Projets de recherche

Focus sur quelques-uns de nos projets de recherche :

  • Développement de méthodologies pour évaluer le risque de pollution des eaux souterraines à l'échelle régionale. Le but ?  Protéger les ressources en eau potable.
  • Etude des mécanismes et de la régulation du transport d’eau au travers des membranes biologiques. Pour quelle application ? La dialyse péritonéale, un traitement de substitution de la fonction rénale chez les patients en insuffisance rénale terminale.
  • Land Rush to Water Rush: Développement d’une approche participative pour une gestion intégrée des ressources en eau dans la région de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs. Comment ? Par l’élaboration d’un jeu de simulation basé sur une recherche-action autour de l’accès à l’eau.

Focus sur quelques projets des chercheurs et chercheuses Louvain4Water

Hydromax : Application for river flow forecasting

Summary Hydromax is the river flow forecasting application for the early warning of extreme hydrological events (floods as well as low waters) in the Meuse river basin and its tributaries...

Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data

Advancing urban metabolism studies through GIS data: resource flows, open space networks, and vulnerable communities in Mexico City. Short Project description Urban metabolism studies...

Advancing the Urban Metabolism agenda across disciplines

Advancing the Urban Metabolism agenda across disciplines: An Integrated Framework for understanding the contribution of Ecosystem Services to Urban Metabolism assessments Short Project...

Conflits environnementaux et reterritorialisation.

Conflits environnementaux et reterritorialisation. Vers une political ecology de la modernisation minière en RDC Description La contradiction entre le discours de lutte contre la pauvreté...

ELOBI Les bas-fonds de Yaoundé

ELOBI Les bas-fonds de Yaoundé Project description Les quartiers informels des 'bas-fonds' de Yaoundé, Cameroun concentrent les populations socialement les plus précaires dans des conditions...

Drone-based photogrammetry for easy and fast topography...

Drone-based photogrammetry for easy and fast topography measurements Short Project description This project aims at the development drone-based photogrammetry using low-cost devices. In the...

Discharge measurements in rivers

Discharge measurements in rivers Short Project description This project aims at the development of an application to measure discharges in rivers based on surface-velocity measurements by...


Wascot Project description This project investigates how urban wastewater and stormwater drainage services can undergo a fundamental transition over time, responding to the urgent need for a...

Green with Grey

Green with Grey Project description Flanders is one of the best-known productive regions of Europe. Concentrating the majority of the Belgian industry and workforce, the Region features a...

The Language of Water

The Language of Water Project description This research is the output of a mission for the department Omgeving of the Flamish Governement which seeked for unfolding a methodology for...

Luxembourg in Transition

Mission expertise vision 'Luxembourg in Transition' Project description This project, launched by Department of Spatial Planning of the Ministry of Energy and Spatial Planning, worked...

Socio-ecological margins, territorial marginalisation...

Socio-ecological margins, territorial marginalisation and place-based practices in squatted water-reserves. PhD thesis Project description This research studies marginalized communities...

Living valleys in Brussels’ XX century belt

Living valleys in Brussels’ XX century belt Project description This project is part of a wider research, LaboXX+I, focused on the belt built during the 20th century around Brussels. The...

Spatializing runoff water across Belgian territories

Spatializing runoff water across Belgian territories Project description This research spatialises the spaces of runoff water on the public domain in the Belgian territory. More precisely it...

Summer School 2.1 ‘Un Espace Bleu en transition’

Summer School 2.1 ‘Un Espace Bleu en transition’ Short Project description The Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai chose water as the backbone for a regional joint project, the Blue Space....

Water Territories. Design studio.

Water Territories. Design studio. Short Project description This design studio focuses on the eastern territory of the second ring of the Brussels region, on the border with the Flemish...

Community-based hydrological alliances in (informal)...

PhD Thesis: Community-based hydrological alliances in (informal) Kinshasa. Short Project description This research aims at mapping water geographies in the context of an African megacity, to...

Informal Water systems

Informality in Urban Water Systems: Affordability, Energy-Water Nexus and Social Network Aspects in Beirut, Lebanon. Short Project description When communities face water shortages, they...


SEALAB Short Project description SEALAB is an online solution for hydrodynamic modeling in coastal areas. We provide cloud-based ocean modeling and monitoring solutions for your specific...


Appui technique et scientifique pour la valorisation et la gestion intégrée et durable des eaux dans les BAs-FONds au BÉnin pour l’irrigation: BAFONBÉ Short Project description L’objectif...


GIRE-SAVA RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITES EN GESTION INTEGREE DES RESSOURCES EN EAU DE LA REGION SAVA Project description La région SAVA dans le Nord-Est de Madagascar, est exposée aux risques...


SMART-Medjerda : Renforcement des capacités en surveillance pour une gestion intelligente des ressources en eau de la Medjerda Short Project description Le projet vise à augmenter la...

Water Nexus Belgium

Voir la vidéo Short Project description Water Nexus was a policy support research project conducted between January 2019 and December 2020. The overall goal of the project was to support the...