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euro | Louvain-la-Neuve


Publications for a wider audience

Wim Weymans, Sophie Kaisin and Bernard Snoy (eds.), European values at the heart of contradictory emotions. Interdisciplinary perspectives (Louvain-la-Neuve 2021).

Wim Weymans, Sophie Kaisin et Bernard Snoy (dir.), L’Europe et ses valeurs au cœur d’émotions contradictoires. Perspectives interdisciplinaires (Louvain-la-Neuve 2021).

‘L’Europe et ses valeurs au cœur d’émotions contradictoires’ in La lettre, 55 (April 2020) 8.

‘Chaire en Valeurs européennes. Les nouveautés de la Chaire’ in La lettre, 51 (April 2019) 5.

Wim Weymans, ‘De symbolische dimensie van de democratie: Lefort versus Arendt en Marx’ in Filosofie-Tijdschrift, 28, 4 (2018) 16-23.

Wim Weymans, ‘Vluchtelingen: geweld, gevoel en recht’ in Lode Lauwaert (ed.), Filosofie van geweld (Antwerp: Polis 2017) 131-157.


Scholarly publications

Wim Weymans, ‘A critical history of the use of “European values”’, in: Regina Polak and Patrick Rohs (eds.), Values – Politics – Religion: The European Values Study. In-depth Analysis – Interdisciplinary Perspectives – Future Prospects (Cham: Springer 2022).

Wim Weymans, ‘Deepening Democracy Through Contestation? Lefort and Gauchet on May 1968 and its Legacy’ in The Tocqueville Review/La revue Tocqueville, 41, 1 (2020) 121-139.

Wim Weymans, ‘From Marianne to Louise: Three ways of Representing the (European) People in Democratic Societies’, in Anna Schober (ed.), Popularization and Populism in the Visual Arts: Attraction Images (London – New York: Routledge 2019).

Wim Weymans, ‘On the critical potential of Rosanvallon’s wide definition of democracy’, in Oliver Flügel, Steven Sawyer a.o. (eds.), Pierre Rosanvallon's Political Thought. Interdisciplinary Approaches (Bielefeld University Press 2019) 99-118.


Book for a wider audience

Wim Weymans, Recht en samenleving anders bekeken. Filosofische perspectieven (Leuven – Den Haag: Acco 2017) 215 pages.




Press interventions and interviews

Luuk van Middelaar, 'Three things the EU must do to survive’, The Guardian, 25 March 2017.

 ‘"L’Europe doit apprendre à improviser, protéger et contester"’, [interview with Luuk van Middelaar], Jurek Kuczkiewicz, Le Soir, 24 March 2017.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘L’Europe doit amorcer une triple conversion’, Le Monde, 20 March 2017. (PDF ci-joint)

Luuk van Middelaar publishes a weekly column on European affairs in Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad published two-weekly in Flemish newspaper De Tijd.

‘“Die EU muss den Aufstand ernst nehmen”’ [interview with Luuk van Middelaar], Peter Riesbeck, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 4 December 2016.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Europa na Amerika's exit’, De Tijd, 12 November 2016.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Na Brexit en Trump geen masochisme graag’, NRC Handelsblad, 11 November 2016.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Europas neue Kraft’, Die Zeit, 5 November 2016.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Protect and survive’, Europe's World, 19 October 2016.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Een vluchteling is geen kabeljauw’, De Groene Amsterdammer, 28 September 2016.

‘Référendum néerlandais: “Les partisans du ‘Non’ mobilisent mieux l’émotion politique”’ [interview with Luuk van Middelaar], Sabine Verhest, La Libre, 13 April 2016.

‘"Le contrôle des frontières est la condition de l’hospitalité"’ [interview with Luuk van Middelaar], Gérard Papy, Le Vif/L’Express, 23 October 2015.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Welt, Macht, Europa’, Die Zeit, 27 May 2015.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Comment l’Europe peut s’affirmer sur la scène internationale’, Le Monde, 12 June 2015.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Oui, l’Europe est politique’, Le Monde, 23 May 2014.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Mehr als Geld und gute Worte’, Die Zeit, 8 May 2014.


Academic articles

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Wanted: Event Managers’, Berlin Policy Journal, November-December 2016.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘The Return of Politics. The European Union after the Crises in the eurozone and Ukraine’, Journal of Common Market Studies, May 2016, vol. 54, n° 3, pp. 495-507.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Taking Decisions or Setting Norms? EU Presidencies between Executive and Legislative Power in a Crisis-Driven Union’, in Bernard Steunenberg, Wim Voermans and Stefaan Van den Bogaert (eds.), Fit for the Future. Reflections from Leiden on the Functioning of the EU, Eleven International Publishing: The Hague, 2016, pp. 11-28.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘Besluiten nemen of normen stellen. De EU-voorzitterschappen tussen uitvoerende macht en wetgevende macht in een door crises belaagde Unie ’, Nederlands Juristenblad, 2016 (1), pp. 16-27.

Luuk van Middelaar, ‘France-Allemagne: Une incompréhension permanente’, Le Débat, Nov.-Dec. 2015, vol. 5, n° 187, pp. 4-20.



Luuk van Middelaar, De nieuwe politiek van Europa, Historische Uitgeverij: Groningen, 2017, 372 pages.

Luuk van Middelaar and Philippe Van Parijs (eds.), After the Storm. How to save Democracy in Europe, Lannoo: Tielt, 2016, 264 pages.

Luuk van Middelaar and Philippe Van Parijs (eds.), Na de Storm. Hoe we de democratie in Europa kunnen redden, Lannoo: Tielt, 2015, 280 pages.

Luuk van Middelaar, The Passage to Europe. How a Continent Became a Union, Yale University Press: London and New Haven, 2013 (paperback 2014), 372 pages.