Archive des événements passés du site Louvain Drug Research Institute
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Andreas Schinkovitz, PhD, Pharm D, Maître de conférences, HDR - Université d'Angers, UFR Santé26 JunMonday, June 26, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Matrix assisted and matrix free laser desorption ionization as a versatile tool for the characterization of complex mixtures of natural products Andreas Schinkovitz, PhD, Pharm D, Maître de conférences, HDR - Université d'Angers, UFR Santé Related publications: Jaber A, et al.En savoir plusAndreas Schinkovitz, PhD, Pharm D, Maître de conférences, HDR - Université d'Angers, UFR Santé26 JunMonday, June 26, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Matrix assisted and matrix free laser desorption ionization as a versatile tool for the characterization of complex mixtures of natural products Andreas Schinkovitz, PhD, Pharm D, Maître de conférences, HDR - Université d'Angers, UFR Santé Related publications: Jaber A, et al.
Dr. Sandrine Ellero-Simatos - Research Center for Food Toxicology (Toxalim), UMR1331 INRAe, Toulouse University, Toulouse21 JunWednesday, June 21, 2023 – 9am - Auditoire Maisin Sexually-dimorphic role of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) in the gut microbiota-liver cross-talk during non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathogenesis Dr.En savoir plusDr. Sandrine Ellero-Simatos - Research Center for Food Toxicology (Toxalim), UMR1331 INRAe, Toulouse University, Toulouse21 JunWednesday, June 21, 2023 – 9am - Auditoire Maisin Sexually-dimorphic role of the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) in the gut microbiota-liver cross-talk during non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathogenesis Dr.
Prof. Jean-Paul DEHOUX, Président de la Commission d'Ethique relative à l'Expérimentation Animale du Secteur des Sciences de la Santé, UCLouvain19 JunMonday, June 19, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Commission d'éthique relative à l'expérimentation: évaluation des projets et communication au public via les résumés non-techniques et les analyses rétrospectives Prof.En savoir plusProf. Jean-Paul DEHOUX, Président de la Commission d'Ethique relative à l'Expérimentation Animale du Secteur des Sciences de la Santé, UCLouvain19 JunMonday, June 19, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Commission d'éthique relative à l'expérimentation: évaluation des projets et communication au public via les résumés non-techniques et les analyses rétrospectives Prof.
Prof. Catherine LE VISAGE - Research director - French Institute of Health and Medical Research - Inserm - Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton12 JunMonday, June 12, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Forgoing animal experiments: a case study in intervertebral disc regenerative medicine Prof. Catherine LE VISAGE - Research director - French Institute of Health and Medical Research - Inserm - Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton Related publications: B. Le Moal, E. Lepeltier, D. Rouleau, C. Le Visage, J-P Benoit, C. Passirani, J. Guicheux, M.En savoir plusProf. Catherine LE VISAGE - Research director - French Institute of Health and Medical Research - Inserm - Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton12 JunMonday, June 12, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Forgoing animal experiments: a case study in intervertebral disc regenerative medicine Prof. Catherine LE VISAGE - Research director - French Institute of Health and Medical Research - Inserm - Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton Related publications: B. Le Moal, E. Lepeltier, D. Rouleau, C. Le Visage, J-P Benoit, C. Passirani, J. Guicheux, M.
Jorge Luis Galeano Niño, MD, PhD - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA12 JunIREC and LDRI Seminar Monday, June 12, 2023 - 5pm - Auditoire Maisin Effect of the intratumoral microbiota on spatial and cellular heterogeneity in cancer Jorge Luis Galeano Niño, MD, PhD - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA Introduction by Jeroen Raes (KULeuven), Laure Bindels (UCLouvain - LDRI) and Philippe Stevens (UCLouvain - IREC) Related publication: https://www.En savoir plusJorge Luis Galeano Niño, MD, PhD - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA12 JunIREC and LDRI Seminar Monday, June 12, 2023 - 5pm - Auditoire Maisin Effect of the intratumoral microbiota on spatial and cellular heterogeneity in cancer Jorge Luis Galeano Niño, MD, PhD - Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA, USA Introduction by Jeroen Raes (KULeuven), Laure Bindels (UCLouvain - LDRI) and Philippe Stevens (UCLouvain - IREC) Related publication: https://www.
