representation of distances between cytometry samples Abstract: Quality Control (QC) of samples is an essential preliminary step in cytometry data analysis.En savoir plusApplied Statistics Workshop by Philippe Hauschamps04 OctPhilippe Hauschamps Institut de Duve, UCLouvain Invited by Laura Symul will give a presentation on : Batch effect detection and visual quality control with CytoMDS, a Bioconductor package for low dimensional representation of distances between cytometry samples Abstract: Quality Control (QC) of samples is an essential preliminary step in cytometry data analysis.
YRD : Young Researchers Day | September 20, 202420 SepProgram: 09:00 – 09:05 : Opening Abstracts for YRD September 20, 2024: 09:05 - 09:25 : Anas Mourahib Title: Statistics of Extremes Abstract: On September 7, 2024, a flood tragically claimed the lives of at least 18 people in southern Morocco. To prevent such disasters in the future, we aim to construct a dike that is 1 meter higher than the ``once per 10000 year'' sea level.En savoir plusYRD : Young Researchers Day | September 20, 202420 SepProgram: 09:00 – 09:05 : Opening Abstracts for YRD September 20, 2024: 09:05 - 09:25 : Anas Mourahib Title: Statistics of Extremes Abstract: On September 7, 2024, a flood tragically claimed the lives of at least 18 people in southern Morocco. To prevent such disasters in the future, we aim to construct a dike that is 1 meter higher than the ``once per 10000 year'' sea level.
Statistics Seminar - Didier Schwab12 JulDidier Schwab (Université Grenoble Alpes) invited by Eugen Pircalabelu will give a presentation on : De FlauBERT à Pantagruel : Recherches et Questions sur les Modèles de Langue Écrits, Oraux, Pictographiques et Multimodaux en Français, leur Évaluation et leurs Biais Abstract : Depuis l’apparition des modèles de langues contextuels tels que ELMO (Peters et al., 2018) ou BEn savoir plusStatistics Seminar - Didier Schwab12 JulDidier Schwab (Université Grenoble Alpes) invited by Eugen Pircalabelu will give a presentation on : De FlauBERT à Pantagruel : Recherches et Questions sur les Modèles de Langue Écrits, Oraux, Pictographiques et Multimodaux en Français, leur Évaluation et leurs Biais Abstract : Depuis l’apparition des modèles de langues contextuels tels que ELMO (Peters et al., 2018) ou B
Statistics Seminar - Guy Nason31 MayGuy Nason (Imperial College, London) invited by Rainer von Sachs will give a presentation on : Network Time Series Abstract : A network time series is a multivariate time series where the individual series are known to be linked by some underlying network structure.En savoir plusStatistics Seminar - Guy Nason31 MayGuy Nason (Imperial College, London) invited by Rainer von Sachs will give a presentation on : Network Time Series Abstract : A network time series is a multivariate time series where the individual series are known to be linked by some underlying network structure.
Statistics Seminar - Simone Padoan >>> CANCELLED !!!24 May! ! ! CANCELLED ! ! ! Simone Padoan (Bocconi University) Abstract : ...En savoir plusStatistics Seminar - Simone Padoan >>> CANCELLED !!!24 May! ! ! CANCELLED ! ! ! Simone Padoan (Bocconi University) Abstract : ...
Pensions' Mornings17 MayCycle de séminaires 2024 Programme Inscription Vendredi 17 mai 2024 "DÉPENDANCE/AUTONOMIE: QUELLES COUVERTURES POUR QUELS PILIERS?" - Karel Van den Bosch (Bureau fédéral du Plan) “La protection sociale en matière de soins de longue durée en Belgique” - Sophie Lebichot (Ethias) - Dave Tombeux (Ethias) La présentation aura lieu en français et en anglaisEn savoir plusPensions' Mornings17 MayCycle de séminaires 2024 Programme Inscription Vendredi 17 mai 2024 "DÉPENDANCE/AUTONOMIE: QUELLES COUVERTURES POUR QUELS PILIERS?" - Karel Van den Bosch (Bureau fédéral du Plan) “La protection sociale en matière de soins de longue durée en Belgique” - Sophie Lebichot (Ethias) - Dave Tombeux (Ethias) La présentation aura lieu en français et en anglais
Applied Statistics Workshop - Mathilde Papillon17 MayMathilde Papillon will give a presentation on : Topological Learning Abstract: The natural world is full of complex systems characterized by intricate relations between their components: from social interactions between individuals in a social network to electrostatic interactions between atoms in a protein.En savoir plusApplied Statistics Workshop - Mathilde Papillon17 MayMathilde Papillon will give a presentation on : Topological Learning Abstract: The natural world is full of complex systems characterized by intricate relations between their components: from social interactions between individuals in a social network to electrostatic interactions between atoms in a protein.
Applied Statistics Workshop - Efrat Muller17 MayEfrat Muller will give a presentation on : Integration of Multi-omics Data Abstract: The human gut microbiome, and its metabolic activity in particular, have been implicated in a wide range of disease states, including metabolic disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases, and colorectal cancer.En savoir plusApplied Statistics Workshop - Efrat Muller17 MayEfrat Muller will give a presentation on : Integration of Multi-omics Data Abstract: The human gut microbiome, and its metabolic activity in particular, have been implicated in a wide range of disease states, including metabolic disorders, inflammatory bowel diseases, and colorectal cancer.