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Riccardo Turati - Migration, Culture and Politics

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Le Recteur de l'Université catholique de Louvain fait savoir que

Mr Riccardo TURATI

soutiendra publiquement sa dissertation pour l'obtention du titre de Docteur en sciences économiques et de gestion

« Migration, Culture and Politics ».


This thesis investigates the role of international migration on individuals and societies, through its effects on population diversity, on natives' voting preferences and on individual cultural traits and beliefs. The first two chapters explores the effect of immigration-driven diversity on US states and countries economic performance. They show a positive effect on the economy, by increasing the skill and knowledge set of a countries or states. Diversity can enhance economic growth and countries economic complexity when potential complementarities between skills are available. The third and fourth chapters investigate the impact of immigration on Europeans’ voting preferences over the 2007-2016. The education-specific effects are highlighted, both on immigrants and voters sides. The presence of highly educated immigrants has pushed European voters towards less nationalistic and more redistributive parties, while lowly educated immigration has the opposite effect. Moreover, we show that the presence of immigrants only influences lowly educated natives voting behavior. The fifth and sixth chapters shed new light on the relation between culture and international migration. First, MENA emigrants are culturally selected: less religious and more gender-egalitarian individuals are more prone to move towards OECD destination countries. Then, I show that having a reliable connection abroad makes natives culturally different. By moving from their origin countries and interacting with their peers at home, migrants influence cultural traits both in the origin and destination countries.

Membres du jury

Professeur Frédéric Docquier (UCL), promoteur et secrétaire
Professeur William Pariente (UCL)
Professeur Giovanni Peri (University of California, Davis)
Professeur Hillel Rapoport (Paris School of Economics)
Professeur Fabio Mariani, président du jury

  • Mardi, 07 janvier 2020, 08h00
    Mardi, 07 janvier 2020, 17h00