Sing Yian CHEW, Ph.D - School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology - Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine - School of Materials Science and Engineering - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore05 JunMonday, June 5, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire 51E Biomimicking approaches to understand and direct nerve regeneration & remyelination Sing Yian CHEW, Ph.D - School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology | Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine | School of Materials Science and Engineering | Nanyang Technological University N1.2-B2-20 Singapore Abstract: The microenvironment that surroundEn savoir plusSing Yian CHEW, Ph.D - School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology - Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine - School of Materials Science and Engineering - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore05 JunMonday, June 5, 2023 - 1pm - Auditoire 51E Biomimicking approaches to understand and direct nerve regeneration & remyelination Sing Yian CHEW, Ph.D - School of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology | Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine | School of Materials Science and Engineering | Nanyang Technological University N1.2-B2-20 Singapore Abstract: The microenvironment that surround
Prof. Giovanni TRAVERSO, associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the MIT, USA30 MayTuesday, May 30, 2023 - 11am - Auditoire Maisin Advances in the area of Gastrointestinal Delivery Technologies Prof. Giovanni TRAVERSO, associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the MIT, USA Abstract: Medication non-adherence (non-compliance) represents a major barrier to effective clinical care.En savoir plusProf. Giovanni TRAVERSO, associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the MIT, USA30 MayTuesday, May 30, 2023 - 11am - Auditoire Maisin Advances in the area of Gastrointestinal Delivery Technologies Prof. Giovanni TRAVERSO, associate professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the MIT, USA Abstract: Medication non-adherence (non-compliance) represents a major barrier to effective clinical care.
DFAR Seminar - Darius MAZHARI DOROOEE and Jad ATRISSI22 MayMonday May 22, 2023 at 1pm - Auditoire 51E Seminars of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences - Data-Club Darius MAZHARI DOROOEE – LDRI/CMFA - Deciphering the role of ACSL4 in cancer with new chemical tools Jad ATRISSI – LDRI/TFAR FACM - Evolution of intracellular uropathogenic Escherichia coli persisters under antibiotic exposure Info: mireille.alhouayek@uclouvain.En savoir plusDFAR Seminar - Darius MAZHARI DOROOEE and Jad ATRISSI22 MayMonday May 22, 2023 at 1pm - Auditoire 51E Seminars of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences - Data-Club Darius MAZHARI DOROOEE – LDRI/CMFA - Deciphering the role of ACSL4 in cancer with new chemical tools Jad ATRISSI – LDRI/TFAR FACM - Evolution of intracellular uropathogenic Escherichia coli persisters under antibiotic exposure Info: mireille.alhouayek@uclouvain.
Prof. Félix SAUVAGE, Laboratory for General Biochemistry and Physical Pharmacy – Ghent University15 MayMonday, May 15, 2023 at 1pm – Auditoire Maisin Laser-induced nanobubbles for advanced therapies in the eye Prof. Félix SAUVAGE, Laboratory for General Biochemistry and Physical Pharmacy – Ghent University Related publications: Laser-induced nanobubbles safely ablate vitreous opacities in vivo.En savoir plusProf. Félix SAUVAGE, Laboratory for General Biochemistry and Physical Pharmacy – Ghent University15 MayMonday, May 15, 2023 at 1pm – Auditoire Maisin Laser-induced nanobubbles for advanced therapies in the eye Prof. Félix SAUVAGE, Laboratory for General Biochemistry and Physical Pharmacy – Ghent University Related publications: Laser-induced nanobubbles safely ablate vitreous opacities in vivo.
DFAR Seminar - Jingjing YANG and Mohammad WEHBI08 MayMonday May 08, 2023 at 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Seminars of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences - Data-Club Jingjing YANG – LDRI/ADDB - Development of rationally-designed stimuli-responsive nanoparticles for neuroprotective purposes in spinal cord injury repair Mohammad WEHBI – LDRI/REMA - Multi-Harmonics EPR in the characterization of skin melanomaEn savoir plusDFAR Seminar - Jingjing YANG and Mohammad WEHBI08 MayMonday May 08, 2023 at 1pm - Auditoire Maisin Seminars of the doctoral school in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences - Data-Club Jingjing YANG – LDRI/ADDB - Development of rationally-designed stimuli-responsive nanoparticles for neuroprotective purposes in spinal cord injury repair Mohammad WEHBI – LDRI/REMA - Multi-Harmonics EPR in the characterization of skin melanoma