23/05/2023 Circle U. Climate Hub 2nd Happy Hour Event
l4water |

Increasing climate resilience through innovations in the water management
Location: Hybrid format: Virtual (via ZOOM) and University of Belgrade-Faculty of Civil Engineering (Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, Belgrade)
Target Audience: Circle U researchers (PhD students, others, …) interested in climate science and water management.
- Circle U, Climate Hub
Watch the recording
Background of Circle U, Climate Hub, Happy Hour Event (HHE)
The overall objective of the HHE is to strengthen the partnership between Circle U units within the “Climate Change Knowledge Hub”. We believe that this needs a better understanding of the partners’ different thematic research fields and available specific expertise.
The Circle U, Climate Knowledge Hub, Happy Hour Events (HHE) are organized to reach this objective. An HHE is a short scientific event (typically lasting no more than 3 hours), consisting in two keynote lectures (one from the natural sciences and one from the human science domain), followed by a debate, a set of small pitch presentations and a final debate. The HHE is targeted to young researchers and doctoral students of the different partners. The participation in an HHE is certified by the organisers and can be included in the participants’ portfolio of research training.
Scope and objectives of the Circle U knowledge hub second Happy Hour Event
The current projected climate change for western Europe suggests an acceleration of the hydrological cycle, and hence predicts for the coming decades an increase of exceptional meteorological events such as heat waves, droughts, or catastrophic rainfall and flooding events. Such speeding up of the hydrological cycle adds considerable burden on water management. The adaptation of water management to climate change is often considered as a key to face this challenge. Yet, designing climate resilient water management policies and practices should be based on a thorough understanding of the way how climate change impact the hydrosphere at systemic level. In this happy hour, scientific advances supporting climate resilient water management practices will be discussed.
Format of the Happy Hour Event
Two keynote lectures will allow to present specific cases dealing with climate resilience and food security.
A call is made for PhD students and researchers of Circle U to present a pitch presentation of scientific studies related to adaptation of agriculture and food production systems to face the challenges of climate change. Contributions are solicited on the following topics:
- Impact of extreme climatic observations on hydrologic fluxes;
- Assessment of water security in a changing climate at different scales;
- Advances in the design of climate resilient water management systems;
- Use of SMART technology and IoT in the water sector to adapt to droughts and floods;
- Engagement of the civil society and citizens in climate resilient water management adaptation programs
- ….
10h00-10h20 - Mainstreaming the Nature-based Solutions in urban planning and design practice - experiences of CLEVER CITIES partners. Dr Ksenija Lalović, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture
10h20-10h30 - Q&A
10h30-10h50 - Rethinking wastewater can help achieve climate goals. Dr. Branislava Lekic. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering - Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering)
10h50-11h00 - Q&A
11h00-12h00 - An ensemble of PhD pitch presentations (3 min presentation per pitch, 2 min questions – discussion per pitch). To be confirmed after 15/05/22
12h00-12h30 - Panel and final discussion
This project has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme under grant agreement No 101004062